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Blessing in the Valley swing flag pair

The much awaited green/purple/gold swing flags pair video!  These look great in motion (if I do say so myself) and I am shocked at how well I like the colors together! When the customer shared Father’s color download with me I admit I cringed… these are a great reminder He is smarter than I am 😉 Continue reading Blessing in the Valley swing flag pair

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Streamer Poi (Voi)

Most of the time when I come up with a new product it’s one of YOU who thinks of it and I just design it. These special order streamer poi are no exception!

They’re similar to our voi, but the silks are long and narrow like a streamer. The weights are lighter than voi which makes them light and easy to use (and also less of a problem when they hit you! LOL). Continue reading Streamer Poi (Voi)

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Restoration Ministry

In this silk ministry I’m using a pair of Isaiah 54 swing flags. The focus of the intercession is to battle hopelessness, depression, and woundings from the enemy; bringing restoration, healing, hope, joy and to usher in the fulfillment of God’s promises (exactly the focus of the call Father confirmed through this style silk to another woman in the D4Y Community). Continue reading Restoration Ministry

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R3 Recovery Ranch Confirmation

I wanted to share this story because in a little bit I’ll be posting a video of me ministering with swing flags in this Isaiah 54 style. 🙂

This scarf story is from a woman who was given an Isaiah 54 silk as a gift from several friends.  I’ll let you hear it from her: Continue reading R3 Recovery Ranch Confirmation

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Pressing in with Space to do it

Anyone who flags knows nothing is quite so lovely as wide open spaces where you can let loose without any concerns about whacking someone (or something)!  You’ve seen Shannon with her Gaze Upon His Face voi before, and she shared her scarf story earlier too. In this video, she is just worshiping her heart out with space to do so 🙂 Continue reading Pressing in with Space to do it

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Young Ladies with 35″ Petite Quill Flags

Both these videos are young ladies (about 9 and 11) worshiping with a 35″ Petite Quill Flags called Joyful Praise (Yes I bring these flags every week that’s why they’ve showed up before). I’ve found that 5 year olds on up like this size and they are precious as can be worshiping with them! I know you’ll be blessed by both of these 🙂 Continue reading Young Ladies with 35″ Petite Quill Flags

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Women’s Retreat, Roadside & Beach-side

These shots are from a Women’s Retreat in CA that our friend Nickol at Prophetic Worship Banners participated in 🙂

After the retreat, the car broke down, so they decided what better way to spend time on the side of the road than whipping out some Dyed4you quills! Love that you can see the headlights in some shots. Continue reading Women’s Retreat, Roadside & Beach-side

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The Blood flags in Corporate Ministry

In this video my hubby was ministering with a pair of 45″ Round Quill Flags called The Blood. This was during some corporate ministry time at my church (Passion for Truth) with Jimmie Black leading worship. It was a powerful weekend of worship! Continue reading The Blood flags in Corporate Ministry

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Flag Class

This is a flag class from a conference that Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners participated in. I see at least 2 pairs that I dyed and several of hers too (including the beautiful butterfly wings!)

Nearly all the flags being used belong to a Dyed4you (and Prophetic Worship Banners) customer – the one who shared her Why I Dance with Flags post.  Looks like a fun time was had by all!

Continue reading Flag Class

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Amanda E with Strong

Though you can’t tell from the video, this precious moment was captured during a worship service at Amanda E’s church – she was sweet enough to give us a quick peek!

She’s using a pair of 35″ quills called Strong.  I’ve posted a pic of the silk too since the dim lighting doesn’t do them justice 😉 Continue reading Amanda E with Strong

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Rohi 35″ Petite (M) Pair

You’ve seen other types of flags/wings in the Rohi style, and it inspired a prophetic song that I posted too with a non-gradient version of the same style – I have a strong attachment to this style!  So I was thrilled when Father said *I* got to have a pair of 35″ petite (M) quills of them. Continue reading Rohi 35″ Petite (M) Pair

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Marriage Ministry

Here I’m ministering with a pair of swing flags called Guarding the Covenant. Those who know my personal marriage testimony know this is a topic I am passionate about!  And when someone asked me if I would consider creating a marriage ministry video at the exact moment I had just finished these marriage swing flags and needed to demo them… well I felt Father’s hand at work. Continue reading Marriage Ministry

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Victory Beaded Veil

This is a fun story for me because I got to be one of the gift givers on it!  One evening the Father began downloading a vision for me of a rather elaborate beaded veil for one of our prayer team members at church.  I felt like it wasn’t just to be a gift from me, but rather from the whole team, and when I shared the idea with them they were totally on board too. Continue reading Victory Beaded Veil

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Fragrant Offering Ministry

This video too was prompted by the call I was on with my friends in the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries. I’m ministering with a pair of altered quill wings called Fragrant Offering. Part of what came out through the ministry was someone singing Rita Springer’s Fragrant Offering, which is why I’m ministering with that song playing 🙂 Continue reading Fragrant Offering Ministry

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Healing Ministry

As I was on a conference call with my friends in the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries this morning, I found myself flagging over someone we were praying for. We were interceding for healing and the Father had me minister with a pair of swing flags I had set out to do a demo of called Healing Flow (which is a style you’ve seen before, but He had me create these in a new pattern).

Continue reading Healing Ministry

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Here Comes the Bride

As I was making a silk last night for a bride and groom getting married this coming Friday, I couldn’t help but remember another couple whose story and picture I hadn’t shared yet.

This bride and groom received matching silks on their wedding day called Whole Heart.  Only the Father could orchestrate such a perfect match! You can’t see the groom’s too well in this picture, but it was tucked in the breast pocket of his jacket. They looked wonderful! Continue reading Here Comes the Bride

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Joyous Heart Quill Wings

This is a pair of the full-sized Dyed4you Quill Wings.  These silks are made from the 5mm china silk semicircles – they are big and make a big, beautiful visual impact!

This pair Nickol (our friend from Prophetic Worship Banners who constructs all the quills and has the copyright on the design) is using is called Joyous Heart – she was kind enough to share her bloopers too 😉 Continue reading Joyous Heart Quill Wings