Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
Silk in Brazil
Healing Rain Head Scarf
Becca likes to wear it or just hold it… she loves the feel of it 🙂 Continue reading Healing Rain Head Scarf
Sparkling Dew
Meghan enjoys worshiping with majestic flags – in these videos she’s worshiping to a recording of Becky Berndt in the Destiny Prayer Room Continue reading Sparkling Dew
Prayer Shawl & Scarf
Dancing with Her Scarf
Bonnie is anointed to dance! She enjoys her Isaiah 54 scarf which she received as a gift. Continue reading Dancing with Her Scarf
“Flying” with her Wing
Kristin loves to dance and “fly” in worship with the gentle touch worship “wing” scarf Continue reading “Flying” with her Wing
River of Life
Allen worshiping with a 5mm China Silk majestic flag.
This video is with Kent Henry leading worship in Destiny Church’s prayer room.
Joyous Call
Robin loves wearing her scarf that was a birthday gift from her mother. Continue reading Joyous Call
Hedged In
A loyal customer contacted me about ordering another scarf for herself – a dance veil. She knew God was speaking to her about intimacy, undivided focus, and encouraging her to pursue Him more. As I prayed about it this is what the Lord brought forth: Continue reading Hedged In
His Breath
Becky likes to wear her scarf as a head covering as she leads worship and prays in accordance with 1 Corinthians 11:5, “And any woman who [publicly] prays or prophesies (teaches, refutes, reproves, admonishes, or comforts) when she is bareheaded dishonors her head (her husband); it is the same as [if her head were] shaved.” Continue reading His Breath
Custom Beaded Bridal Veil
It’s rare for me to receive a request for something that is not dyed. So I was surprised and intrigued when I received a request for a custom beaded veil that would be white (like a bride) and have a second tier of silk to be able to bring over the face. It was needed for a dance. Continue reading Custom Beaded Bridal Veil
Shirttails of Jesus
In Spring of 2007, the woman (who I sometimes refer to as the “mama” of my ministry since she helped to birth it) ordered a prayer cloth for a friend whose son was serving in the armed forces overseas. They had an expression in their family they sometimes used where they would talk about hanging onto the “shirttails of Jesus”. So she wanted to get her friend a prayer cloth called Shirttails of Jesus. The letter that went with the cloth was: Continue reading Shirttails of Jesus
Covered by His Feathers
One day I got an email from our contact page from a former YWAM (Youth with a mission) missionary:
The Lord led me to your website yesterday in quite an amazing way. He has led me to begin dancing before Him with scarves in the privacy of my home during my intimate times with Him. Continue reading Covered by His Feathers
Vessel of Honor
Carol (who makes the anointing oils Dyed4you uses to anoint all our scarves) enjoys wearing her veil, but keeps it on display in her home when she isn’t wearing it. Continue reading Vessel of Honor
Flaming Throne of God
A loyal customer and worshiping warrior ordered a new scarf for herself – a dance veil. The letter that was included with her order said:
The name of your scarf is Flaming Throne of God. Continue reading Flaming Throne of God
Big Sky / King’s Daughter
In addition to worshiping and interceding with her scarves, Christina has also found they make lovely window dressings. Continue reading Big Sky / King’s Daughter
Secret Place
Royal Priesthood
Meghan enjoys worshiping with 5mm China Silk banner flags in both the 45×108 size and the custom 55×108 size with a flag seam added. Here you see her with a special order size 55×108 banner flag called Royal Priesthood at GHOP (Gateway House of Prayer). Continue reading Royal Priesthood