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More from Mt Shasta

As promised, more of Allissa with her swing flags, and actually there’s more coming too. 😉

Hopefully you heard the story in the previous Mt Shasta post, and saw the video of Allissa and her friend BOTH worshiping with their Dyed4you silks (and if you miss it, you’ll wanna go back and check it out!) – now here’s some stunning pics and a short video of these swing flags. Enjoy! Continue reading More from Mt Shasta

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Worship on Mt Shasta

Someone gave this sweet lady a 5mm semicircle wing as a gift, and she was so blessed by it! It’s a style that is near and dear to my heart because of my own scarf story with it.

These pics and videos are from a trip to Mt Shasta where she was worshiping with her wing (and a second plain white one they made so she could have a pair) and Allissa with her swing flags. (And more of Allissa with the swing flags is coming later) 😉 Continue reading Worship on Mt Shasta

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Doohan Sisters in Israel with Voi

This is such a fun story about the Doohan Sisters in Israel. The girls are prophetic dancers and have such a heart to minister. This past summer, the Lord gave them a clear vision of some semicircle voi to take to Israel with them and brought them to Dyed4you to have them created.  Continue reading Doohan Sisters in Israel with Voi

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PayPal Issues

As some of you already know, we’ve been having some difficulties with PayPal, as a result we can’t accept orders processed online at this time.  Words cannot express how sorry I am for the inconvenience to you all!  I am still able to take orders via card over the phone or you can mail in a check if you prefer.  I have set up a form to get the information I need from you for either type of transaction. Continue reading PayPal Issues

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Peace & God’s Presence

You may not realize this, but I (Meghan) don’t write all the words that come with the silks. The Lord has taught me well this ministry is NOT about me, and so He reminds me by birthing words through Dyed4you intercessors and others the Lord has connected to D4Y. Continue reading Peace & God’s Presence

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Revealing the Word

It’s fun to see with the silks how the Lord speaks through them over time. This is a great example of one that increased in personal meaning over time as the Lord revealed the fullness of His message to this individual. And who knows but that He is also prophesying over her about a future time when she will be better versed 😉 Continue reading Revealing the Word

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Cleaning Gems

You’ve seen Dwelling in His Beauty swing flags before (and a wing), but this isn’t a demo because this is MY pair along with my scarf story 🙂

First of all, my sister was the first one to receive a Dwelling in His Beauty silk, so it held personal meaning from the start (see my sister in her’s).  The problem with my job is I fall in love with silks ALL the time and at the end of the day I can’t wear them all at once, so I am very careful to only make one when I feel the Lord leading me to. Continue reading Cleaning Gems

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Mismatched Wing Pair

Since y’all know we all have “hit the wall with the stick” moments, I decided to give you this video unedited from beginning to end 🙂

Here we have two 8mm semicircle wings – one in the Warrior style and one in Deep Worship. Since they have a couple colors in common, they look beautiful together! Continue reading Mismatched Wing Pair