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Revisiting What God’s Said

Yesterday I wrote a blog on believing the earthly things God tells you. Then I received this note from a long-time D4Y customer.  She attends a church where each woman has been given a scarf (and as new women join, they are given one).  I thought what their pastor shared was a great reminder, so I wanted to pass it along 🙂 Continue reading Revisiting What God’s Said

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Breath of God blessing

Feedback from a recent order that was a gift for someone’s friend:

Meghan, that scarf was perfect!!!

I love the scripture that goes with it! God bless you for the scarf and the extra prayer you and your intercessor friend put over it! One thing I know is that those prayers go up to God and he acts on his Word and the Spirit led prayer of His saints! Glory to God! Continue reading Breath of God blessing

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Testimonial Archive

Just to have everything in one place, I wanted to bring over the testimonials – instead of doing a separate entry for each though, I did the archive in one big post 🙂

These (and the ones included on this site) are just a fraction of the ones I hear.  God truly never ceases to amaze me at what He’ll do through a simple piece of silk 🙂

I pray they bless you!

Continue reading Testimonial Archive

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Fresh Oil

Below is a portion of a three-part story. The three scarves mentioned all have stories – Fresh Oil (this story), Overcomer, and Wind & Fire. The stories are told using a combination of feedback from Faye (the woman who ordered them), feedback from the intercessors they were for, and I (Meghan) have filled in some details as well. Continue reading Fresh Oil