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Such Encouragement

I never get tired of hearing how Dyed4you silk ministers to people.  The note below came with the subject “Such Encouragement” 🙂

I recently purchased my 2nd D4Y scarf. The first one was Deep Worship. The 2nd one was It Is Finished. The colors in It Is Finished are amethyst: the promises of God, plum: inheritance/abundance, and white: victory. Continue reading Such Encouragement

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Confirmation & Comfort

Beautiful testimony and another scarf story of confirmation. This is pieced together from a couple email interactions:

My scarf was purchased for me by my spiritual mom at church. The name of my scarf is Hungry. It is right on target! I cry out to God and I just ask him for more of his guidance, mercy, love, and compassion! I tell him I never want to feel like I have lost Him! Continue reading Confirmation & Comfort

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Thriving Little Dancer

A fun story from today!

Your scarf for my daughter was a perfect match for her! God’s so awesome!

First, I saw a picture of it [as in a vision] while praying a couple of days before I decided to even order her a scarf – and I didn’t know what or who the picture went with…I guess now I know! Continue reading Thriving Little Dancer

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God’s Brake Pedal

Sweet feedback from a first-time scarf buyer 🙂

I just received my scarf a few minutes ago. It so confirms where God is leading me to be under His covering in a season where I’ve been trying to “do” things myself. I praise God for this answer to prayer and great reminder to stay under His wing! Continue reading God’s Brake Pedal

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His and Her Wing

Another beautiful confirmation for Tami and she shares a video of her using her wing 🙂

I just received my semicircle scarf today, the name of it is Steadfast Faith, it truly is the most beautiful scarf I have ever seen. I was telling my best friend that I could just put this one and rest in him, trust in him.God really knows my heart and knows where I am right now in my walk. Continue reading His and Her Wing

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Confirming & Proclaiming

You all may remember seeing the Proclaimer scarf once before, and when I packaged it I thought, “This is definitely a little girl’s scarf” and a moment later God said that I was to make it again – this time for a grown woman who is a first-time Dyed4you customer and a friend of my dear friend Gloria. I had to laugh because I realized what He was gently reminding me is that we’re ALL His “little girls” 🙂

So this Proclaimer – Daddy’s little girl – shares her story: Continue reading Confirming & Proclaiming

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Confirming her Deep Desire

A fun new story from a first time customer 🙂

I just wanted to let you know that I have received my scarf today in the mail and I am thrilled with it. Now that you have made it I will tell you a little about myself. I am a prayer warrior and a worshiper who cries out for more of God. My deepest desire is to go deeper in the Lord and have a intimate walk with Him that when people see me they see Him in me. Continue reading Confirming her Deep Desire

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Friend(s) of God

One of my dear friends, Sheila (who happens to be a prophetic intercessor and one of the future contributors to this blog), came to me and said, “I think Kent needs a scarf.”

Kent Henry has been doing worship for almost as long as I’ve been alive.  He’s led worship on six of Integrity Music’s Hosanna! recordings as well as 22 of his own.  He and his wife Carla are friends of ours, elders at our church, and their daughter happens to be married to our lead pastor 🙂 Continue reading Friend(s) of God

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Confirmation & a New Song

A cool pair of scarf stories 🙂

It has been quite the day!!!! I woke up to a phone call from my aunt who told me that my grandpa had passed away at 6:45am. I was just overwhelmed with sadness because we were planning on leaving the very next day to travel to see him in the hospital. I was feeling sad not just because he passed away but also because I had not seen him since my mother’s death in 1995. Unfortunately, after my mom’s passing, her whole side of the family basically shut my dad, brother and I out of their lives along with some other pretty horrible things. Continue reading Confirmation & a New Song

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Confirming Her Call

A neat confirmation from God through TWO D4Y Blog Giveaway scarves 🙂

Boy when Father speaks the enemies troops are quick to deploy! If only the collective church were so quick to move, no telling what this Earth would look like. Anyhow, I count myself as one of those who’ve been sluggish in the wake of His revelation. I know the distractions are the strategy to waylay me. I know I’ve told you bits and pieces pertaining to my gifted treasures but even for myself I need to pull it all together.

Continue reading Confirming Her Call

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Little Proclaimer

Such a sweet story of miss Maddy who now has her OWN scarf 🙂

This morning I was obviously waiting with great anticipation for the mailman to come. As soon as I saw him, I ran out the door. What’s better is MADDY ran out the door and recognized the package and yelled “MY SCARF MOMMY!!!”. Continue reading Little Proclaimer

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Confirmations & Symbolic Sword

God amazes me with each story He writes using these silks 🙂  Before I share Kim’s story, I have to tell you my part of her story!

Kim shared the few pieces of the puzzle God had given her about her scarf when she ordered and immediately God told me which style to make – a modified version of The Violent Take it By Force. Continue reading Confirmations & Symbolic Sword

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Warrior Princess & Bursting Forth

This is a fun story 🙂 This woman emailed me when she ordered her scarf – she had said for me to do whatever God said, but then commented:

As I browsed through your site I was drawn to the photo of a lady wearing one of your beaded veils. It almost looked like a mahogany brown with splashes of turquoise and metallic gold. Just really wanting to be a mighty warrior princess for His kingdom as I allow His Spirit to move through me.

Little did she know, the name of the scarf she liked WAS Warrior Princess 🙂 Continue reading Warrior Princess & Bursting Forth

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Anointed Feet

Three friends ordered scarves together and each’s story shows how God uniquely touches each of us (as we’ve seen in past scarf stories). This story is pieced together from a number of Facebook interactions 🙂  I know you’ll get to hear at least 1 of the other friend’s stories too. Continue reading Anointed Feet

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Heart after Him (pillowcase)

A cool confirmation on a pillowcase that was a gift from a wife to her husband 🙂

Thank you so much for your obedience to the Holy Spirit. May the Lord richly bless you.

I was so delighted to receive “Heart After Him” pillowcase for my husband. I was not sure how he would respond to a pillowcase birthday present, especially a prophetically dyed one at that! I sensed the Holy Spirit’s leading and placed an order. He was very touched by the word and gift.
Continue reading Heart after Him (pillowcase)

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Abiding Joy

Another Dyed4you Blog giveaway scarf story 🙂

So my story starts here. I got on facebook and was just looking through my news feed and decided to comment on a dyed4you posting. I then got offline. I was sitting on my couch looking at my bible and the book I had in my hand when I heard God tell me it was ok to read a chapter and then come spend time with him. Continue reading Abiding Joy

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Our 1st Blog Giveaway Scarf Testimony

Though I know the first two scarf giveaways were blessings, this is the first official scarf story from a Dyed4you Blog giveaway scarf, which I must confess is kind of exciting for me 🙂  It went to Amanda E who posted the 222 comment on the blog.

I’d picked the number 222 because 2’s have become a way God speaks to me about authority because of Isaiah 22:22, “And I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David. He shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.” Continue reading Our 1st Blog Giveaway Scarf Testimony