A while back someone was talking to the “mama of Dyed4you” about a silk idea inspired by a bird she loved. At some point the suggestion was passed along to us and Mantle of Favor was born. Years later I discovered an interesting connection to the woman who had the original idea, and so I gifted her a large dowel wing in the Mantle of Favor style. She said she was “blessed tremendously by this beautiful silk” 🙂 Continue reading Nature-Inspired Wing
Author: Dyed4you (Meghan)
AJ with Mantle of Faith & Update
We know you guys love seeing AJ with flags (we do too!), so we wanted to be sure you got to see his latest video with a pair of Dyed4you regular swing flags called Mantle of Faith. He shares a quick update at the end if you’re interested and suggests following his youtube channel. Enjoy! 🙂 Continue reading AJ with Mantle of Faith & Update
Anointed Artisans
I know this one is long, but there’s a LOT of good stuff in here – silk stories, words shared by one of you in the Dyed4you Community as well as some fun Dyed4you history. So I hope you’ll be blessed by it!
First up is a topic I’ve shared on a number of times on the our blog and it’s one I feel passionate about. God has specifically anointed certain people to do certain things. I call them anointed artisans (think of artisan as being an expert not simply an artist because you could be an “artisan” of computer code if that’s what Papa has gifted you to do). We see this concept clearly illustrated in Exodus 31:1-6 (AMP) Continue reading Anointed Artisans
Healing with Flags at a Retreat
Not a short scarf story, but an awesome one! Always cools to hear what God does through the silks He births at Dyed4you. These were used at a retreat and Father brought healing! How awesome is He? Continue reading Healing with Flags at a Retreat
Beautiful “It Is Finished” Billow
It never ceases to bless us when we get to see our silk in action! This team did a BEAUTIFUL job and we loved seeing how they incorporated the 35″x10′ Dyed4you billow called “It Is Finished” into their dance. Always lovely to see a coordinated effort like this! Hope you guys enjoy it too 🙂 Continue reading Beautiful “It Is Finished” Billow
Mind-Blowing Giant Quills
Larisa is demo-ing the flags the recipient is commenting on below. They were AH-MAZING flags! Too big for me, but Larisa was working them beautifully. 🙂 And the recipient is taller and loves big flags… maybe one day he’ll share some video. 😉 In the meantime, here’s his response to his flags and a demo video of these special order giant quills called Honored One. Continue reading Mind-Blowing Giant Quills
How-to Make Bendies
This post was originally about all sorts of dowels including our bendies, but we quickly realized no one thought getting flags without a rod in them was as cool or convenient as we did. 🙂
So we started simply including our bendies with all our bendie wings and flags, and using what we call “reinforced” bendies (which are another rod inserted in the hollow center of our bendies to reinforce them). We use the reinforced bendies on our larger heavier weight flags and wings (like our XL flag and large wing). Continue reading How-to Make Bendies
An Unexpected Gift
This beautiful, warm Dyed4you throw blanket was an unexpected, impromptu gift (that divinely ended up being the colors that was special to their relationship). This Special Order throw was crafted a little differently than our How-To Make a D4Y Throw instructs, instead being essentially inlaid in the design of the throw itself. It turned out possibly the crispest and most professional-looking of all the throws I’ve created! I’ll definitely be doing more in this style in the future. Continue reading An Unexpected Gift
Anointed, Confirming Gift
This testimony comes from a custom order crinkle silk through our Dyed4you Readymade store that was given as a gift. Always fun to see how these gifts minister, especially when they’re going to someone who isn’t familiar with what we do and is getting to experience it for the first time. Below is her response to the woman who blessed her with the silk. Continue reading Anointed, Confirming Gift
Fun Connection and a Divinely Coordinated Gift
In a previous career, I taught college. And as I was walking the package from a Dyed4you Readymade Etsy store purchase to the mailbox, I looked down and realized the name on the label was a former student of mine! Turns out his mother knows Donna (the woman I refer to as the “mother of Dyed4you“) – what a small world! Continue reading Fun Connection and a Divinely Coordinated Gift
Blessed by a Last Minute Flag for a Dance
This worshipper got asked to do a dance at the last moment and came to us needing a flag that was ready to ship. We were thrilled since this is exactly the type of circumstance we created Dyed4you Readymade for! We made a suggestion for which silk we thought she might consider (a large long quill flag called Call To Me And I Will Answer) and it was confirmation because it was the same color she’d been sensing. She got the flag and was able to use it for her dance. Below she shares her feedback 🙂 Continue reading Blessed by a Last Minute Flag for a Dance
Vibrant Confirmation
A beautiful silk story about a pair of large quill flags called Majestic Crown. It ALWAYS blesses us to hear that a word we’ve shared brings confirmation (and of course we like it when people like the way they look too!). We hope this story will bless you too! Continue reading Vibrant Confirmation
Wrapped in Father’s Arms
It’s always so encouraging to hear how Papa moves through our silks! We really appreciate when you all in the Dyed4you Community take the time to share YOUR stories with us. This is one such story. She’s not the first one to be blessed by a silk that didn’t look the way she would’ve picked. Fun to see how God moves! Continue reading Wrapped in Father’s Arms
Dyed4you Flags at Aglow
You may remember Amber, who shared a neat video of her quill wings being used on the Sea of Galilee several years ago. Today, she shared some shots from an Aglow International meeting in the midwest. She shared just a little to set the scene – we always love these glimpses into how you use your silks! Continue reading Dyed4you Flags at Aglow
Burning Hope Quills
Glorious quill flags and a glorious picture of a beautiful worshipper! Couldn’t resist sharing this stunning photo with this extra large quill flag pair called Burning Hope. Love these! Continue reading Burning Hope Quills
Powerful Streamer Veil
This Dyed4you Readymade customer got creative with her crinkle silk! She hemmed it (for durability since she planned to use it as a flag product) and made it into a streamer veil. 🙂 Continue reading Powerful Streamer Veil
Operating in Love (The Prophetic Voice)
I shared this on my personal blog, but given the nature of what we do here at Dyed4you and Dyed4you Ministries in general, I felt like this was worth sharing because this is how we strive to operate: in love. We desire to see the Body function in the prophetic in a healthy, biblical way. After having been in a prophetic ministry for over a decade, I have seen how easy it is for it to be used as a weapon and for people to be hurt, disillusioned, and fall away as a result of lack of teaching in the prophetic and people not operating in it in a biblical way. Continue reading Operating in Love (The Prophetic Voice)
Blessed by the Sheer Power the Words
This is a beautiful Silk Story from a pair of XLRQ (extra large rounded quill flags) called Honored One (we shared the word for these on my personal blog, Silk: Honored One). It’s always both exciting and humbling to hear feedback like this, but we love to share because to God be all the glory! Continue reading Blessed by the Sheer Power the Words
About Dyed4you Readymade
Last fall we Announced Dyed4you Readymade. It’s been fun to see how things have developed as time has progressed and the store has come into its own. The following is a video that we created for the Etsy store as an overview about how it works and ties in with the vision of Dyed4you. Just wanted to share it here as well since it really captures the heart. 🙂 Continue reading About Dyed4you Readymade
Exceeding Expectations
A beautiful testimonial from one of our Dyed4you Readymade customers (Dyed4you Art too). We’re always so blessed to hear when the words resonate with their recipients! We love the confirmations 🙂 Yay God! Continue reading Exceeding Expectations