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Women’s Retreat, Roadside & Beach-side

These shots are from a Women’s Retreat in CA that our friend Nickol at Prophetic Worship Banners participated in 🙂

After the retreat, the car broke down, so they decided what better way to spend time on the side of the road than whipping out some Dyed4you quills! Love that you can see the headlights in some shots. Continue reading Women’s Retreat, Roadside & Beach-side

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The Blood flags in Corporate Ministry

In this video my hubby was ministering with a pair of 45″ Round Quill Flags called The Blood. This was during some corporate ministry time at my church (Passion for Truth) with Jimmie Black leading worship. It was a powerful weekend of worship! Continue reading The Blood flags in Corporate Ministry

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Flag Class

This is a flag class from a conference that Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners participated in. I see at least 2 pairs that I dyed and several of hers too (including the beautiful butterfly wings!)

Nearly all the flags being used belong to a Dyed4you (and Prophetic Worship Banners) customer – the one who shared her Why I Dance with Flags post.  Looks like a fun time was had by all!

Continue reading Flag Class

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Amanda E with Strong

Though you can’t tell from the video, this precious moment was captured during a worship service at Amanda E’s church – she was sweet enough to give us a quick peek!

She’s using a pair of 35″ quills called Strong.  I’ve posted a pic of the silk too since the dim lighting doesn’t do them justice 😉 Continue reading Amanda E with Strong

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Here Comes the Bride

As I was making a silk last night for a bride and groom getting married this coming Friday, I couldn’t help but remember another couple whose story and picture I hadn’t shared yet.

This bride and groom received matching silks on their wedding day called Whole Heart.  Only the Father could orchestrate such a perfect match! You can’t see the groom’s too well in this picture, but it was tucked in the breast pocket of his jacket. They looked wonderful! Continue reading Here Comes the Bride

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Joyous Heart Quill Wings

This is a pair of the full-sized Dyed4you Quill Wings.  These silks are made from the 5mm china silk semicircles – they are big and make a big, beautiful visual impact!

This pair Nickol (our friend from Prophetic Worship Banners who constructs all the quills and has the copyright on the design) is using is called Joyous Heart – she was kind enough to share her bloopers too 😉 Continue reading Joyous Heart Quill Wings

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Confirming Words & Bringing Flag Breakthrough

These 35″ Petite quill flags named River of Heaven headed to Scotland where a previous D4Y Giveaway winner was completely blessed by their arrival.  I’ll let her share her story. I compiled this from a couple emails we exchanged 🙂 Continue reading Confirming Words & Bringing Flag Breakthrough

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Introducing Mini Quill Flags

I’m excited to introduce a new quill product affectionately named Mini Quill Flags. These flags are approximately 21″x21″ with a firmer quill (to help prevent breakage).  These flags are great for younger children. Isaiah in this video is 14 months and he LOVES silk and thoroughly enjoyed getting to have a pair of his own to use that were his size! Continue reading Introducing Mini Quill Flags

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Granddaughter in Worship

Just a quick picture of Tami’s swing flag being put to good use by her granddaughter who was having a blast worshiping the Lord with it!  Please note the Dyed4you Art on the wall (here’s the testimony that went with the biggest piece) and the Dyed4you pillowcases on the bed 🙂

This is a Dyed4you room!!!  Continue reading Granddaughter in Worship

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IHOP Swing Flag Sighting

It’s always fun to see Dyed4you silk in action, and when one of the Dyed4you community has a scarf sighting it is EXTRA fun!

We had a comment come through yesterday on a scarf story from 2007 and in the comment she mentioned having seen Dyed4you swing flags being used in the Prayer Room at IHOP-KC at 5:30 am on the 18th. Immediately I was fairly certain I knew exactly which pair it was that she saw! Continue reading IHOP Swing Flag Sighting

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Preparing for the Bridegroom Giveaway

It’s always fun for me to hear scarf stories on the scarves that are Dyed4you Blog Giveaways!  I love knowing the Father is NOT random. He knows exactly who it’s going to go to even when we don’t! Continue reading Preparing for the Bridegroom Giveaway

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45″ Quills

Introducing a new (and bigger) size of quill flags! Here my hubby is showing you how the larger sized quills work.  See the same pair both in my prayer closet being demoed and in action during church.  These beautiful silks are so easy to use and look amazing! Continue reading 45″ Quills

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White Elephant Gift

My church was doing a White Elephant gift exchange on New Years Eve. I felt prompted by the Father to include a Dyed4you silk called Joyful Praise in the mix. I sensed He knew EXACTLY where He wanted it to go and that it would end up with the person He intended it for. I love seeing Him work in apparent chaos! Continue reading White Elephant Gift

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Giveaway Winner #2222

This silk is near and dear to my heart. It hung on the wall of my prayer closet – otherwise known as my living room –  for several years, until the Father told me it was time for me to replace it. Several of you even noticed when I did because the turquoise silk wasn’t on the wall behind me in demos anymore! I have a picture below where you can see it. Continue reading Giveaway Winner #2222