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How-To Ship Quills for Repair

You may remember we did a post not long ago telling y’all about quill breakthrough. Since then Nickol (from Prophetic Worship Banners) has gotten some interesting packages – often where folks have paid more than they need to for shipping. So she put together a quick video on how to package them for shipping ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading How-To Ship Quills for Repair

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How-To Pick YOUR Quill

I realized we were in need of an updated How-To Pick YOUR Quill post since we’ve added a bunch of sizes and renamed our sizing. All our current quill sizes are represented in this post with the exception of the mini (which you can see here).

Also some info has been expounded in other places like the Dowel vs Quill Wing Comparison and the Flag Comparison page (which compares 8 different flag products – quill flags and quill wings being 2 of the 8). I also have a quick how-to on using them. Continue reading How-To Pick YOUR Quill

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How-To Pick Which Flag is Best for You

I’ve been wanting to create a Flag Comparison page for a long while to make it easier for you to know which flag is right for YOU ๐Ÿ™‚ย  This video compares 8 flagging products (listed below). Continue reading How-To Pick Which Flag is Best for You

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FYI: Quill Breakthrough (aka How-To Get Quills Repaired)

Wanted to give you an FYI that with quills sometimes breakthrough happens. The good news is what we’ve learned is when breakthrough happens in the physical realm, it is often a manifestation of it having happened in the spiritual realm (I have a great scarf story I heard recently on a quill breakthrough I’m looking forward to sharing soon)!

Continue reading FYI: Quill Breakthrough (aka How-To Get Quills Repaired)

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How-To Make a D4Y Throw

I know many of you would love to have a Dyed4you Throw but simply can’t afford to get one. So for those of you who sew, I wanted to put together a quick how-to for the Fur and the Furry Mink Fleece throws.ย  This means you can just special order the silk charmeuse (which comes with a word) for one side and then you can sew it yourself! Continue reading How-To Make a D4Y Throw

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How-To Pick YOUR Quill

In case you hadn’t noticed, I am in love with quills!ย  I still love my swing flags, simple flags and voi too; but quills have become a bit of an addiction. You see of all the flags Dyed4you carries, quills are the easiest to pick up and use if you have never flagged before, but they also are wonderful if you’re very skilled with them. (View a quick comparison of our most popular flags or view other comparison posts) Continue reading How-To Pick YOUR Quill

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Peace & God’s Presence

You may not realize this, but I (Meghan) don’t write all the words that come with the silks. The Lord has taught me well this ministry is NOT about me, and so He reminds me by birthing words through Dyed4you intercessors and others the Lord has connected to D4Y. Continue reading Peace & God’s Presence

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How-To Use Swing Flag(s)

A long overdue how-to use swing flag(s) video!  I cover both singles and pairs in this video.  Also,  I realized there were a few things I forgot to say in the video (there goes the brain fog again!).  The weighted corner is called the “lead corner” and it needs to be pointing forward when you hold it (as you see me doing in the video, I just forgot to say it). Continue reading How-To Use Swing Flag(s)

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How-To Receive a Prophetic Word

I had an email last night from someone who had been very wounded and confused by experiences in a church that moved in the prophetic. This is not the first time someone has shared a story like this with me, nor will it likely be the last.

Regrettably, experiences like these are often what have chased people away from from all things prophetic – which is a bit like throwing out the baby with the bath water. What really needs to happen is that we need to learn how to properly receive a prophetic word – and often this isn’t something we’re taught, but rather something we learn over time (and through hurts). Hopefully, what I’ve shared below will help, even if they simply serve as a reminder for people who already function in these principles. ๐Ÿ™‚

Continue reading How-To Receive a Prophetic Word

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Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves

Per request, this is a 5-part series on the basics of dancing with scarves.ย  Each clip compares 2 scarves for a total of 10 scarves in 4 different fabrics (5mm and 8mm China Silk, Crepe, and Chiffon) and 9 different sizes (21×21, 11×60, 11×60 fringed, 44″ triangle fringed, 22×72, 22×90, 35×84, 55×108, and the 45×108 semicircle). Continue reading Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves