As you know, we anoint all our silks before they leave with oils from the Scent of Heaven, a sister ministry founded by a dear friend and spiritual mom. Many you have grown as attached to the oils as you have your silks and are saddened when the beautiful aroma of the oil has work off. Continue reading How-To Anoint Silk
Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
White Elephant Gift
My church was doing a White Elephant gift exchange on New Years Eve. I felt prompted by the Father to include a Dyed4you silk called Joyful Praise in the mix. I sensed He knew EXACTLY where He wanted it to go and that it would end up with the person He intended it for. I love seeing Him work in apparent chaos! Continue reading White Elephant Gift
D4Y Giveaway Testimony
It’s always fun to hear scarf stories on our Dyed4you Blog Giveaway winners! I love knowing the Father orchestrates EVERY detail – even ones that could seem random. He takes pleasure in all the beautiful details 🙂 Continue reading D4Y Giveaway Testimony
Giveaway Winner #2222
This silk is near and dear to my heart. It hung on the wall of my prayer closet – otherwise known as my living room – for several years, until the Father told me it was time for me to replace it. Several of you even noticed when I did because the turquoise silk wasn’t on the wall behind me in demos anymore! I have a picture below where you can see it. Continue reading Giveaway Winner #2222
Breaking the Barrier Swing Flags
Some pretty new swing flags! Though I won’t count hitting myself gently with a swing flags a blooper (or getting it twisted), you can definitely tell I am tired in this – hope you’ll forgive me 😉
3 Semicircles
This is a quick video with 3 different 5mm semicircles: Dwelling in His Beauty, Transformed, and Ascend.
Sorry, it had gotten kinda dark by the time I shot it, but they have to ship tomorrow! Continue reading 3 Semicircles
Delighting Simple Flags
This is a pair of small simple flags (35×84 divided in half with 2 flag seams added). They’re light and flowing… and easy to use 🙂
The music is Ariel singing in the Destiny Church Prayer Room. Enjoy! Continue reading Delighting Simple Flags
Treasures of the Deep Voi
Just a quick video of a 35×84 voi called Treasures of the Deep. Beautiful rich tones in this one. And yes you might hear me getting a little vocal at the end of this one… I was having fun 😉 Continue reading Treasures of the Deep Voi
Allissa with her Shuwb Quills
Apparently I’m in a quill mood today 😉 Here’s a fun video from Allissa’s visit of her with her quill flags called Shuwb (restore in Hebrew). Enjoy! Continue reading Allissa with her Shuwb Quills
Amanda E with Trained Hands
The Father has a sense of humor. I chuckled to myself when He told me to give this pair of quill flags to Amanda because the blue/red theme seems to be her standard, her colors (you just heard her wing/voi story) – not by choice mind you, but by His design. Continue reading Amanda E with Trained Hands
Word on Receiving
This is a video clip from the live streaming at my church, Passion for Truth. You’ll see a number of D4Y silks in this, most notably on Cheryl (my pastor’s wife) one of our worship leaders. In this clip (about 2:22 in), she shares a good word on receiving – I thought you’d be blessed by – I know I was! Continue reading Word on Receiving
Twilight Swing Flags
It’s always fun for me when I get to be an integral part of a scarf story, and this pair of swing flags has quite a story and they’ve only been completely birthed for just over 12 hours! Continue reading Twilight Swing Flags
Almost Ruining Her Own Plan
This is a fun story about how the Father connected Blair Healing Rooms with Dyed4you. I actually shared a later story earlier this year – I’m finding all sorts of story gems I haven’t posted yet! Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading Almost Ruining Her Own Plan
Surprise Gift
This is a long one, but a fun one 🙂 This actually happened this time last year. Amanda came for a visit in October with a couple friends. For months she’d been talking about wanting a 5mm semicircle wing/voi pair and about a month before her parents had contacted me about wanting to get her something Dyed4you as a gift. So I filled them in on what she’d been longing for and planted an idea the Father dropped in my heart – have Amanda dye her own gift without knowing it was for her. 🙂 Continue reading Surprise Gift
Shuwb (Restore in Hebrew) Quills
Allissa was the first to get a pair of the quill flags through Dyed4you. As those who follow the blog know, Allissa loves swing flags so I was interested to see how she liked them 🙂 Continue reading Shuwb (Restore in Hebrew) Quills
Introducing Quill Flags
I cannot tell a lie, I am SO excited about this new-to-Dyed4you product called quill flags! Our friends at Prophetic Worship Banners created this awesome proprietary design. I think of it as a cross between a wing and swing flags. Continue reading Introducing Quill Flags
You are my Hallelujah
This fun-looking Jubilee-like pair of swing flags is called You are my Hallelujah. I had NO idea they would look this cool in motion! Though I know part of why they look so good is the anointed woman using them 😉 Continue reading You are my Hallelujah
Word for the Body
This was a 22×90 8mm China Silk scarf that blessed this precious sister in Christ. I love that the word not only blessed her, but others too who were shown the word!
Thank you Meghan for the beautiful scarf. Continue reading Word for the Body
Voi Blooper
As if almost smacking myself in the face wasn’t enough, this is what happens when you don’t tie your silk tightly enough onto your voi weight.
Enjoy my blooper, though I confess it would have been funnier if I hadn’t been running late – you can tell I was NOT happy it happened! LOL 🙂 Continue reading Voi Blooper
Semicircle Wing/Voi Pair
This is a pair of 5mm semicircles with wing seams and voi weights. I didn’t have time to move furniture to do the wings as a pair, so you see one followed by the voi pair 🙂 Continue reading Semicircle Wing/Voi Pair