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Custom Beaded Bridal Veil

It’s rare for me to receive a request for something that is not dyed. So I was surprised and intrigued when I received a request for a custom beaded veil that would be white (like a bride) and have a second tier of silk to be able to bring over the face. It was needed for a dance. Continue reading Custom Beaded Bridal Veil

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Shirttails of Jesus

In Spring of 2007, the woman (who I sometimes refer to as the “mama” of my ministry since she helped to birth it) ordered a prayer cloth for a friend whose son was serving in the armed forces overseas. They had an expression in their family they sometimes used where they would talk about hanging onto the “shirttails of Jesus”. So she wanted to get her friend a prayer cloth called Shirttails of Jesus. The letter that went with the cloth was: Continue reading Shirttails of Jesus

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Covered by His Feathers

One day I got an email from our contact page from a former YWAM (Youth with a mission) missionary:

The Lord led me to your website yesterday in quite an amazing way. He has led me to begin dancing before Him with scarves in the privacy of my home during my intimate times with Him. Continue reading Covered by His Feathers