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Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves

Per request, this is a 5-part series on the basics of dancing with scarves.  Each clip compares 2 scarves for a total of 10 scarves in 4 different fabrics (5mm and 8mm China Silk, Crepe, and Chiffon) and 9 different sizes (21×21, 11×60, 11×60 fringed, 44″ triangle fringed, 22×72, 22×90, 35×84, 55×108, and the 45×108 semicircle). Continue reading Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves

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Prophesying… to herself?

So a few weeks back I was celebrating a friend’s birthday with several other friends.  I knew I was going to be dyeing when I got home and as things began to draw to a close God told me to invite her to join me, which she did (if you understood where I lived in relation to her you’d understand that it was a big deal she said yes! LOL) Continue reading Prophesying… to herself?

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Displaying a “Man Scarf”

I love seeing new and creative ways to use Dyed4you scarves 🙂 This one may take the cake!

This was a “man scarf” (as we affectionately have nicknamed the 6×24) that one of our regulars bought for her husband as a gift.  He was concerned about getting it dirty – so she put it on his table displayed in a clear candy dish! Continue reading Displaying a “Man Scarf”

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A Tip on Using Voi Pair

If you haven’t watched the single voi video, start there! The video below shares a simple move that can be used a number of different ways to get a nice effect when using a pair of voi.

Please understand I have not been using voi long and am particularly new at using a pair 🙂 I’ve discovered my body does not like doing syncopated rhythms (which gives me problems in piano too!), but you can still make voi pretty without them as hopefully this video demonstrates! Continue reading A Tip on Using Voi Pair

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Basics of Using Voi

Below is a video of a few basics of working with voi (veiled poi).  Here I’m using a single voi (in the standard 35×84 size).

Please understand, I am NOT a voi expert!  I’ve been using these only for a few months – so this can get you started, but for more advanced moves you’ll have to go elsewhere or ask Holy Spirit (the teacher of all things) to show you! 🙂 Continue reading Basics of Using Voi

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Caleb & Worship

We were blessed enough to have Caleb Brundidge visit our church (with Cindy McGill) to do some outreach training and minister with us.

This series of videos includes Caleb sharing on worship followed by him ministering with some flags… they’re not Dyed4you flags, but he’s so gifted I couldn’t resist sharing!  But you will notice a “man scarf” I gave him tied to his belt loop in the back 🙂 Continue reading Caleb & Worship