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Confirming her Deep Desire

A fun new story from a first time customer 🙂

I just wanted to let you know that I have received my scarf today in the mail and I am thrilled with it. Now that you have made it I will tell you a little about myself. I am a prayer warrior and a worshiper who cries out for more of God. My deepest desire is to go deeper in the Lord and have a intimate walk with Him that when people see me they see Him in me. Continue reading Confirming her Deep Desire

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Confirming Her Call

A neat confirmation from God through TWO D4Y Blog Giveaway scarves 🙂

Boy when Father speaks the enemies troops are quick to deploy! If only the collective church were so quick to move, no telling what this Earth would look like. Anyhow, I count myself as one of those who’ve been sluggish in the wake of His revelation. I know the distractions are the strategy to waylay me. I know I’ve told you bits and pieces pertaining to my gifted treasures but even for myself I need to pull it all together.

Continue reading Confirming Her Call

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Little Proclaimer

Such a sweet story of miss Maddy who now has her OWN scarf 🙂

This morning I was obviously waiting with great anticipation for the mailman to come. As soon as I saw him, I ran out the door. What’s better is MADDY ran out the door and recognized the package and yelled “MY SCARF MOMMY!!!”. Continue reading Little Proclaimer

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Warrior Princess & Bursting Forth

This is a fun story 🙂 This woman emailed me when she ordered her scarf – she had said for me to do whatever God said, but then commented:

As I browsed through your site I was drawn to the photo of a lady wearing one of your beaded veils. It almost looked like a mahogany brown with splashes of turquoise and metallic gold. Just really wanting to be a mighty warrior princess for His kingdom as I allow His Spirit to move through me.

Little did she know, the name of the scarf she liked WAS Warrior Princess 🙂 Continue reading Warrior Princess & Bursting Forth

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Heart after Him (pillowcase)

A cool confirmation on a pillowcase that was a gift from a wife to her husband 🙂

Thank you so much for your obedience to the Holy Spirit. May the Lord richly bless you.

I was so delighted to receive “Heart After Him” pillowcase for my husband. I was not sure how he would respond to a pillowcase birthday present, especially a prophetically dyed one at that! I sensed the Holy Spirit’s leading and placed an order. He was very touched by the word and gift.
Continue reading Heart after Him (pillowcase)

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Scarf & the Potty

This is a fun scarf story from a friend and loyal Dyed4you customer.  She’d bought a 6×24 scarf for her 3 year old daughter and a fun story was birthed. Here it is:

The first thing I noticed was the colors – she loves blue and green, and these were so vibrant – very her!

As she was playing with it, it ended up on the floor near her potty (not as a wipe – LOL – just in proximity!) and I was struck how the color matched her potty. I found it intriguingly odd that her scarf matched her potty. That’s when the Lord began speaking… Continue reading Scarf & the Potty

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Abiding Joy

Another Dyed4you Blog giveaway scarf story 🙂

So my story starts here. I got on facebook and was just looking through my news feed and decided to comment on a dyed4you posting. I then got offline. I was sitting on my couch looking at my bible and the book I had in my hand when I heard God tell me it was ok to read a chapter and then come spend time with him. Continue reading Abiding Joy

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Spiritual Delivery

A couple Dyed4you silks being used in a gathering – a 14×72 scarf with a streamer seam added and on the floor is a special order 35×108 in the 5mm china silk. You have to love these deep moments… and if you’ve never had a face-on-the-floor moment, please don’t be freaked out… it’s just a precious, holy moment. Continue reading Spiritual Delivery

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God Speaking Through Scarves

It’s beautiful to see how God uses each silk to speak so uniquely!  This story is actually a series of stories about several pieces she received over a period of about a year and a half:

God’s love is so deep; this is something I need to grasp on to everyday! My first scarf was a gift from my Pastors on Christmas Eve. The name of it is Abundant Life, it is a beautiful green (green is my favorite color). Continue reading God Speaking Through Scarves

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His Child, His Love

What fun for me to get to a request from someone to do a quick turnaround gift for a faithful Dyed4you customer 🙂 Immediately, I knew which scarf I was supposed to make — God had already been speaking to me about it — but I knew enough about this person that I knew it would likely bless her. Not wanting to prophesy out of my flesh, I argued with God a bit about it and finally did 3 blind questions with 3 intercessors to confirm if this was the scarf to create… all 3 rounds came out a YES!

But the story she shares shows me I didn’t know a fraction of why this was the word God wanted her to have… He never ceases to amaze me. His grace for us all and the love that He is constantly wanting to shower us with. Her beautiful story is below: Continue reading His Child, His Love

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He sees me as “Flawless”

I’m excited to share my own scarf story with you 🙂 Let me start by saying God has been talking to me about how He sees me (as He does with many of us). I’ve been going through deep inner healing for months now and it’s been a brutal, raw season. God’s written an amazing testimony in my life, but even though my poor choices have been redeemed for His glory they left plenty of scars on my heart and still very much influenced how I saw myself and felt God viewed me.
Continue reading He sees me as “Flawless”

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Show Me Your Glory

A story from the woman I affectionately refer to as the “mother” of Dyed4you… she was the one who was sensing something about me and scarves back in the days I didn’t own one and didn’t like wearing them! LOL 🙂

I wanted to share a bit about the the glory flag. I don’t have it all together yet, but the jist of it is this. Continue reading Show Me Your Glory

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God with a Sense of Humor

During the time I’ve been dyeing with God, I’ve found He often works in themes.  So during various seasons He may give the same word to more than one person and it’s the right word for both of them. I used to feel awkward about this, because I felt like people would somehow feel slighted by getting a word someone else got too. Over time I realized my obedience was more important and in the end what people want is the RIGHT word 🙂 Continue reading God with a Sense of Humor

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Restoring Her Dance & Singing Over Her

A beautiful story of God restoring and encouraging!

I decided to get a scarf that I could wear just for prayer times or whenever. When I got my scarf in I was so excited.  My scarf is called Love Song and it was anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Come Dance with Me. Continue reading Restoring Her Dance & Singing Over Her

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Aligned with Truth Banner

A beautiful testimony and video of a customer (actually 2) using their special order 55×108 banners.

Okay so i will keep this as short as I can. A few years back I moved back to my hometown in KS. As soon was we moved home, a lot happened which began to feel like blow after blow. I kept on serving the Lord until it the trials began to feel like defeat. Continue reading Aligned with Truth Banner