Ariel, a friend from church is spending some time our at IHOP-KC (International House of Prayer). She put out a plea for mail in a video blog (VLOG) a few weeks ago and the Lord showed me a scarf to send her. Continue reading Ariel at IHOP-KC
Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
Pet Scarf :)
Gift from a Stranger
I love getting to share this story with you all because it demonstrates one of the reasons I love the Dyed4you community so much! Continue reading Gift from a Stranger
Scarves for Twins
A friend from church decided to get his mother and her twin sister scarves for their birthday. They loved them 🙂 Continue reading Scarves for Twins
FitNews Scarf Sighting
Another fun scarf sighting on PraiseMoves FitNews! Laurette Willis is wearing a scarf that is a style Dyed4you created specifically for her ministry. Continue reading FitNews Scarf Sighting
Gaze Upon His Face Voi Pair
A pair of 35×85 voi called Gaze Upon His Face. I always love watching these move – so beautiful! Continue reading Gaze Upon His Face Voi Pair
More Swing Flags
People really liked the swing flags, so I thought I’d post a couple more videos of them in action. Again, I am by NO means an expert (especially with two) – to see what someone well-practiced and anointed can do, make sure you see Caleb in action. Continue reading More Swing Flags
Kim Clement’s Mantle
I confess this was a really fun scarf sighting for me 🙂 Someone purchased a 14×72 silk/wool scarf (mantle) for Kim Clement and had me send it as an anonymous gift. It was mailed out January 17th and we prayed that it would reach him safely and be a blessing. Continue reading Kim Clement’s Mantle
Powerful Spiritual Weapon
You may remember my post of the Covenant vision come to life, well this is a story of what happened once the recipient actually had the silk in her hands. Here she tells her story:
I am the one with the Covenant veil. I am sending you this picture as a personal testimony of using the Covenant veil during our worship service. This image has not been altered by any means. It was taken from my digital camera during our worship service by my husband. It was a special night to me, since it was the first time I used the veil to dance in church with it. Continue reading Powerful Spiritual Weapon
Caleb with Swing Flags
I’m almost embarrassed that I previously posted a video with these – LOL! Caleb gives you a better idea of what a pair of swing flags is really capable of… BEAUTIFUL! Continue reading Caleb with Swing Flags
Scarf Sighting at IHOP
I confess I love a scarf sighting – and Amanda E brought this one to my attention. Some Dyed4you friends from OH made the trip to IHOP-KC (International House of Prayer, Kansas City). Continue reading Scarf Sighting at IHOP
Introducing Swing Flags
Introducing a new Dyed4you product called swing flags. What makes these cool flags unique is that there is no stick and the weight isn’t concentrated (like with the voi) – what that means is, if you hit yourself with them (or someone else) – it doesn’t hurt 🙂 Continue reading Introducing Swing Flags
Dyed4you Ministries & MorningStar
God’s been doing some new things at Dyed4you and Dyed4you Art. First off, we’re officially launching Dyed4you Ministries (D4Ymin) – which you can read all about on the D4Ymin website (For you Facebookers, I hope you’ll “like” the D4Ymin FB page too!). Continue reading Dyed4you Ministries & MorningStar
Voi at Conferences
Caleb put together a photo montage with video too of him using Dyed4you voi at conferences. Thought you all would enjoy 🙂 Continue reading Voi at Conferences
How-To Receive a Prophetic Word
I had an email last night from someone who had been very wounded and confused by experiences in a church that moved in the prophetic. This is not the first time someone has shared a story like this with me, nor will it likely be the last.
Regrettably, experiences like these are often what have chased people away from from all things prophetic – which is a bit like throwing out the baby with the bath water. What really needs to happen is that we need to learn how to properly receive a prophetic word – and often this isn’t something we’re taught, but rather something we learn over time (and through hurts). Hopefully, what I’ve shared below will help, even if they simply serve as a reminder for people who already function in these principles. 🙂
Surprise Pillowcases
I love to get to be part of blessing someone – so when I got an email from Amanda E that she felt God prompted her to get a pair of pillowcases for a mutual friend, I was thrilled! Here’s her initial response:
The pillowcases are beautiful and the word with with them is so spot on and precious to me. I love the anointing oil one heart because it is literally what god has done in my marriage with my husband and it is truly been a miracle and now God is healing my family and bringing us closer than ever. Continue reading Surprise Pillowcases
Caleb using a Praise in All the Earth
Some Dyed4you silk Caleb had sewn into spinner flags (thank you Penni!) – beautiful in action! This silk is what was used in Dyed4you Art’s Sweet Aroma. The colors were picked from a vision Father gave him. Continue reading Caleb using a Praise in All the Earth
Covenant Vision Come to Life
I got a request to make a custom sized (55×55″) silk with rainbows. The woman requesting it had been given a vision with the silk in it and we spent time bantering back and forth so I could fully grasp what the Lord had showed her. He gave me wisdom on how to create it and so I did. Continue reading Covenant Vision Come to Life
How-To Order
Since what Dyed4you does is a bit unusual, it can be a little overwhelming for a first-time buyer – our apologies! Hopefully this how-to can help clarify, but if you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Continue reading How-To Order
“Let’s Play” Winner
For those of you who may remember the “Let’s Play” giveaway we did on Dyed4you’s Facebook page (where I had people post a little something about who they think needed the “Let’s Play” scarf and then whoever got the most “likes” won the scarf for their person), here’s the feedback we got from the woman who won the scarf for her friend: Continue reading “Let’s Play” Winner