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God Speaking Through Scarves

It’s beautiful to see how God uses each silk to speak so uniquely!  This story is actually a series of stories about several pieces she received over a period of about a year and a half:

God’s love is so deep; this is something I need to grasp on to everyday! My first scarf was a gift from my Pastors on Christmas Eve. The name of it is Abundant Life, it is a beautiful green (green is my favorite color). Continue reading God Speaking Through Scarves

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Freedom, Confirmation & His Presence

This scarf had such a profound impact that it took the recipient several days to even process what God was sharing through it. I’ve broken it out piece by piece and what an amazing story it is!

Here was the first note I got from her:

I received a semicircle scarf from Meghan a couple of days ago. The moment it was handed to me I felt God’s anointing come over me. Continue reading Freedom, Confirmation & His Presence

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A Class of Scarves

This is a long scarf story that happened over a period of about 5 months (January to May – sorry it took me so long to post!).  It is so beautiful and I love and am amazed at how God moves.  Let me start at the beginning… it all started when Reyna (a teacher at a Christian school) contacted me wanting to get scarves for all the students in her praise dance class (as well as one for herself and her teacher’s assistant). Continue reading A Class of Scarves

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Prophesying… to herself?

So a few weeks back I was celebrating a friend’s birthday with several other friends.  I knew I was going to be dyeing when I got home and as things began to draw to a close God told me to invite her to join me, which she did (if you understood where I lived in relation to her you’d understand that it was a big deal she said yes! LOL) Continue reading Prophesying… to herself?

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God with a Sense of Humor

During the time I’ve been dyeing with God, I’ve found He often works in themes.  So during various seasons He may give the same word to more than one person and it’s the right word for both of them. I used to feel awkward about this, because I felt like people would somehow feel slighted by getting a word someone else got too. Over time I realized my obedience was more important and in the end what people want is the RIGHT word 🙂 Continue reading God with a Sense of Humor

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Restoring Her Dance & Singing Over Her

A beautiful story of God restoring and encouraging!

I decided to get a scarf that I could wear just for prayer times or whenever. When I got my scarf in I was so excited.  My scarf is called Love Song and it was anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Come Dance with Me. Continue reading Restoring Her Dance & Singing Over Her

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Scarves & Art (Follow)

This story had me in tears – I love how God moves 🙂

So my first order from the continent of Asia had shipped and I’d dropped the young lady who’d ordered a note to let her know which scarf went with which person she’d bought a gift for — all I had was names and knew nothing about them. Continue reading Scarves & Art (Follow)

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Aligned with Truth Banner

A beautiful testimony and video of a customer (actually 2) using their special order 55×108 banners.

Okay so i will keep this as short as I can. A few years back I moved back to my hometown in KS. As soon was we moved home, a lot happened which began to feel like blow after blow. I kept on serving the Lord until it the trials began to feel like defeat. Continue reading Aligned with Truth Banner

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Blood Flag

Lisa’s special order (45×90 8mm china silk) “Blood” flag confirmed a couple of visions the Lord had given her – she share’s the visions and the scarf story and I’ve included a video of the flag.


Since the very beginning of my walk with Jesus; He has impressed upon me the power and atoning work of His Blood shed for my sake. It is through His precious Blood that I am now forgiven, cleansed and able to enter His Presence. It is because of His Blood that I now belong to Him….. And it is with His Blood that I come against the enemy! Continue reading Blood Flag

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Testimonial Archive

Just to have everything in one place, I wanted to bring over the testimonials – instead of doing a separate entry for each though, I did the archive in one big post 🙂

These (and the ones included on this site) are just a fraction of the ones I hear.  God truly never ceases to amaze me at what He’ll do through a simple piece of silk 🙂

I pray they bless you!

Continue reading Testimonial Archive

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Custom Beaded Bridal Veil

It’s rare for me to receive a request for something that is not dyed. So I was surprised and intrigued when I received a request for a custom beaded veil that would be white (like a bride) and have a second tier of silk to be able to bring over the face. It was needed for a dance. Continue reading Custom Beaded Bridal Veil