Stephanie enjoys using her veil as a prayer shawl – wrapping herself in it as she steps into the secret place. And if no one but God is looking… one might even find her dancing with it in worship to our King. Continue reading Dancing with “It is Finished”
Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
New Creation Head Scarf
Nikki loves to wear her scarves in her hair – they’re a great reminder throughout the day to keep her thoughts focused on God! Continue reading New Creation Head Scarf
Worshiping in Deep Worship
Joy likes to wear her scarf when she is leading worship Continue reading Worshiping in Deep Worship
Deep Worship
The images that inspired the whole “In Action” concept 🙂
Beth likes to use her scarf for worship and intercession – she particularly enjoys getting under it in quiet moments with the Lord. Continue reading Deep Worship
Gifts to India
One day before departure, I got a call from some friends going to Vijayawada, India for a short-term missions trip. They felt they were supposed to take some streamers to give as gifts. Continue reading Gifts to India
Four Stories in One
A week after I’d sent Faye the three scarves for the intercessors (Fresh Oil, Overcomer, and Wind & Fire), the Lord told me I was to make some for her as well – three to be exact. He also told me one for her husband. Continue reading Four Stories in One
Wind & Fire
Below is a portion of a three-part story. The three scarves mentioned all have stories – Fresh Oil, Overcomer, and Wind & Fire (this story). The stories are told using a combination of feedback from Faye (the woman who ordered them), feedback from the intercessors they were for, and I (Meghan) have filled in some details as well. Continue reading Wind & Fire
Fresh Oil
Below is a portion of a three-part story. The three scarves mentioned all have stories – Fresh Oil (this story), Overcomer, and Wind & Fire. The stories are told using a combination of feedback from Faye (the woman who ordered them), feedback from the intercessors they were for, and I (Meghan) have filled in some details as well. Continue reading Fresh Oil
Below is a portion of a three-part story. The three scarves mentioned all have stories – Fresh Oil, Overcomer (this story), and Wind & Fire. The stories are told using a combination of feedback from Faye (the woman who ordered them), feedback from the intercessors they were for, and I (Meghan) have filled in some details as well. Continue reading Overcomer
In the Palm of His Hand
A friend of mine asked me to make prayer cloths for a woman at our church. All she had heard from the Lord on them was “prayer cloths” and “three”. Continue reading In the Palm of His Hand
Resting in His Glory
When I made this scarf, I made it for someone else. I knew the Lord had told me to get it done in time to bring to church one Wednesday evening and so I hurriedly finished it up, whisking out the letter and getting it all set to gift to my friend named Rachel. Only it turned out she wasn’t at church. I thought I must have missed God. Continue reading Resting in His Glory
In His Presence
The name of the scarf is In His Presence – inherent in it’s meaning is a sense of resting in Him, being wrapped in His glorious splendor, being hidden in Him, and just waiting on Him. Continue reading In His Presence
Promise of New Life
A friend from work asked me if I could make one for a Christmas present for her sister.
Monday the 27th I lay a blank scarf on the table and put the sister before the Lord, and asked what He would want to say to her. I felt green stalks growing so strongly I ripped the lid off the green dye and instead of rinsing the lid so as not to get dye everywhere I just threw it down and began to let my arm “grow the green stems” on the scarf because I felt like I might burst if I didn’t. Lots of green growth – a feeling of plenty. Not neat and tidy and contained – a lot and fast and furious. Green representing life. Continue reading Promise of New Life
My Beloved
A friend from church asked me to make a scarf for a woman who is a friend of ours at church. The only input she’d given was that she looked good in teal, burnt orange, and rust.
The day I went to make the scarf, I plopped down on my couch, picked up my Bible and asked the Lord what He wanted to say to this woman. Continue reading My Beloved
In late October, I created a prayer cloth called Goodness – it was purple and green and had a “ripe-ness” too it – representing the goodness of the land. I posted it on the website as it waited for it’s home. Continue reading Goodness