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How-to Minister with Flags and About Flag Ministry

We recorded this live on our Dyed4you Ministries facebook page, this Lunchtime Live was about flag ministry, the name of God YHVH Nissi (the Lord My Banner), our Why We Flag quick reference card, a Prophetic Nugget called YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner), and ministry time.  Continue reading How-to Minister with Flags and About Flag Ministry

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The Symbolic Use of Flags and Banners in Praise and Worship

This post is a quote of an article by Arletia Mayfield (she has a book available on her site), which she posted on Owlcation. When I initially posted this blog, I was not familiar with this sister in Christ personally (nor this website), but the article had so much in it that pertains to the Dyed4you Community I wanted to share it because I believed you’ll be blessed by it (The original article (which she appears to update regularly) is available here). Continue reading The Symbolic Use of Flags and Banners in Praise and Worship

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How-to Make a Capped Rod

Since folks seem to be falling in love with our spinners just as much as we have, we wanted to share the love and tell you about how the rod is constructed. As a note if you end up using our design and being blessed by it and want to do something for us to say thank you, we LOVE getting flags from other people/ministries! No pressure, but just putting it out there ๐Ÿ˜‰  Continue reading How-to Make a Capped Rod

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How-to Use Spin Wings

This is a quick tutorial on using our spin wings. The quick version is: these babies are easy and fun to use, no need to stick with figure eights anymore, have fun! As one friend used to say, she’d always fall over from spinning – that was from trying to not tangle “regular” flags – LOL ๐Ÿ™‚ She loves the spin wings! Hopefully you will too ๐Ÿ™‚  Continue reading How-to Use Spin Wings

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How-to Store Spinners

This is just a quick video to show you the best way to store your spin wings. If for some reason you didn’t get a silk sleeve (sometimes they’ll get posted on Dyed4you Readymade without one), you can purchase one after the fact but it won’t be a match – just a white sleeve or one dyed in another color style. ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading How-to Store Spinners

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How-to Handle Rod Breakage

As we shared with quill breakage, what happens in the natural is representative of what happens in the spiritual realm. So if you have a bendie break or a cap come off your spinner rod, no worries it can be taken care of! But also know something is shifting in the heavenlies – so let’s pause to rejoice and come into agreement with that too ๐Ÿ™‚  Continue reading How-to Handle Rod Breakage

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How-to Make Bendies

This post was originally about all sorts of dowels including our bendies, but we quickly realized no one thought getting flags without a rod in them was as cool or convenient as we did. ๐Ÿ™‚

So we started simply including our bendies with all our bendie wings and flags, and using what we call “reinforced” bendies (which are another rod inserted in the hollow center of our bendies to reinforce them). We use the reinforced bendies on our larger heavier weight flags and wings (like our XL flag and large wing). Continue reading How-to Make Bendies

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How-to Store and Travel Streamers/Streamer Veils

Just a quick video to show you how-to store your streamers and streamer veils (or at least how I store mine), and how you can travel with them. Hope you find this helpful! As a note, here’s the link to the streamer rods I mention in the video if you’re interested in getting some.  Continue reading How-to Store and Travel Streamers/Streamer Veils

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How-to Store Your Quills & Bendies

How-To Store Your QuillWe’ve showed how we wrap our quills for storage in other videos, but never in one short video as a quick reference so I whipped one out for you. All quills can be stored this way, and as I mention in the video, if you have a pair, you can wrap them together to keep them from getting separated. When the quills are wrapped like this they fit nicely in a tote or large purse (depending on the size quill and size purse) for traveling. Swing flags are obviously the easiest flag to travel with, but the quills light weight, ability to stack fairly easily, and reasonable size when wrapped makes them good travelers as well.  Continue reading How-to Store Your Quills & Bendies

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How-to Receive Dyed4you Art/Silk

We like to say that the words you receive fromย Dyed4youย andย Dyed4you Artย are a portion of a conversation, not a conversation in its entirety. We love to hear that we’re confirming something He’s already shared. Ideally, each of us should hear His voice for ourselves and words from others should mostlyย confirm and expand things He’s already shared, but regrettably many of us have been taught to doubt our ability to hear Him for ourselves. We rely so strongly on our natural senses that we prefer to hear another person tell us what He’s saying to us because we trust our natural senses more than our spiritual ones. That’s usually because we’ve spent more time cultivating our natural senses while neglecting our spiritual ones (again often because we’ve been taught to do so).ย  Continue reading How-to Receive Dyed4you Art/Silk

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How-To Use 2 Streamers/Streamer Veils

how-touse2streamersAfter we posted our How-To Use Streamers/Streamer Veils video, we had a request to demo doing a pair of them. So here’s a quick how-to that gives you the basics! Be sure to watch the other video first as this one builds on it. As always, let us know if you have questions! Continue reading How-To Use 2 Streamers/Streamer Veils

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How-to Keep a Crinkle Silk Crinkly

crinkle silk knotOur fun Crinkle Silks from our Dyed4you Readymade store are easy to store and keep crinkly when you keep them in the same style pretzel/knot that they arrive in. So we created this quick how-to so you could see how to do it! If you have any questions, as always let us know ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Continue reading How-to Keep a Crinkle Silk Crinkly

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How-to Use Streamers and Streamer Veils

howtousestreamersandstreamerveilsJust a quick how-to demo video to introduce you to some simple, basic moves for use with streamers and streamer veils. One of the reasons I loveย streamersย andย streamer veilsย is because they are light (especiallyย streamers) and so regardless of strength you can use them for a while without feeling too tired. They also can be used seated and they work wonderfully in a corporate worship environment because they don’t require quite as large a zone to work with. We hope this video inspires you! Happy worshipping ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Continue reading How-to Use Streamers and Streamer Veils

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How-to Hold Your Quills

howtoholdyourquillSome people have been unsure how to hold their quills (both flags and wings), and unfortunately some folks have damaged their silk by holding the quills incorrectly, so we wanted to made a quick video to help clarify. The basic premise is simple: hold gently on the ribbon between a couple fingers using the other fingers for leverage.ย  Continue reading How-to Hold Your Quills

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How-To Flag

Margie Puckett using a pair of Dyed4you MW Quills named SealedGiven how many posts we have with video upon video of flags in action, it is hard to believe we’ve never put together a post like this before! We have our Basics of Using Quills, which is a simple how-to. And we have our How-To Use Swing Flags post as well as the more advanced moves in our Tips-n-Tricks post. We have how-tos on using a banner flag, using a wing, using voi, and even on dancing with silks. But what we didn’t have was basic diagrams for some flag movements. Continue reading How-To Flag

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Quill vs. Dowel Wing Comparison

WingComparisonWe get emails asking about the difference between quill wingsย  and dowel wings (which are semicircles with a wing seam added), and how they flow different from each otherย so we thought it might be time to put up a quick blog about it that will hopefully help answer some of those questions. Also if you are not sure about which quill is for you, than you can click here and see more comparison ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading Quill vs. Dowel Wing Comparison

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How-to Choose between LWH & XLW

LWH-XLWI know I have yet to officially announce the LW/LWH quills, but you’ve seen them a couple times before (in a demo comparing the LW and MW quill size and as a centerpiece in a worship presentation). Despite not being officially announced yet, they are available on our quill page so I thought a comparison between the large and XL size wings would be helpful. Continue reading How-to Choose between LWH & XLW