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Dwelling in His Beauty Beaded Veil

I realized I don’t think I’ve done video with a beaded veil before! As I mentioned in my previous post, you’ve seen this Dwelling in His beauty style in many different renditions before and each more beautiful than the last 🙂

As I mention in the video, it’s not how lovely the veils look that make them amazing, it’s the way you feel when you are under one… those who have them will understand what I mean! Continue reading Dwelling in His Beauty Beaded Veil

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Dwelling in His Beauty Voi

You’ve seen this beautiful Dwelling in His Beauty style in swing flags by both Allissa and myself, as a scarf, and as a wing (and tomorrow you’ll see it as a beaded veil… but I digress) 😉

These are 35×84 with a pair of voi weights. No matter what I’m making in this style, I always seem to love it! Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading Dwelling in His Beauty Voi

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Wrecked by His Love

You’ve seen this beautiful pair of 45″ quill flags before when my sister demo’d them. Now you get to read the wonderful scarf story and see the recipient worship with them herself 🙂

She also shares this story on her blog if you want to visit there too! Continue reading Wrecked by His Love

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Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

You’ve seen the Unabashed Praise swing flags before, but I made some again when Father put it on my heart for this lady to have one when she ordered a single swing flag. And He totally blessed her through it 🙂 Continue reading Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

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Alan with 45″ Rohi Quills

When Alan came to visit last month, we shot some pictures for future D4Y Art (which I’m still editing since there were over 2000 to go through) and we took a couple videos too 🙂

Here he is with a pair of 45″ quill flags. You’ve seen these before in the 35″ Petite size quills and also an altered (dowel) wing. Continue reading Alan with 45″ Rohi Quills

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Healing Flow swing flags

You’ve seen a pair of swing flags like this before, this is the swing flag pattern of Healing Flow (which you’ve seen as a scarf for a prayer team, giveaway scarf, multi-use wing, and quills), but this time I was led to add a bit of white to it and they look amazing in motion! Continue reading Healing Flow swing flags

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Come to Me XLR Quills

The XLR (45″ round) quill flags are so beautiful and wing-like and very easy to use and light in weight. This pair my sister is using is called Come to Me. Even young children do pretty well negotiating these big flags! Ever notice kids ALWAYS seem to want flags that are waaaaaaay too big for them? LOL! Continue reading Come to Me XLR Quills

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Zealous for God 35″ Petite Quills

Here Leslie (my sister) is worshiping with a pair of 35″ Petite quill flags called Zealous for God. It was fun watching her find different things she liked about each size flag. She enjoyed the fact that with the petites the size makes you not have to think about them much, you can just dance.  Continue reading Zealous for God 35″ Petite Quills

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Bold Passion Streamer Poi

This is another pair of the special order Streamer Poi. These come in pairs and in price they run about the same as a pair of voi weights and two 35×84 silks (a standard voi set). For those who like bloopers, I intentionally left it unedited so you can see me hit myself 3 times – you can see I don’t flinch at all because they didn’t hurt 🙂  Continue reading Bold Passion Streamer Poi

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Bursting Forth

My sister was visiting me when a BIG box of Dyed4you quills arrived from back Nickol at Prophetic Worship Banners who constructs the quill in the quill flags. Being a fellow worshiper, I handed her a set of quills to demo them for me – this was her first time using quills and I have it all on video (there’s a bunch more videos coming!). Continue reading Bursting Forth