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Wind & Fire

Below is a portion of a three-part story. The three scarves mentioned all have stories – Fresh Oil, Overcomer, and Wind & Fire (this story). The stories are told using a combination of feedback from Faye (the woman who ordered them), feedback from the intercessors they were for, and I (Meghan) have filled in some details as well. Continue reading Wind & Fire

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Fresh Oil

Below is a portion of a three-part story. The three scarves mentioned all have stories – Fresh Oil (this story), Overcomer, and Wind & Fire. The stories are told using a combination of feedback from Faye (the woman who ordered them), feedback from the intercessors they were for, and I (Meghan) have filled in some details as well. Continue reading Fresh Oil

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Resting in His Glory

When I made this scarf, I made it for someone else. I knew the Lord had told me to get it done in time to bring to church one Wednesday evening and so I hurriedly finished it up, whisking out the letter and getting it all set to gift to my friend named Rachel. Only it turned out she wasn’t at church. I thought I must have missed God. Continue reading Resting in His Glory

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Promise of New Life

A friend from work asked me if I could make one for a Christmas present for her sister.

Monday the 27th I lay a blank scarf on the table and put the sister before the Lord, and asked what He would want to say to her. I felt green stalks growing so strongly I ripped the lid off the green dye and instead of rinsing the lid so as not to get dye everywhere I just threw it down and began to let my arm “grow the green stems” on the scarf because I felt like I might burst if I didn’t. Lots of green growth – a feeling of plenty. Not neat and tidy and contained – a lot and fast and furious. Green representing life. Continue reading Promise of New Life

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My Beloved

A friend from church asked me to make a scarf for a woman who is a friend of ours at church. The only input she’d given was that she looked good in teal, burnt orange, and rust.

The day I went to make the scarf, I plopped down on my couch, picked up my Bible and asked the Lord what He wanted to say to this woman. Continue reading My Beloved