Mary (who you heard about a little in Mighty Confirmation) was kind enough to share several moments of worship with us. The glorious view just adds to the magnificence of the moment. Take a few minutes to bask in His sweet presence with her. Continue reading Glorious Worship
Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
Mighty Confirmation
Periodically, we get requests for special orders, and assuming Papa gives the ok for us to create whatever is requested, we will happily collaborate with others on a new piece. I had one such request this past week, and little did I know the beautiful upheaval this awesome silk would create. Continue reading Mighty Confirmation
Meghan’s Collection from Other Flag Ministries
My friend Katt from Victory Hill Flags issued a challenge of sorts that we share our collection of flags from other ministries (This reminds me a bit of a couple posts from 2013: Meghan’s Flag Bag and Nickol’s Flag Bag). So I went live to share a portion of my collection with the following disclaimers LOL 🙂 Continue reading Meghan’s Collection from Other Flag Ministries
Personal Worship with a Haitian Flair
My friend Gloria (author of the Learn Haitian Creole with Gloria series which feature Dyed4you Art covers) during a moment of private worship. The song is Ou Bon Pou Mwen By Peeterson St Dic, Rodyoume Dieujuste, Yvens Dchrist, David Deg. The flag is a regular bendie wing called My Path. Continue reading Personal Worship with a Haitian Flair
Worship at gateway:61
I upload lots of clips of worship during services at our church (gateway:61) but they don’t always make it into the blog here, so I wanted to share a few because I know they’ll be a blessing. All these videos are from a couple weeks in March 2018 (and one from a worship night in January 2018 at the top). (More pics on my personal site.) Continue reading Worship at gateway:61
Birthday Gift from God
This is a fun silk story about a pair of large bendie wings (5mm aka “light” weight silk) called Trustworthy that I had set aside to giveaway. I had a whole giveaway planned and had even done the video announcement for it. Then one night as I’m scrolling through Facebook, several videos showed up in my feed of a woman worshiping. I didn’t know her, she’d shared them in a group we’re both part of, but I clearly heard God say “Give them to her.” Continue reading Birthday Gift from God
Bursting Forth Blessing
This goes beyond normal levels of cuteness! Precious miss Coen absolutely adored the gift she received of custom kid-sized bendie flags (8mm aka “standard” weight silk) called Bursting Forth. Continue reading Bursting Forth Blessing
Wings during Passover
Two beautiful pairs of large bendie wings (5mm aka “light” weight silk) called Batach YHWH (Trust the Lord) in use during a Passover Seder. When the pastor received the flags his response was that “Flags are everything I wanted them to be and more – truly breathtaking” 🙂 Continue reading Wings during Passover
How-to Minister with Flags and About Flag Ministry
We recorded this live on our Dyed4you Ministries facebook page, this Lunchtime Live was about flag ministry, the name of God YHVH Nissi (the Lord My Banner), our Why We Flag quick reference card, a Prophetic Nugget called YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner), and ministry time. Continue reading How-to Minister with Flags and About Flag Ministry
Why We Flag

Flags take on many shapes and forms, some are huge and some are small, but ultimately the action of lifting a flag (or standard / banner) has meaning. Below we’ve shared just a few of the things communicated through this type of expressive worship. Continue reading Why We Flag
An Army of Banners
During a week of 7 nights of prayer at gateway:61, there were many beautiful moments involving Dyed4you silk (which seems to happen a lot there in general), but we wanted to share a few because it’s always lovely to see banners woven in so beautifully to prayer and worship. In this first one they are a glorious prophetic declaration. Continue reading An Army of Banners
Extravagant Flags
This is a stunning video of a pair of special order bendie flags (5mm aka “light” weight silk) being used by a gentleman who has an amazing heart for the Lord on stage at Bethel Church in Redding CA. How awesome to share in this glorious moment! Continue reading Extravagant Flags
Blessing Each Other
As I (Meghan) was perusing Facebook, I saw a testimony Margie from Unhindered and Unashamed had shared as part of a giveaway she was doing. This was the testimony from Janet she had posted: Continue reading Blessing Each Other
Worship in the Storm
Some beautiful dance ministry using a pair of large Spin Wings called Radical Warfare. To see more of her worship ministry, visit her Heaven Dancer YouTube channel – we know you will be blessed! Continue reading Worship in the Storm
How-to Store Bendies
A quick tutorial on storing your bendies. If you received your bendie(s) in an organza bag, this short video shows how to store your silk and tips for keeping it safe and whole as long as possible. We hope you find this helpful! Continue reading How-to Store Bendies
Sacred Prophetic Space
This beautiful pair of XL light bendie wings are near and dear to my heart! So grateful they found the perfect home. The pictures of these beauties have already ended up in a Dyed4you Art piece called Heir of Promise, which I have hanging in my prayer closet (see it and read my testimony). When Papa told me to list these on our Dyed4you Readymade store, I struggled because I really REALLY wanted to be sure they went to someone who would fully “get” how anointed and awesome they are. As always, Papa had an awesome plan! Continue reading Sacred Prophetic Space
Anointed Long Swing Flag
We were inspired to try a new size swing flag – it’s a longer version of our regular swing flag (which is 35×55″), this one was 35×84″ and it turned out lovely! This recipient got one in the Made Clean style (read the full word for this silk on our Dyed4you Ministries blog) and is loving worshipping with it! See pictures of her ministering with it below (their ministry is called At His Feet Dance Ministry). I’ve also included the demo we made of this flag before it was shipped, but first, here were her comments 🙂 Continue reading Anointed Long Swing Flag
Bendie Update
As you know we’re always working to improve our products and create the best worship tools for you we’re able. We just made an update to our bendie rod design! We had been using different bendies depending on this type of flag we were creating, but we’ve settled on a single (fabulous if we do say so ourselves) design that will be in all bendie flags and wings going forward. If you have a problem with a silk using the old design, it’s not a big deal to get it transitioned over to the new design. Continue reading Bendie Update
Perfect, Snuggly Throw
Definitely the season for warm, snuggly blankets and nothing is quite so delightful as a Dyed4you silk throw as this lovely lady discovered when she was blessed with one as a gift. 🙂 Continue reading Perfect, Snuggly Throw
Called to Flag
This past week in church I had the opportunity to minister with an extraordinary young lady. She has SUCH a call to flag on her life (and when we ministered together she was using a pair of flags from our friends at Called to Flag who I shared about in our Anointed vs Counterfeit post) – everyone at our church (and those who later saw the video online) were so blessed by her worship. Continue reading Called to Flag