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Holy Coverings

This is a quick testimonial from someone who has gotten several pairs of swing flags (which she also loves – when she used them at church someone came over to ask where she got her “pretty flags”), but in this order also got a beaded veil and a beaded tallit. Here’s what she shared about them after she received them: Continue reading Holy Coverings

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Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

You’ve seen the Unabashed Praise swing flags before, but I made some again when Father put it on my heart for this lady to have one when she ordered a single swing flag. And He totally blessed her through it 🙂 Continue reading Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

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Here Comes the Bride

As I was making a silk last night for a bride and groom getting married this coming Friday, I couldn’t help but remember another couple whose story and picture I hadn’t shared yet.

This bride and groom received matching silks on their wedding day called Whole Heart.  Only the Father could orchestrate such a perfect match! You can’t see the groom’s too well in this picture, but it was tucked in the breast pocket of his jacket. They looked wonderful! Continue reading Here Comes the Bride

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Stirring Up the Gift

A fun testimonial about some swing flags (and a demo of them from when Allissa was here). This came from a man who was given a pair of swing flags as a gift from someone who was specifically prompted by the Father. I’ve removed the name of the gift giver for anonymity. Enjoy! Continue reading Stirring Up the Gift

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Thriving Confirmation

Another wonderful testimony from a woman who ordered a 5mm semicircle with Hebrew for herself (in the picture) and another silk for her son.

Well Meghan, there are not words. I received my scarf and the scarf for Boston. Sooo special, thank you. Everything you wrote was right on my heart. And if you knew my son you would know he is a mouthpiece, a proclaimer! Wow! Continue reading Thriving Confirmation

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Color Coordinated God & Tears

I think this is my first testimonial about one of the new ladies tallitot (plural version of “tallit”).  I love how the Lord was orchestrating colors without us even knowing!

The name of my silk is Waves of Increase… my husband built me a prayer room. When I received my scarf, the colors in the scarf matched the colors the Lord had me paint the walls and decorate with! What a blessing!! Continue reading Color Coordinated God & Tears

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Comfort & Restoration

Love testimonies like this!  As Deborah was revisiting the video of me dancing with her 5mm semicircle called Beckoned again, she shared her feelings about her silk now that more than a year has passed – and what a change this year has brought!  Please join me in praying for continued restoration. Continue reading Comfort & Restoration

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Confirming 25 y-o Prophecy

I never tire of hearing how the Lord uses silk to bring confirmation!

As you know, I ordered a scarf for my mom. I didn’t get to give it to her until last week. I had read your letter first and then see the scarf. She liked both and actually wore the scarf that night to her granddaughter’s, my niece’s, graduation from 8th to high school. Continue reading Confirming 25 y-o Prophecy