The Father has a sense of humor. I chuckled to myself when He told me to give this pair of quill flags to Amanda because the blue/red theme seems to be her standard, her colors (you just heard her wing/voi story) – not by choice mind you, but by His design. Continue reading Amanda E with Trained Hands
Tag: confirmation
Almost Ruining Her Own Plan
This is a fun story about how the Father connected Blair Healing Rooms with Dyed4you. I actually shared a later story earlier this year – I’m finding all sorts of story gems I haven’t posted yet! Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading Almost Ruining Her Own Plan
Surprise Gift
This is a long one, but a fun one 🙂 This actually happened this time last year. Amanda came for a visit in October with a couple friends. For months she’d been talking about wanting a 5mm semicircle wing/voi pair and about a month before her parents had contacted me about wanting to get her something Dyed4you as a gift. So I filled them in on what she’d been longing for and planted an idea the Father dropped in my heart – have Amanda dye her own gift without knowing it was for her. 🙂 Continue reading Surprise Gift
Dwelling in His Beauty
You may have already seen a little of these flags in action, but much like the series of videos Allissa created after receiving her Mighty in Battle swing flags, this is a series of videos too… so beautiful! Continue reading Dwelling in His Beauty
Confirming Gift
Always love to hear feedback like this! To God be the glory 🙂
Just a note to tell you how much I so appreciated the scarves and the word you sent with each for my friend, and my Pastor’s wife, and me!!! Thank you so much! And the word was so right on!! Continue reading Confirming Gift
Worship on Mt Shasta
Someone gave this sweet lady a 5mm semicircle wing as a gift, and she was so blessed by it! It’s a style that is near and dear to my heart because of my own scarf story with it.
These pics and videos are from a trip to Mt Shasta where she was worshiping with her wing (and a second plain white one they made so she could have a pair) and Allissa with her swing flags. (And more of Allissa with the swing flags is coming later) 😉 Continue reading Worship on Mt Shasta
Peace & God’s Presence
You may not realize this, but I (Meghan) don’t write all the words that come with the silks. The Lord has taught me well this ministry is NOT about me, and so He reminds me by birthing words through Dyed4you intercessors and others the Lord has connected to D4Y. Continue reading Peace & God’s Presence
Calling to Him… and He answers :)
A customer had ordered a pair of pillowcases, and without my remembering what the one she ordered a while back looked like, I managed to create a pair that are a great match with it. How fun is God?!
Here’s the rest of her story: Continue reading Calling to Him… and He answers 🙂
Cleaning Gems
You’ve seen Dwelling in His Beauty swing flags before (and a wing), but this isn’t a demo because this is MY pair along with my scarf story 🙂
First of all, my sister was the first one to receive a Dwelling in His Beauty silk, so it held personal meaning from the start (see my sister in her’s). The problem with my job is I fall in love with silks ALL the time and at the end of the day I can’t wear them all at once, so I am very careful to only make one when I feel the Lord leading me to. Continue reading Cleaning Gems
Thriving Confirmation
Another wonderful testimony from a woman who ordered a 5mm semicircle with Hebrew for herself (in the picture) and another silk for her son.
Well Meghan, there are not words. I received my scarf and the scarf for Boston. Sooo special, thank you. Everything you wrote was right on my heart. And if you knew my son you would know he is a mouthpiece, a proclaimer! Wow! Continue reading Thriving Confirmation
Fun Purchase & Vision Confirmation
You may remember these swing flags from the demo my hubby did. This ended up being such a fun story and was a totally fun interaction on a swing flag pair purchase. I’ll let her begin the story…
Some time ago I had an awake dream where the Lord took a big sidewalk chalk and drew a red line on my left palm and a blue line on my right palm. I exited the dream and asked what it meant. No answer. Continue reading Fun Purchase & Vision Confirmation
Color Coordinated God & Tears
I think this is my first testimonial about one of the new ladies tallitot (plural version of “tallit”). I love how the Lord was orchestrating colors without us even knowing!
The name of my silk is Waves of Increase… my husband built me a prayer room. When I received my scarf, the colors in the scarf matched the colors the Lord had me paint the walls and decorate with! What a blessing!! Continue reading Color Coordinated God & Tears
Confirmation, Healing & Intimacy
Testimonies like this are always such a blessing – what a wonderful God we serve!
Now on to the important part of the scarf you sent me and how it was such a confirmation of my life and what God is doing with me. The name of it is “Abiding Worship.” Continue reading Confirmation, Healing & Intimacy
Blue Royalty Oil
So a few days ago I’d asked Carol from the Scent of Heaven to prayerfully consider a “Royalty” anointing oil. I’ve had silks more than once that I’d wished I’d had something in that vein to anoint them with. As I described to her what I was thinking I said “think purple” – I didn’t mean literal color, just purple as in royalty. Continue reading Blue Royalty Oil
Confirming 25 y-o Prophecy
I never tire of hearing how the Lord uses silk to bring confirmation!
As you know, I ordered a scarf for my mom. I didn’t get to give it to her until last week. I had read your letter first and then see the scarf. She liked both and actually wore the scarf that night to her granddaughter’s, my niece’s, graduation from 8th to high school. Continue reading Confirming 25 y-o Prophecy
Speaking to the Depths of her Being
A beautiful scarf story from our teacher-friend who had the amazing Class of Scarves story last year. I covet your prayers for my friend as well – I’m sure the Lord will direct them as you read her beautiful story below: Continue reading Speaking to the Depths of her Being
Letting the Lord Speak
This is sort of a fun story for me because God stretched me in the middle of it too! Many of you know that Dyed4you isn’t really just about getting a beautiful piece of silk, it’s about getting a word from the Lord that happens to have a tangible silk reminder 🙂
Increasingly I sense the Lord shifting me away from simply “executing” creating scarves (in other words, when people simply pick the scarf they want like you would in a department store) and focus on delivering His word in season to those who order. The interesting part of this is helping first time buyers understand how it all works! And there in begins our story. Continue reading Letting the Lord Speak
Wait Upon the Lord (Scarf Story x2)
During Amanda E’s visit this past October, I felt the Lord prompt me that He wanted me (Meghan) to get a word. So I slipped one into the pre-dye planning with no instructions and left it for Amanda to birth. Continue reading Wait Upon the Lord (Scarf Story x2)
Perfect Scarf
I wish I had time to share every testimony I receive about how Dyed4you is touching lives – I never grow tired of hearing them! This is one I received today: Continue reading Perfect Scarf
Ministry Blessed with Silks
How fun to see how one ministry has been blessed by Dyed4you silk!
On the last order submitted, I requested 3 custom dyed, each for a different person. One was for me so I was quite excited when the package came. I looked at the names of each scarf, and wanted them all, but didn’t have any trouble finding mine because I ordered a different size. The scarf – Hovering of the Holy Spirit. I cherished it and the letter. Continue reading Ministry Blessed with Silks