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White Elephant Gift

My church was doing a White Elephant gift exchange on New Years Eve. I felt prompted by the Father to include a Dyed4you silk called Joyful Praise in the mix. I sensed He knew EXACTLY where He wanted it to go and that it would end up with the person He intended it for. I love seeing Him work in apparent chaos! Continue reading White Elephant Gift

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Giveaway Winner #2222

This silk is near and dear to my heart. It hung on the wall of my prayer closet – otherwise known as my living room –  for several years, until the Father told me it was time for me to replace it. Several of you even noticed when I did because the turquoise silk wasn’t on the wall behind me in demos anymore! I have a picture below where you can see it. Continue reading Giveaway Winner #2222

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Amanda E with Trained Hands

The Father has a sense of humor. I chuckled to myself when He told me to give this pair of quill flags to Amanda because the blue/red theme seems to be her standard, her colors (you just heard her wing/voi story) – not by choice mind you, but by His design. Continue reading Amanda E with Trained Hands

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Word on Receiving

This is a video clip from the live streaming at my church, Passion for Truth. You’ll see a number of D4Y silks in this, most notably on Cheryl (my pastor’s wife) one of our worship leaders. In this clip (about 2:22 in), she shares a good word on receiving – I thought you’d be blessed by – I know I was! Continue reading Word on Receiving

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Surprise Gift

This is a long one, but a fun one 🙂 This actually happened this time last year. Amanda came for a visit in October with a couple friends. For months she’d been talking about wanting a 5mm semicircle wing/voi pair and about a month before her parents had contacted me about wanting to get her something Dyed4you as a gift. So I filled them in on what she’d been longing for and planted an idea the Father dropped in my heart – have Amanda dye her own gift without knowing it was for her. 🙂 Continue reading Surprise Gift