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Worship on Mt Shasta

Someone gave this sweet lady a 5mm semicircle wing as a gift, and she was so blessed by it! It’s a style that is near and dear to my heart because of my own scarf story with it.

These pics and videos are from a trip to Mt Shasta where she was worshiping with her wing (and a second plain white one they made so she could have a pair) and Allissa with her swing flags. (And more of Allissa with the swing flags is coming later) šŸ˜‰ Continue reading Worship on Mt Shasta

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Letting the Lord Speak

This is sort of a fun story for me because God stretched me in the middle of it too!Ā  Many of you know that Dyed4you isn’t really just about getting a beautiful piece of silk, it’s about getting a word from the Lord that happens to have a tangible silk reminder šŸ™‚

Increasingly I sense the Lord shifting me away from simply “executing” creating scarves (in other words, when people simply pick the scarf they want like you would in a department store) and focus on delivering His word in season to those who order.Ā  The interesting part of this is helping first time buyers understand how it all works!Ā  And there in begins our story. Continue reading Letting the Lord Speak

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Confirmation & Comfort

Beautiful testimony and another scarf story of confirmation. This is pieced together from a couple email interactions:

My scarf was purchased for me by my spiritual mom at church. The name of my scarf is Hungry. It is right on target! I cry out to God and I just ask him for more of his guidance, mercy, love, and compassion! I tell him I never want to feel like I have lost Him! Continue reading Confirmation & Comfort

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Holy Ghost Party

Amanda E called me after leaving this holiday party that the Holy Spirit commandeered – I was SO blessed to hear this story and am thrilled she’s taken the time to write it down to share with you all (with the permission of those who were present of course!). God is AMAZING! Continue reading Holy Ghost Party