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Spot On Word

Even after over ten years of doing this, I still struggle with those moments of hesitation when I’m sending something out, and this pair of flags was one of those largely because these flags are SO bright and vibrant, the pattern isn’t exactly my “signature look”, and so I worried when I shipped them whether they’d be welcomed or not. I love how God took the time to remind me to trust Him and that I hear Him through this beautiful testimony which was a kiss from heaven for me. 🙂 Continue reading Spot On Word

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Spirit Breaking Out at Church

Amazing service this morning at church! Total break out of the Spirit. A beautiful time of healing and ministry. Our pastor (John Kramer) started handing out flags to get everyone engaged and things really started flowing. Beautiful! More Dyed4you silk here than I could begin to cover but to name a few: Created for His Glory large bendie flag, Ascend and Consider It Joy 4yd streamers, Prophetic Flow banner flag, Steady Progress XL long quill, the long green dowel flag is one I made about a decade ago (I can’t remember the name), Righteous Warfare XL bendie flags, Passion Fire and Hearing Heart regular spin wings, Enthroned One spin wing (custom size), and more! Continue reading Spirit Breaking Out at Church

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How-to Make a Capped Rod

Since folks seem to be falling in love with our spinners just as much as we have, we wanted to share the love and tell you about how the rod is constructed. As a note if you end up using our design and being blessed by it and want to do something for us to say thank you, we LOVE getting flags from other people/ministries! No pressure, but just putting it out there 😉  Continue reading How-to Make a Capped Rod

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Profound Ministry

This story is about a crinkle silk that was a gift to a woman I’d never met. That may sound odd, but if you knew my dad you would understand (BTW that’s my dad and me – please note his Dyed4you pocket square 🙂 I love my Daddy! His pocket square is called My Path and my narrow infinity scarf is called Unimpeachable Promises). He’s a connector. He meets people and has these extraordinary connections with them – divine meetings – I get it because my sister and I tend to have them too. 🙂 Continue reading Profound Ministry

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Very Sweet Personal Kiss from God

It’s always a joy to get to hear how people are blessed by their Dyed4you silks! This woman was gifted a large swing wing called Forthright Flames and it brought encouragement and confirmation, and God timed its arrival perfectly. He’s so good 🙂 Continue reading Very Sweet Personal Kiss from God

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How-to Use Spin Wings

This is a quick tutorial on using our spin wings. The quick version is: these babies are easy and fun to use, no need to stick with figure eights anymore, have fun! As one friend used to say, she’d always fall over from spinning – that was from trying to not tangle “regular” flags – LOL 🙂 She loves the spin wings! Hopefully you will too 🙂  Continue reading How-to Use Spin Wings

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How-to Store Spinners

This is just a quick video to show you the best way to store your spin wings. If for some reason you didn’t get a silk sleeve (sometimes they’ll get posted on Dyed4you Readymade without one), you can purchase one after the fact but it won’t be a match – just a white sleeve or one dyed in another color style. 🙂 Continue reading How-to Store Spinners

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Bendies, Quills, and Spinners Oh My!

FYI we created a newer comparison video comparing Bendies/Swing Wings/Spinners.

With the introduction of two new flag options that have rods, we know some of you are likely scratching your heads wondering what the differences are between bendies, quills, and spinners. Let me start by saying I personal own and use ALL of these products. I go through seasons where I will prefer one type of tool over another, but they all are wonderful and each have their own feel. The question becomes which is right for YOU? 🙂 Continue reading Bendies, Quills, and Spinners Oh My!

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How-to Handle Rod Breakage

As we shared with quill breakage, what happens in the natural is representative of what happens in the spiritual realm. So if you have a bendie break or a cap come off your spinner rod, no worries it can be taken care of! But also know something is shifting in the heavenlies – so let’s pause to rejoice and come into agreement with that too 🙂  Continue reading How-to Handle Rod Breakage

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Changes Afoot

A few new things going on that we wanted to make sure you guys knew about. Since we’ve been offering our dowel products for a few months now, we’ve refined what we offer based on what you guys prefer, which in this case means your bendie flags and wings now come with the bendies sewn in and a silk storage sleeve that is dyed to match. 🙂  Continue reading Changes Afoot

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Rich in Heart Meanings

It is always fun when a new person find our ministry. We get to go through the awe and excitement all over again as they receive their first silks and are moved by how God speaks to them through it. I don’t think we will EVER get tired of it! And this instance is no exception – her joy and exuberance is contagious 🙂 She is a retiring art teacher – so she is being blessed by the craftsmanship from that perspective as well. Continue reading Rich in Heart Meanings

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Hubby at Church

Since it’s always fun to get to see men in worship with flags, I wanted to share several random video snippets from church (Gateway:61 here in St. Louis, MO). He’s using a variety of flags including regular dowel wings, XL quill flags (both regular lightweight ones and heavy weight), a spin wing, and a banner.  Continue reading Hubby at Church

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Favorite Colors

Paula KIt’s always fun when someone receives Dyed4you silk as a gift! Especially when it’s someone’s first Dyed4you silk. 🙂 

This crinkle silk (named Heartbeat of Heaven) was a gift and the recipient shared how incredibly blessed she was by it and that it was her favorite colors! She said it was perfect for her. God is so good. 🙂

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More Artisans

If you follow our blog, you know we love to feature other ministries who have similar giftings. We have talked about Anointed Artisans who God has called and anointed – in this case to create tools for worship. Today we want to share a couple new ones both of which happen to be out of Redding, CA (Bethel Church): Joya Flags and INovia Dance (BTW I love the fact that a pair of our Dyed4you wings is on their splash page – the ones on the left).  Continue reading More Artisans

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The Life of a Swing Flag

It’s always fun to me to get to see how silks will get passed along. First blessing one, then another, etc. This one is especially fun for me because these started out as mine. They were my first pair of swing flags, and in fact one of the first pairs every made by Dyed4you! After I’d had them for a season, Papa had me pass them along to the “mama of Dyed4you”, and after she’d had them for a season she passed them along to a young man at her church who was clearly anointed to flag.  Continue reading The Life of a Swing Flag

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Dowel Wing Change

As we’ve started using our new dowel line more, we realized we could make a small change to the dowel wing design that would make them easier to create, while maintaining the integrity of the piece. Instead of doing a combination of serging and hemming, we’re now serging the whole thing just like we’ve always done with our medium and large quill wings. 🙂  Continue reading Dowel Wing Change