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PFT Worship

Can I start by saying I love my church? This is a clip from a typical evening of worship on Shabbat (Sabbath) at Passion for Truth Fellowship (which streams live every Saturday at 5pm CST).

We are so blessed to have a group of people who truly love to press in during worship – so in this clip you will see men, women and children dancing, using flags, and moving as one with the billow. Continue reading PFT Worship

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Blessed by How God Sees Her

Loved hearing this story of the Lord using silk as a way to witness to someone who needs to know the love of God!

Just wanted to let you know something truly amazing that happened today! I had ordered a small prayer cloth sized prophetically dyed scarf to wear as a bracelet. After I ordered I was being kinda hard on myself. I felt inadequate. The scarf came in and it was called Godly Beauty. Continue reading Blessed by How God Sees Her

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Declaring Life Over Her Son

I’m so behind in posting stories that her son will have been clean 6 months in 5 days!!! Praise God!  You’ve seen a demo of one of these before too, but there’s some beautiful video of Tami worshiping with them below.

I received my new swing flags awhile back and I just love them, plus there is deep meaning to these for me. The Lord spoke to me about them before I had them made. Continue reading Declaring Life Over Her Son

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Forgiveness Healing

I love this story – too often we hesitate to ask for forgiveness because it requires us to humble ourselves. And yet it’s exactly what the word exhorts us to do!  We need to be obedient to bring freedom and healing – this is a beautiful testimony of such a moment…

To set the story up a bit, the scarf’s name is Healing Flow and it was won by this recipient during one of our Blog Giveaways.  I love how even in a giveaway – God is moving.

I can share with you that the first healing was my own, it was a spiritual healing that was 14 years in the making. A forgiveness healing, me having to ask for forgiveness for a past transgression. Continue reading Forgiveness Healing

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D4Y/D4Yart Treasure Chest

A friend of Dyed4you found a treasure chest at North Star Books, who sells both Dyed4you scarves and Dyed4you Art.  A fellow artist, she shared her experience with us:

God had me on a treasure hunt today and look what I found at North Star in Nampa, Idaho! The red scarf is the one you sent me, but the rest “I found”. Continue reading D4Y/D4Yart Treasure Chest

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New to Voi Worshiper

You saw me demo Shannon’s voi, and now she’s shared video of herself with them. Let me preface this by saying she had spent no more than an hour with voi ever in her entire life – so that alone is astounding to me. Beautiful to watch someone anointed and gifted to move in worship! Continue reading New to Voi Worshiper

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Powerful Spiritual Weapon

You may remember my post of the Covenant vision come to life, well this is a story of what happened once the recipient actually had the silk in her hands.  Here she tells her story:

I am the one with the Covenant veil. I am sending you this picture as a personal testimony of using the Covenant veil during our worship service. This image has not been altered by any means. It was taken from my digital camera during our worship service by my husband. It was a special night to me, since it was the first time I used the veil to dance in church with it. Continue reading Powerful Spiritual Weapon

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Scarf for Each Child

A story from someone who got 6×24 scarves for each of their four children 🙂

It has been quite some time since I have been able to sit and email you. First and foremost thank you for the beautiful scarves you crafted for my children. It was a lovely experience watching them open their precious gifts from the Lord. Continue reading Scarf for Each Child

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Ministry Blessed with Silks

How fun to see how one ministry has been blessed by Dyed4you silk!

On the last order submitted, I requested 3 custom dyed, each for a different person. One was for me so I was quite excited when the package came. I looked at the names of each scarf, and wanted them all, but didn’t have any trouble finding mine because I ordered a different size. The scarf – Hovering of the Holy Spirit. I cherished it and the letter. Continue reading Ministry Blessed with Silks

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Confirmation & Comfort

Beautiful testimony and another scarf story of confirmation. This is pieced together from a couple email interactions:

My scarf was purchased for me by my spiritual mom at church. The name of my scarf is Hungry. It is right on target! I cry out to God and I just ask him for more of his guidance, mercy, love, and compassion! I tell him I never want to feel like I have lost Him! Continue reading Confirmation & Comfort

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Thriving Little Dancer

A fun story from today!

Your scarf for my daughter was a perfect match for her! God’s so awesome!

First, I saw a picture of it [as in a vision] while praying a couple of days before I decided to even order her a scarf – and I didn’t know what or who the picture went with…I guess now I know! Continue reading Thriving Little Dancer

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God’s Brake Pedal

Sweet feedback from a first-time scarf buyer 🙂

I just received my scarf a few minutes ago. It so confirms where God is leading me to be under His covering in a season where I’ve been trying to “do” things myself. I praise God for this answer to prayer and great reminder to stay under His wing! Continue reading God’s Brake Pedal

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He is our Shepherd

You’ve seen Tami’s Jehovah Rohi altered wing in action twice before – once when Amanda E demo’d it after it was made and once by Tami’s granddaughter. But now you get to see Tami using it (YouTube edited out the audio – sorry!) and she even uses both her wings (Jehovah Rohi and Steadfast Faith) at the end!  Plus you get to hear her story 🙂 Continue reading He is our Shepherd

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His and Her Wing

Another beautiful confirmation for Tami and she shares a video of her using her wing 🙂

I just received my semicircle scarf today, the name of it is Steadfast Faith, it truly is the most beautiful scarf I have ever seen. I was telling my best friend that I could just put this one and rest in him, trust in him.God really knows my heart and knows where I am right now in my walk. Continue reading His and Her Wing

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Confirming & Proclaiming

You all may remember seeing the Proclaimer scarf once before, and when I packaged it I thought, “This is definitely a little girl’s scarf” and a moment later God said that I was to make it again – this time for a grown woman who is a first-time Dyed4you customer and a friend of my dear friend Gloria. I had to laugh because I realized what He was gently reminding me is that we’re ALL His “little girls” 🙂

So this Proclaimer – Daddy’s little girl – shares her story: Continue reading Confirming & Proclaiming