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Dance Team Ministering

Another powerful dance ministry moment, this time with a pair of 4 yard streamers called Carrying the Presence. Always fun to see a team working together to bring a piece together. Love how Father moves through us in harmony – each of us flawed and human, despite moments of trial or disagreement, still He brings harmony. He is good! Hope you’re blessed by this piece. Continue reading Dance Team Ministering

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Dancing with Abandon (Righteous Warfare XLRQ)

Love getting to see people dance with abandon in worship, but when it is a man too? That is always a special treat. I hope you are blessed by his worship and by the beautiful Righteous Warfare XLR (extra large round) quill flags he uses in this dance. Powerful!  Continue reading Dancing with Abandon (Righteous Warfare XLRQ)

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Anointed vs Counterfeit

This is my third post now about  Why it Matters Who Makes Your Flags and why it’s so important to have tools Created Under the Anointing. I want to start by quoting a section of my initial post. 

When the tabernacle was built the Lord says of the men he selected to lead the design/creation that He had “filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs” (Ex 31:3-4). 

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Faithful RSF During Church

A sweet moment during worship this morning at Gateway:61. Always fun to see kids worship (and guys in general) with abandon. He has such a joy and true unabashed praise! This RSF (regular swing flag) is called Faithful (it’s the the same one used in the how-to use swing flags post years ago) and you can see its pair peeking in from the left (another young man was using it). Enjoy!  Continue reading Faithful RSF During Church

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How-to Store and Travel Streamers/Streamer Veils

Just a quick video to show you how-to store your streamers and streamer veils (or at least how I store mine), and how you can travel with them. Hope you find this helpful! As a note, here’s the link to the streamer rods I mention in the video if you’re interested in getting some.  Continue reading How-to Store and Travel Streamers/Streamer Veils

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Custom Beaded Tallit (And Why One Might Use One)

FYI we have an update post on why someone might use a tallit

Papa blessed me (Meghan) with a new custom beaded tallit. It is called Relentless Faith and is 44×72″ in a 10mm china silk; and I made the tallits longer than normal (because I couldn’t seem to stop myself when I was creating them LOL!). I thought I’d share not just some pictures, but also a quick video explaining why one might use a tallit (And based on how much I loved mine, I added the oversized tallit option in our Dyed4you Readymade store).  Continue reading Custom Beaded Tallit (And Why One Might Use One)

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Healing Flow Restoration Ministry

I think this is like the third or fourth Silk Ministry video we’ve posted using this silk and on this topic. I’d apologize for being repetitive, but I think it’s more about the fact that this is a MUCH needed area of ministry. Hopefully this video of flag ministry will bless you. I’m using a LRSV (large rounded streamer veil) called Healing Flow. You can probably hear me praying (both in english and tongues) so if that’s not your thing – mute it 😉 and I also apologize because my framing of the video is a little off. Continue reading Healing Flow Restoration Ministry

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Worship in a New Age Festival

It’s always cool to hear what God does through you guys in the Dyed4you community and your silks. This testimony is no exception to that! Our silks have ventured into new age festivals and pagan picnics before – we love ushering in His kingdom. Here’s the story of this woman’s experience with this: Continue reading Worship in a New Age Festival

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The Voice of the Lord Banner

Love this custom-sized (55″x90″) banner flag called the Voice of the Lord! This was a gift for the “mother” of Dyed4you (hear the history of Dyed4you) and she put it immediately to good use by worshipping with it during corporate worship (at Gateway:61). Hope you enjoy this little sneak peek into a beautiful moment of worship 🙂 Below you’ll also find a couple other videos of this flag in action. It’s letter is posted over on my personal blog if you’re interested (Silk: The Voice of the Lord)!  Continue reading The Voice of the Lord Banner

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How-to Store Your Quills & Bendies

How-To Store Your QuillWe’ve showed how we wrap our quills for storage in other videos, but never in one short video as a quick reference so I whipped one out for you. All quills can be stored this way, and as I mention in the video, if you have a pair, you can wrap them together to keep them from getting separated. When the quills are wrapped like this they fit nicely in a tote or large purse (depending on the size quill and size purse) for traveling. Swing flags are obviously the easiest flag to travel with, but the quills light weight, ability to stack fairly easily, and reasonable size when wrapped makes them good travelers as well.  Continue reading How-to Store Your Quills & Bendies

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How-to Receive Dyed4you Art/Silk

We like to say that the words you receive from Dyed4you and Dyed4you Art are a portion of a conversation, not a conversation in its entirety. We love to hear that we’re confirming something He’s already shared. Ideally, each of us should hear His voice for ourselves and words from others should mostly confirm and expand things He’s already shared, but regrettably many of us have been taught to doubt our ability to hear Him for ourselves. We rely so strongly on our natural senses that we prefer to hear another person tell us what He’s saying to us because we trust our natural senses more than our spiritual ones. That’s usually because we’ve spent more time cultivating our natural senses while neglecting our spiritual ones (again often because we’ve been taught to do so).  Continue reading How-to Receive Dyed4you Art/Silk

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Beautiful to Worship With

It’s always wonderful to get positive feedback from you all in the Dyed4you Community, and it’s great to hear you understanding and embracing both venues you can get silk through: our custom order site (this one – Dyed4you) and our new Etsy store (Dyed4you Readymade). Both bring you beautiful silks as this customer below shares about her pair of RSW (regular swing wings): Continue reading Beautiful to Worship With

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Bethel TV Silk Sighting

Sam-with-MelekKabowd-2XLquillsIt’s always fun when I “happen” upon one of our silks! As I was watching some Bethel TV videos on YouTube this evening, I happened upon this one and at 2:22 (which is a significant number for me so that was totally a God-wink) one of our Dyed4you community guys appears with his Melek Kabowd (King of Glory) 2XLH quill flags (they were remakes of the ones I made for my hubby a while back)!  Continue reading Bethel TV Silk Sighting

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What is a Prophetic Word?

A while back I shared How-To Receive a Prophetic Word, and on our sites we talk about the letters (prophetic words) that come with our silk and art and the fact that they are supposed to be a portion of a conversation with God, not an entire conversation in and of themselves. These prophetic pieces are intended to facilitate conversation with God, add a dimension to interactions that are hopefully already occurring, or begin conversation if none is. Ultimately, relationship with Him is what we all should be working on and trying to strength and deepen.  Continue reading What is a Prophetic Word?

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Created Under the Anointing

silkscreatedundertheanointingSeveral years back I did a post called Why it Matters Who Makes Your Flags. The short version is basically that I want to use tools made by those God has anointed to create them, not ones created in the flesh. I shared in that post several other ministries that I felt were anointed to create worship tools including of course our sister ministry Prophetic Worship BannersAndrea York, and Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed. I wanted to share a couple more since I’ve acquired some new flags. Some are from the ministries I’ve already mentioned, but a couple new ones too. Hope you enjoy!  Continue reading Created Under the Anointing

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Confirming Mantle

prophetmantleIt’s always lovely when we receive confirmations. This silk story is about a customer who contacted us about getting a silk to align with a word he’s gotten that he was a prophet. God had given several specifics. So our first confirmation was simply the timing of his request because when he asked, the prophetic team was actually working on a new silk and guess what it was called… you got it, Prophet Mantle! And the specifics he’d been given were already in the word. God is so good!  Continue reading Confirming Mantle

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How-To Use 2 Streamers/Streamer Veils

how-touse2streamersAfter we posted our How-To Use Streamers/Streamer Veils video, we had a request to demo doing a pair of them. So here’s a quick how-to that gives you the basics! Be sure to watch the other video first as this one builds on it. As always, let us know if you have questions! Continue reading How-To Use 2 Streamers/Streamer Veils