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Birthing with her Birthing Silk

This is a short scarf story that was shared with me that I wanted to pass along to you all about a 5mm semicircle Birthing {babies} silk 🙂

A pregnant woman came to me and wanted to order a scarf to have with her during the birth of her daughter.  Immediately, the Father brought to mind the Birthing {babies} silk. I second guessed Him at first because I’d always thought of it as being for people wanting to conceive and she was very much already with child! He reminded me ALL children are miracles from Him and so I obeyed. Continue reading Birthing with her Birthing Silk

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Staking Their City

This is a fun story about a prayer journey a group of kids went on equipped with a single M (35″ petite) quill for each of them!  We hear the story shared by one of the parents (and a quick not from her son) and the gift giver (and youth leader).  Lots of pictures to enjoy – you can feel the Father smiling at His children! Continue reading Staking Their City

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Swing Flag Giveaway Announcement

We have a winner for our Swing Flag Giveaway!  Just so you know, we plan to continue doing periodic giveaways to our subscribers – so don’t unsubscribe if you didn’t win this time!

That’s right we’re doing giveaways to our subscribers as well as for those who leave comments!!! Continue reading Swing Flag Giveaway Announcement

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Beyond Expectations Giveaway Gift

Here’s a story from our recent giveaway winner – who won not just a 5mm semicircle, but a Dyed4you Art Dance With Me printcard too for her comments on both the Dyed4you Blog and the Dyed4you Art one 🙂 Continue reading Beyond Expectations Giveaway Gift

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Worship Symposium

Our friend Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners (who quills our quill flags) went to a Worship Symposium (in Pasadena, CA) last month and brought some Dyed4you quills with her – you can spot several in the group video of the balcony! She said there was a POWERFUL presence of the Lord on the night the video below was shot. Continue reading Worship Symposium

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Music in the Park

Great picture of some students with a couple pairs of Dyed4you M (35″ Petite) quills and a pair of streamers that were not from Dyed4you.  You heard the teacher’s testimony of her Bold Passion quills, now you get to hear about them in use with the kids 🙂 Continue reading Music in the Park

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4 y-o Spontaneous Worship for Jesus

Prepare yourself for a LOT of cuteness here!  This is a pair of MW quills (medium wing quills) called Passion for His Glory – you may have seen my demo a few days ago.

Here we have several videos, the first is 4 year old Maddy singing a spontaneous worship song to Jesus, then Mom (Amanda) using her wings, and finally Maddy singing a song to me (Meghan)… let’s just say she is a BIG fan of Dyed4you! LOL 🙂 Continue reading 4 y-o Spontaneous Worship for Jesus

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God Answering Her Questions

Recently, I had someone order a scarf for someone who is Russian and speaks no English. I have a Facebook friend who is Russian – someone I had never met before, but was acquainted with through mutual friends because she is part of our online church family – and so I contacted her and asked if she would translate for me, which she was happy to do. As a thank you, Father instructed me to send her a silk of her own 🙂

Continue reading God Answering Her Questions

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Who Will You Worship

I want to touch briefly on the topic of worship and praise.  Because this is the heart behind D4Y and you are all a part of D4Y I feel like it is VITAL that we are mindful of where we are giving our praise.  This is a repost from my personal blog.  I hope it blesses you. If you want to see more from the personal blog, I post on Dyed4you Ministries FB page when I post new ones – so feel free to like the page and set it to show in your news feed 🙂 Continue reading Who Will You Worship

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Passion for His Glory Wings

A stunning pair of MW quills (medium wing – aka standard – quills) called Passion for His Glory.  When I first “saw” the purple and orange in my head I thought it would be horrible – LOL!  Boy was I wrong!!!

Then He confirmed it when I discovered my Prophetic Team Lead had seen the same thing in a dream! God is so good 🙂 Continue reading Passion for His Glory Wings

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Restoring Her Heart & Dance

Lovely testimony on a single swing flag in the Preparing for the Bridegroom design. You saw a pair of these before.

One of the things I love about this testimony is that it touches on a principle I’ve mentioned before, which is that the silk letters are a jumping off point – they’re the beginning of a conversation with the Father, not a conversation in its entirety 🙂 Continue reading Restoring Her Heart & Dance

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His Heart in Battle during Worship

This is a beautiful pair of 45″ (XL) quills called His Heart in Battle. You’ve seen this style before in swing flags a couple times.  The top clip is from church this evening (PFT) and the bottom is a demo so you can see the colors well. 🙂 Continue reading His Heart in Battle during Worship

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How-To Make a D4Y Throw

I know many of you would love to have a Dyed4you Throw but simply can’t afford to get one. So for those of you who sew, I wanted to put together a quick how-to for the Fur and the Furry Mink Fleece throws.  This means you can just special order the silk charmeuse (which comes with a word) for one side and then you can sew it yourself! Continue reading How-To Make a D4Y Throw