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The Symbolic Use of Flags and Banners in Praise and Worship

This post is a quote of an article by Arletia Mayfield (she has a book available on her site), which she posted on Owlcation. When I initially posted this blog, I was not familiar with this sister in Christ personally (nor this website), but the article had so much in it that pertains to the Dyed4you Community I wanted to share it because I believed you’ll be blessed by it (The original article (which she appears to update regularly) is available here). Continue reading The Symbolic Use of Flags and Banners in Praise and Worship

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Eyes Wide Open: A Message in Silk

I’m still more than a little bit in shock because this morning (technically yesterday since it’s after midnight) my pastor’s message was so tied to the silks I had it could not have been clearer there is one Spirit. I’ll back up first and say that right now I’m very into unmatched pairs. In part simply because God recently began birthing multi-silk letters where the combination of two (or more) silks births an additional word.  Continue reading Eyes Wide Open: A Message in Silk

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Peace Breakthrough

We’ve shared before that as devastating as it is when you have breakage in the natural, we believe it parallels breakthrough in the spiritual realm as well. Today I experienced a new thing – I had a silk tear when I was using it. Believe it or not, in the over ten years I’ve been doing this I believe it’s the first time it’s happened to me personally. And as bummed as I was that it happened, I got kind of a cool download from God on why.  Continue reading Peace Breakthrough

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Exactly What She Needed

What I love most about the story of this oversized tallit (aside from the simple fact that she was blessed by her silk, which of course we love knowing), is about how it demonstrates how we receive in layers. She felt like she’d received it and was blessed at one level, then God spoke to her through Larisa’s live broadcast on the Dyed4you Facebook page, and then she received it at a new level.  Continue reading Exactly What She Needed

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Multi-Silk Oversized Tallit

A beautiful video of our friend Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings wearing her custom oversized tallit. This silk is one of our new “multi-silks” which are words where two or more silks have been combined creating an extended word. In this case, the Cloud by Day silk (the tallit) had a satin strip of a Fire by Night silk added to it creating a multi-silk called “His Abiding Presence” (you may have seen video of me with my double layer spin wings in the same multi-silk style). Continue reading Multi-Silk Oversized Tallit

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Ministry for Women Who’ve Miscarried or Lost Children

I’m sharing this video both as Dyed4you wanting you to see one of our 4yd streamers (called Diadema Eleos or Crowned with Mercy) from Dyed4you Readymade in action AND as a recipient of the ministry these beautiful ladies were giving. Continue reading Ministry for Women Who’ve Miscarried or Lost Children

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Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (OLD)

NOTE: There’s a newer version of this post: Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (Updated)

Quick comparison of three types of wings (spin, bendie, and swing) in our three sizes (regular, large, and XL). I try to hit pros/cons, storage, use tips, etc. and quick facts on each size are listed below. Continue reading Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (OLD)

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Spot On Word

Testimonies are always encouraging, but this one comes from a friend I hadn’t seen in a while and out of the blue Papa God told me to gift her a crinkle silk (technically two – one was for her to gift so I don’t know the testimony on that yet). This blessed me greatly and I hope it will you too – such a good reminder to hear and obey! And that gifting silk is a fun thing to do 😉 Continue reading Spot On Word

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Absolutely Loves

A gorgeous pair of large quill flags called I AM in action (and the demo video is below). The customer wrote to us, “I recently ordered 2 sets of quills from you, and I absolutely love them!” It always blesses us to know the silks you’re receiving are touching your hearts as well as seeing them in all their glory in action! Continue reading Absolutely Loves

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About Crinkle Silks and Infinity Scarves

Since the scarves we carry on Dyed4you Readymade are a bit different than our classic Dyed4you offerings, I just wanted to take a moment to explain what our Crinkle Silks and Infinity Scarves are and show you some examples.  Continue reading About Crinkle Silks and Infinity Scarves

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Cross Pollination & Blooming

As you all know from my many posts, I love cross pollination between ministries! This silk story shared my friend Christina (from Wings of Mercy Arising) with the regular swing wings I gave her as well as me with the silk I got from her called Father’s Heart. What was fun about the ones I made her is that she unknowingly named them! On our Dyed4you Ministries FB page, we frequently post things in progress and let people share what God gives them and sometimes those things make it into the word. That was what happened with Full BloomContinue reading Cross Pollination & Blooming

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More Fun Exchanging of Silks

Wanted to share this FB live video from my friend Katt of Victory Hill Flags and Banner for a variety of reasons. The first reason, is that she talks about an increase in creativity (yay for hubby prayers), but that also was exactly what the first silks I sent her were about! So I’m thanking God for answered prayer. 🙂  Continue reading More Fun Exchanging of Silks