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How-to Keep a Crinkle Silk Crinkly

crinkle silk knotOur fun Crinkle Silks from our Dyed4you Readymade store are easy to store and keep crinkly when you keep them in the same style pretzel/knot that they arrive in. So we created this quick how-to so you could see how to do it! If you have any questions, as always let us know 🙂  Continue reading How-to Keep a Crinkle Silk Crinkly

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Re-Weighted LSF (Large Swing Flags)

Just wanted to give you all a quick heads up, we’ve redesigned our Large Swing Flags (LSF) a bit making them a tad lighter and redistributing the weights so they’re in two rows rather than three (which makes them feel less bulky). We think they flow better and hope you will too! Didn’t want any of you who have gotten a LSF before to be surprised by the change 🙂 Happy worshipping!  Continue reading Re-Weighted LSF (Large Swing Flags)

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Being Seen by God

I SEE You!This is a beautiful story about a silk that a grandmother gifted to one of her granddaughters. The young lady who was the recipient has been in a dark place for a while, she’s only 12. She didn’t see a reason to live, didn’t feel loved or seen my anyone. She was being picked on at school and the list goes on… When she read the scriptures and poem in the letter is was EXACTLY what she’s going through right now.  Continue reading Being Seen by God

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Confirmation of Dream

Reflecting His Face crinkle silkA woman received a crinkle silk called Reflecting His Face as a gift, and when she read the word it was a total confirmation for her and she was so blessed by it. You see a day or two earlier she’d had a dream about being in the fire – and there were details Father shared with her – and the letter that came with her silk was about His refining fire and brought confirmation and encouragement during this trying time for her. God is so awesome!  Continue reading Confirmation of Dream

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Announcing Dyed4you Readymade

announcing_d4y-readymadeSo excited to announce a new Dyed4you development: Dyed4you Readymade. We know there have been times that you all have wanted to purchase a last minute gift for someone, but because of the timeframe on our custom orders you’ve either had to have it arrive late or chosen another gift. Well, with our new Dyed4you Readymade we’ve solved the problem!  Continue reading Announcing Dyed4you Readymade

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How-to Use Streamers and Streamer Veils

howtousestreamersandstreamerveilsJust a quick how-to demo video to introduce you to some simple, basic moves for use with streamers and streamer veils. One of the reasons I love streamers and streamer veils is because they are light (especially streamers) and so regardless of strength you can use them for a while without feeling too tired. They also can be used seated and they work wonderfully in a corporate worship environment because they don’t require quite as large a zone to work with. We hope this video inspires you! Happy worshipping 🙂  Continue reading How-to Use Streamers and Streamer Veils

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How-to Hold Your Quills

howtoholdyourquillSome people have been unsure how to hold their quills (both flags and wings), and unfortunately some folks have damaged their silk by holding the quills incorrectly, so we wanted to made a quick video to help clarify. The basic premise is simple: hold gently on the ribbon between a couple fingers using the other fingers for leverage.  Continue reading How-to Hold Your Quills

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How-To Flag

Margie Puckett using a pair of Dyed4you MW Quills named SealedGiven how many posts we have with video upon video of flags in action, it is hard to believe we’ve never put together a post like this before! We have our Basics of Using Quills, which is a simple how-to. And we have our How-To Use Swing Flags post as well as the more advanced moves in our Tips-n-Tricks post. We have how-tos on using a banner flag, using a wing, using voi, and even on dancing with silks. But what we didn’t have was basic diagrams for some flag movements. Continue reading How-To Flag

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Breakthrough in Worship (Scarfless Scarf Story)

20140328-034510.jpgIt always blesses me to hear of the times people are blessed simply by online contact with our ministry. Yes, we sell product, but more importantly our desire is to help people breakthrough in new levels of intimacy with the Lord whether that be in worship, prayer, etc. Though I know it happens, it grieves me to hear when the church is responsible for shutting people down. Continue reading Breakthrough in Worship (Scarfless Scarf Story)

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Portal to the Throne Room Banner Flag

PortalToTheThroneRoomIt is not every day I get to have the Dyed4you Community at large minister to me, but that’s just what you all did and I am completely blessed! I have to start by saying I didn’t know what Father was up to when this started, but it is not unusual for Him to get sneaky and give me a birthday gift (some of you may remember the one He birthed in a dream that got finished literally on my birthday). Continue reading Portal to the Throne Room Banner Flag

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PFT Angels Purim 2014

PFT-angels_Purim2014This is the young dance team at Passion for Truth affectionately nicknamed the PFT Angels (who you’ve seen before). In this dance to Born for This (which they performed Purim weekend), they use a special order 6 yard billow and two 3 yd streamers.  You’ve seen the billow before in a quiet worship moment I’d shared. They did an awesome job – so proud! Continue reading PFT Angels Purim 2014

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One Night with a King

Calah-OneNightWithaKingEarlier this week I shared a snippet from worship this past weekend and promised to share the young ladies dance special when the video was posted… well here it is and it is wonderful! She’s dancing with a pair of special order 2XLR quill flags (named Come to Me), which you’ve seen before when one of our “PFT Angels” was worshiping with them. The song is called One Night with a King and the dance was done Purim weekend. Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading One Night with a King

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The Creator’s Essence

CreatorsEssenceSo excited to share this with you today!  For regulars in the Dyed4you Community, you know Dyed4you uses anointing oils created by our sister ministry the Scent of Heaven.  Carol (the founder and heart and hands behind the ministry) has been a spiritual mom to me since the first year of Dyed4you. Continue reading The Creator’s Essence

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Crown of Glory Swing Flags

CalebPolingThese are a beautiful pair of regular-sized swing flags called Crown of Glory. You’ve seen them before when Larisa made a demo video with them (see that here). Always love getting to see silks with their recipients! And praise God for a man worshiping with flags – can I get an amen? If I remember this young man was inspired by our friend Caleb – just shows how much impact we can have when we step out in obedience. Continue reading Crown of Glory Swing Flags

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Righteous Warfare L Swing Flags

RighteousWarfareLSwingFlagsThis is a large pair of swing flags called Righteous Warfare. You’ve seen this style before, but the pattern in these was unique so we wanted to share them again along with the testimony that just arrived from the recipient! Continue reading Righteous Warfare L Swing Flags