We’d no sooner added the XL Crinkle Silks to our Dyed4you Readymade offerings than this order came through, and what an encouragement to get to hear how perfect the size was! Continue reading New Favorite Size
Category: Testimonials
these are comments from Dyed4you customers or gift recipients – sometimes they are short testimonies and sometimes just praise
Multi-Silk Oversized Tallit
A beautiful video of our friend Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings wearing her custom oversized tallit. This silk is one of our new “multi-silks” which are words where two or more silks have been combined creating an extended word. In this case, the Cloud by Day silk (the tallit) had a satin strip of a Fire by Night silk added to it creating a multi-silk called “His Abiding Presence” (you may have seen video of me with my double layer spin wings in the same multi-silk style). Continue reading Multi-Silk Oversized Tallit
Spot On Word
Testimonies are always encouraging, but this one comes from a friend I hadn’t seen in a while and out of the blue Papa God told me to gift her a crinkle silk (technically two – one was for her to gift so I don’t know the testimony on that yet). This blessed me greatly and I hope it will you too – such a good reminder to hear and obey! And that gifting silk is a fun thing to do 😉 Continue reading Spot On Word
Absolutely Loves
A gorgeous pair of large quill flags called I AM in action (and the demo video is below). The customer wrote to us, “I recently ordered 2 sets of quills from you, and I absolutely love them!” It always blesses us to know the silks you’re receiving are touching your hearts as well as seeing them in all their glory in action! Continue reading Absolutely Loves
More Fun Exchanging of Silks
Wanted to share this FB live video from my friend Katt of Victory Hill Flags and Banner for a variety of reasons. The first reason, is that she talks about an increase in creativity (yay for hubby prayers), but that also was exactly what the first silks I sent her were about! So I’m thanking God for answered prayer. 🙂 Continue reading More Fun Exchanging of Silks
Encouraged by God
We love having Dyed4you customers all over the world! The idea of our silks being raised in praise around the globe is an exciting one. This precious woman has been part of the Dyed4you Community for years now and she’s on the other side of the world from us! Continue reading Encouraged by God
Spot On Word
Even after over ten years of doing this, I still struggle with those moments of hesitation when I’m sending something out, and this pair of flags was one of those largely because these flags are SO bright and vibrant, the pattern isn’t exactly my “signature look”, and so I worried when I shipped them whether they’d be welcomed or not. I love how God took the time to remind me to trust Him and that I hear Him through this beautiful testimony which was a kiss from heaven for me. 🙂 Continue reading Spot On Word
More Than Just a Scarf
This is a beautiful testimony about a crinkle silk called At His Feet. She originally saw a picture of another At His Feet silk posted on our Dyed4you Ministries FB page and fell in love! The rest is history 🙂 Continue reading More Than Just a Scarf
Favorite Colors
It’s always fun when someone receives Dyed4you silk as a gift! Especially when it’s someone’s first Dyed4you silk. 🙂
This crinkle silk (named Heartbeat of Heaven) was a gift and the recipient shared how incredibly blessed she was by it and that it was her favorite colors! She said it was perfect for her. God is so good. 🙂
Inspiring Streamer
This Dyed4you Readymade customer said she found her 4 yd streamer “inspiring” and that she “loved the colors of the streamer.” Its name is Righteous Living, and she shared a short video with her streamer (below) and I shared my demo video with it as well. Continue reading Inspiring Streamer
Mind-Blowing Giant Quills
Larisa is demo-ing the flags the recipient is commenting on below. They were AH-MAZING flags! Too big for me, but Larisa was working them beautifully. 🙂 And the recipient is taller and loves big flags… maybe one day he’ll share some video. 😉 In the meantime, here’s his response to his flags and a demo video of these special order giant quills called Honored One. Continue reading Mind-Blowing Giant Quills
Anointed, Confirming Gift
This testimony comes from a custom order crinkle silk through our Dyed4you Readymade store that was given as a gift. Always fun to see how these gifts minister, especially when they’re going to someone who isn’t familiar with what we do and is getting to experience it for the first time. Below is her response to the woman who blessed her with the silk. Continue reading Anointed, Confirming Gift
Fun Connection and a Divinely Coordinated Gift
In a previous career, I taught college. And as I was walking the package from a Dyed4you Readymade Etsy store purchase to the mailbox, I looked down and realized the name on the label was a former student of mine! Turns out his mother knows Donna (the woman I refer to as the “mother of Dyed4you“) – what a small world! Continue reading Fun Connection and a Divinely Coordinated Gift
Blessed by a Last Minute Flag for a Dance
This worshipper got asked to do a dance at the last moment and came to us needing a flag that was ready to ship. We were thrilled since this is exactly the type of circumstance we created Dyed4you Readymade for! We made a suggestion for which silk we thought she might consider (a large long quill flag called Call To Me And I Will Answer) and it was confirmation because it was the same color she’d been sensing. She got the flag and was able to use it for her dance. Below she shares her feedback 🙂 Continue reading Blessed by a Last Minute Flag for a Dance
Wrapped in Father’s Arms
It’s always so encouraging to hear how Papa moves through our silks! We really appreciate when you all in the Dyed4you Community take the time to share YOUR stories with us. This is one such story. She’s not the first one to be blessed by a silk that didn’t look the way she would’ve picked. Fun to see how God moves! Continue reading Wrapped in Father’s Arms
Powerful Streamer Veil
This Dyed4you Readymade customer got creative with her crinkle silk! She hemmed it (for durability since she planned to use it as a flag product) and made it into a streamer veil. 🙂 Continue reading Powerful Streamer Veil
Exceeding Expectations
A beautiful testimonial from one of our Dyed4you Readymade customers (Dyed4you Art too). We’re always so blessed to hear when the words resonate with their recipients! We love the confirmations 🙂 Yay God! Continue reading Exceeding Expectations
Blessing Her Worship Leader
Dyed4you silks make such a fun and unique gift. Sometimes when people may hesitate to order and have us “do whatever God says” for themselves, they feel more confident doing it for someone else and they get to see the blessing these silks and their words can be like this woman shares: Continue reading Blessing Her Worship Leader
Blessed by a Gift Set
Our Dyed4you Art gift sets (this one came from Dyed4you Readymade) make for a wonderful moment since you can wrap up in the silk and be taken away by the image as you are blessed by the words from both. This woman is enjoying hers during her quiet time with the Lord. Continue reading Blessed by a Gift Set
Beautiful to Worship With
It’s always wonderful to get positive feedback from you all in the Dyed4you Community, and it’s great to hear you understanding and embracing both venues you can get silk through: our custom order site (this one – Dyed4you) and our new Etsy store (Dyed4you Readymade). Both bring you beautiful silks as this customer below shares about her pair of RSW (regular swing wings): Continue reading Beautiful to Worship With