This is almost too much cuteness to stand (and thank you to K-LA Photography for the beautiful pictures)!!! This 21×21 scarf was purchased for a then yet-to-be-born little sweetheart. She plans to frame the letter in the baby’s room 🙂 Continue reading Baby Bursting Forth
Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
Judgment Quills
These are a pair of special order 8mm weight 45″ quill flags called Judgment. Behind them you can also see a pair of 35″ Petite quills in use and you’ll see a variety of Dyed4you flags (and others) march by on the left too 🙂 Continue reading Judgment Quills
Transformed Quills
You have already seen a couple demos of this pair of 45″ round quills called Transformed, but these are in use by the recipient and her friend so I couldn’t resist sharing these as well!
It was fun getting to see Joshua (who we usually see with swing flags) using the quills – his passion is apparent with both 🙂 Continue reading Transformed Quills
Powerful Flag Ministry
You all may remember this anointed young man from his last video and testimony about these swing flags. He’s shared another powerful ministry moment with us I know you’ll enjoy! Continue reading Powerful Flag Ministry
My Voi
I just made myself a pair of 35×84 voi – the word is still being birthed but I do love them! Their color inspiration came from Passion Fire only plum has been added… eager to hear what Holy Spirit downloads on them 🙂 Continue reading My Voi
God’s Amazing Timing
All scarf stories are fun for me, but it never ceases to amaze me how He works through the Dyed4you Blog Giveaways. This was one of the first giveaways where He told me to find the winner among the previous comments – which makes it extra fun because anytime someone leaves a comment it means they could win at some random future point too! Continue reading God’s Amazing Timing
Preparing for the Bridegroom swing flags
This pair of splash-pattern swing flags is called Preparing for the Bridegroom. You’ve seen this style as a scarf and also in quills as well 🙂 Continue reading Preparing for the Bridegroom swing flags
Tearing Down Walls & Reconciliation
This is two different pairs of swing flags: one large pair called Tearing Down Walls and one regular pair called Reconciliation. Used together they are powerful! I have videos of each pair and one of each below 🙂 Continue reading Tearing Down Walls & Reconciliation
Deep Calls Unto Deep
This beautiful pair of 45″ round quill flags is called Deep Calls Unto Deep.
The music is Misty Edwards live from Kansas City IHOP. Continue reading Deep Calls Unto Deep
Small Wings (with blooper)
These are a special order size of small quill wings called The Voice. Unlike the current quill flags and wings, these have a serged edge instead of a hand-rolled, hand-sewn edge; however, since these are used in worship and not worn it doesn’t make a difference because when it’s in motion you can’t tell anyhow 🙂 Continue reading Small Wings (with blooper)
Pair of Voi
This beautiful pair of 35×84 voi still have the word being birthed so I don’t know the name yet, but wanted to share them anyhow because they are beautiful in action 🙂 Continue reading Pair of Voi
Word-for-Word Matching Word
This video is a pair of swing flags called His Heart in Battle (which you’ve seen before). So clear to see the anointing on this young man’s life to worship with flags! I know you guys will be blessed 🙂 Continue reading Word-for-Word Matching Word
Homemade Swing Flags
This is a fun video – it has no Dyed4you silk in it, but the swing flags on the stage area were created based on our how-to make swing flags post! Since I was blessed by the anointing on this dance, I thought you would be too 🙂 Continue reading Homemade Swing Flags
Prepare the Way of the LORD
While Allissa was here I asked her to demo this beautiful pair of swing flags called Prepare the Way of the LORD. This is a new style – the Father birthed a good portion of the word through the customer! All about water and fire – so excited to hear the testimony! Continue reading Prepare the Way of the LORD
Wings of Refuge swing flags
While Allissa was visiting we took some time to shoot a bunch of video of her with all her new swing flags. If you’re wondering how she has so many, it’s because she special orders Dyed4you dyed yardage and then sews them herself 🙂 Continue reading Wings of Refuge swing flags
Introducing Large Swing Flags
I know I’ve given you a couple sneak peeks of the large swing flags (Breaking the Barrier and Beauty for Ashes), but now I am officially announcing these beautiful worship tools! Continue reading Introducing Large Swing Flags
Add a Card
We’ve just officially added the ability to add a personalized notecard on a 4×5.5″ Dyed4you Art card to any silk order! We’ll actually hand-write your note onto the card (150 characters or less please!) – this is a great way to be sure the person receiving your gift knows who it is from! Continue reading Add a Card
Allissa with Cry of Freedom
You’ve seen another pair of the Cry of Freedom swing flags, this pair is Allissa’s that she sewed herself from some special order Dyed4you yardage 🙂
The music is from Ariel Henry – it’s a great album 😉 Continue reading Allissa with Cry of Freedom
Taking the Nations swing flags
This is a pair of swing flags called Taking the Nations. It’s going to a couple of friends who are dividing the pair 🙂
One of the friends is a missionary – let’s lift her in prayer as well as the intercession of BOTH of them as they war with these silks! Continue reading Taking the Nations swing flags
Shavuot Services at PFT
In honor of Shavuot (Pentecost), my church (Passion for Truth) had a Shabbat meal and worship service on Friday followed by our normal weekly service Saturday that was focused on celebrating the last spring feast. I confess it made my heart smile to see how many Dyed4you silks were being WORN in addition to be used in worship! Continue reading Shavuot Services at PFT