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Anointed Artisans

I know this one is long, but there’s a LOT of good stuff in here – silk stories, words shared by one of you in the Dyed4you Community as well as some fun Dyed4you history. So I hope you’ll be blessed by it! 

First up is a topic I’ve shared on a number of times on the our blog and it’s one I feel passionate about. God has specifically anointed certain people to do certain things. I call them anointed artisans (think of artisan as being an expert not simply an artist because you could be an “artisan” of computer code if that’s what Papa has gifted you to do). We see this concept clearly illustrated in Exodus 31:1-6 (AMP)  Continue reading Anointed Artisans

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An Unexpected Gift

This beautiful, warm Dyed4you throw blanket was an unexpected, impromptu gift (that divinely ended up being the colors that was special to their relationship). This Special Order throw was crafted a little differently than our How-To Make a D4Y Throw instructs, instead being essentially inlaid in the design of the throw itself. It turned out possibly the crispest and most professional-looking of all the throws I’ve created! I’ll definitely be doing more in this style in the future.  Continue reading An Unexpected Gift

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Blessed by a Last Minute Flag for a Dance

This worshipper got asked to do a dance at the last moment and came to us needing a flag that was ready to ship. We were thrilled since this is exactly the type of circumstance we created Dyed4you Readymade for! We made a suggestion for which silk we thought she might consider (a large long quill flag called Call To Me And I Will Answer) and it was confirmation because it was the same color she’d been sensing. She got the flag and was able to use it for her dance. Below she shares her feedback 🙂 Continue reading Blessed by a Last Minute Flag for a Dance

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Vibrant Confirmation

A beautiful silk story about a pair of large quill flags called Majestic Crown. It ALWAYS blesses us to hear that a word we’ve shared brings confirmation (and of course we like it when people like the way they look too!). We hope this story will bless you too! Continue reading Vibrant Confirmation

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Dance Team Ministering

Another powerful dance ministry moment, this time with a pair of 4 yard streamers called Carrying the Presence. Always fun to see a team working together to bring a piece together. Love how Father moves through us in harmony – each of us flawed and human, despite moments of trial or disagreement, still He brings harmony. He is good! Hope you’re blessed by this piece. Continue reading Dance Team Ministering

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Dancing with Abandon (Righteous Warfare XLRQ)

Love getting to see people dance with abandon in worship, but when it is a man too? That is always a special treat. I hope you are blessed by his worship and by the beautiful Righteous Warfare XLR (extra large round) quill flags he uses in this dance. Powerful!  Continue reading Dancing with Abandon (Righteous Warfare XLRQ)

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Faithful RSF During Church

A sweet moment during worship this morning at Gateway:61. Always fun to see kids worship (and guys in general) with abandon. He has such a joy and true unabashed praise! This RSF (regular swing flag) is called Faithful (it’s the the same one used in the how-to use swing flags post years ago) and you can see its pair peeking in from the left (another young man was using it). Enjoy!  Continue reading Faithful RSF During Church

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Custom Beaded Tallit (And Why One Might Use One)

FYI we have an update post on why someone might use a tallit

Papa blessed me (Meghan) with a new custom beaded tallit. It is called Relentless Faith and is 44×72″ in a 10mm china silk; and I made the tallits longer than normal (because I couldn’t seem to stop myself when I was creating them LOL!). I thought I’d share not just some pictures, but also a quick video explaining why one might use a tallit (And based on how much I loved mine, I added the oversized tallit option in our Dyed4you Readymade store).  Continue reading Custom Beaded Tallit (And Why One Might Use One)

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Worship in a New Age Festival

It’s always cool to hear what God does through you guys in the Dyed4you community and your silks. This testimony is no exception to that! Our silks have ventured into new age festivals and pagan picnics before – we love ushering in His kingdom. Here’s the story of this woman’s experience with this: Continue reading Worship in a New Age Festival

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The Voice of the Lord Banner

Love this custom-sized (55″x90″) banner flag called the Voice of the Lord! This was a gift for the “mother” of Dyed4you (hear the history of Dyed4you) and she put it immediately to good use by worshipping with it during corporate worship (at Gateway:61). Hope you enjoy this little sneak peek into a beautiful moment of worship 🙂 Below you’ll also find a couple other videos of this flag in action. It’s letter is posted over on my personal blog if you’re interested (Silk: The Voice of the Lord)!  Continue reading The Voice of the Lord Banner

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Bethel TV Silk Sighting

Sam-with-MelekKabowd-2XLquillsIt’s always fun when I “happen” upon one of our silks! As I was watching some Bethel TV videos on YouTube this evening, I happened upon this one and at 2:22 (which is a significant number for me so that was totally a God-wink) one of our Dyed4you community guys appears with his Melek Kabowd (King of Glory) 2XLH quill flags (they were remakes of the ones I made for my hubby a while back)!  Continue reading Bethel TV Silk Sighting

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Ablaze with Glory Swing Flags

This is one of our popular styles and every time we recreate it, it comes out unique and gorgeous every single time! Pretty sure it’s only because Holy Spirit is dyeing it… We’ve made this amazing style not only on Swing Flags but also as Quill Flags, Scarves, Streamers and Voi Flags. Besides it’s always super sweet watching Meghan flag like only she can 😉 Continue reading Ablaze with Glory Swing Flags

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Fire from the Altar of Heaven XLFH

What a beautiful style this is. I personally haven’t seen it until now while going through our videos. You can see here another style of a LFH during worship at Bethel. Even regular scarves come out so beautifully in those fiery type styles. Hope you will enjoy this short video as much as I did 🙂

Continue reading Fire from the Altar of Heaven XLFH

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Poured Out Large swing flags

You get to see once again how beautiful Meghan worships with a Large pair of swing flags in the Poured Out style. We have some popular styles  and trying to keep most of our other styles updated. I haven’t found any quill flags, veils or streamers that were dyed in this style in our data base so I’m thinking it’s definitely time to change that 🙂 Continue reading Poured Out Large swing flags

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PFT Angels Purim 2014

PFT-angels_Purim2014This is the young dance team at Passion for Truth affectionately nicknamed the PFT Angels (who you’ve seen before). In this dance to Born for This (which they performed Purim weekend), they use a special order 6 yard billow and two 3 yd streamers.  You’ve seen the billow before in a quiet worship moment I’d shared. They did an awesome job – so proud! Continue reading PFT Angels Purim 2014