A beautiful story of a dance given at a celebration of life service featuring a variety of Dyed4you silks, including Revelation of the Hidden Things, I Stand in Awe (a mismatched pair consisting of Majesty of Heaven and Treasures of the Deep), The Beginning, Deep Worship, and Relentless Pursuit. Continue reading Celebration of Life Dance
Tag: dance
Healing Dance Ministry

Nearly a decade ago, I traded silk with a prophetic artist in exchange for the first personal prophetic painting I received (which I shared about in our post Beauty (Prophetic Portrait) Testimony). About a week ago as I was looking up at the painting which hangs in my sewing area where I make the flags, I was thinking of my sweet friend Alison and just sending blessings her way (it’s been well over a year, maybe even two, since we’ve been in touch). 😊
Continue reading Healing Dance MinistryAmazing Worship

These beautiful shots are from a ministry time during a Christmas Eve service at a church in San Diego, CA. One of the viewers described it as “Amazing!” These large spin wings (8mm) came from our Etsy store and are called Restoration.
Continue reading Amazing WorshipWeighty Awe (Painted Glory Wings)

These gorgeous painted bendie wings were birthed as a collaborative effort between several of our Dyed4you team members and the recipient. God had given her a vision for these throne room glory flags that included painted features and hebrew lettering. To say they came out stunning is an understatement because they truly are a work of art! This is what she shared in her 5-star review on Etsy:
This is the most beautiful anointed flag set ever! The flag set is named ‘Glory of the Throne Room’. A delight to have collaborated with Dyed4you in its’ creation. Many have asked where and how it came into being…always a joy to share. Thank you Meghan and company for your amazing talents and prophetic gifting.
In addition, Papa had us created a coordinating Prophetic “Portrait” for her called Throne Room Glory. She shares her response in the message below.
Continue reading Weighty Awe (Painted Glory Wings)Cuteness Overload

I’ve shared silks before with a dear friend’s daughter (here’s one of them), and Papa put it on my heart to do so again. Since her brothers also enjoyed her flags, I sent them streamers of their own. So here are two sweet moments about a week apart. Needless to say they love them!
Continue reading Cuteness OverloadPersonal Worship with a Haitian Flair
My friend Gloria (author of the Learn Haitian Creole with Gloria series which feature Dyed4you Art covers) during a moment of private worship. The song is Ou Bon Pou Mwen By Peeterson St Dic, Rodyoume Dieujuste, Yvens Dchrist, David Deg. The flag is a regular bendie wing called My Path. Continue reading Personal Worship with a Haitian Flair
Bursting Forth Blessing
This goes beyond normal levels of cuteness! Precious miss Coen absolutely adored the gift she received of custom kid-sized bendie flags (8mm aka “standard” weight silk) called Bursting Forth. Continue reading Bursting Forth Blessing
Wings during Passover
Two beautiful pairs of large bendie wings (5mm aka “light” weight silk) called Batach YHWH (Trust the Lord) in use during a Passover Seder. When the pastor received the flags his response was that “Flags are everything I wanted them to be and more – truly breathtaking” 🙂 Continue reading Wings during Passover
Ministry for Women Who’ve Miscarried or Lost Children
I’m sharing this video both as Dyed4you wanting you to see one of our 4yd streamers (called Diadema Eleos or Crowned with Mercy) from Dyed4you Readymade in action AND as a recipient of the ministry these beautiful ladies were giving. Continue reading Ministry for Women Who’ve Miscarried or Lost Children
Cross Pollination & Blooming
As you all know from my many posts, I love cross pollination between ministries! This silk story shared my friend Christina (from Wings of Mercy Arising) with the regular swing wings I gave her as well as me with the silk I got from her called Father’s Heart. What was fun about the ones I made her is that she unknowingly named them! On our Dyed4you Ministries FB page, we frequently post things in progress and let people share what God gives them and sometimes those things make it into the word. That was what happened with Full Bloom. Continue reading Cross Pollination & Blooming
Beautiful “It Is Finished” Billow
It never ceases to bless us when we get to see our silk in action! This team did a BEAUTIFUL job and we loved seeing how they incorporated the 35″x10′ Dyed4you billow called “It Is Finished” into their dance. Always lovely to see a coordinated effort like this! Hope you guys enjoy it too 🙂 Continue reading Beautiful “It Is Finished” Billow
Dance Team Ministering
Another powerful dance ministry moment, this time with a pair of 4 yard streamers called Carrying the Presence. Always fun to see a team working together to bring a piece together. Love how Father moves through us in harmony – each of us flawed and human, despite moments of trial or disagreement, still He brings harmony. He is good! Hope you’re blessed by this piece. Continue reading Dance Team Ministering
Dancing with Abandon (Righteous Warfare XLRQ)
Love getting to see people dance with abandon in worship, but when it is a man too? That is always a special treat. I hope you are blessed by his worship and by the beautiful Righteous Warfare XLR (extra large round) quill flags he uses in this dance. Powerful! Continue reading Dancing with Abandon (Righteous Warfare XLRQ)
Alabaster testimony
This is one of the most touching testimonies I’ve read and I couldn’t stop the tears… I was wondering while reading it, how many have had such traumatic childhoods?! For anyone to be healed and restored from such nightmares can only be by the hand of our Heavenly Father. This special Lady has ordered a few different scarves in various styles for herself and others that she blessed them with but this testimony was her very first with us. No matter what the circumstances, let this touching testimony minister to you and encourage you that Abba is in control of it ALL! Continue reading Alabaster testimony
PFT Angels Purim 2014
This is the young dance team at Passion for Truth affectionately nicknamed the PFT Angels (who you’ve seen before). In this dance to Born for This (which they performed Purim weekend), they use a special order 6 yard billow and two 3 yd streamers. You’ve seen the billow before in a quiet worship moment I’d shared. They did an awesome job – so proud! Continue reading PFT Angels Purim 2014
One Night with a King
Earlier this week I shared a snippet from worship this past weekend and promised to share the young ladies dance special when the video was posted… well here it is and it is wonderful! She’s dancing with a pair of special order 2XLR quill flags (named Come to Me), which you’ve seen before when one of our “PFT Angels” was worshiping with them. The song is called One Night with a King and the dance was done Purim weekend. Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading One Night with a King
35×84 Simple Flag
Typically, when I do simple flags (which is just a silk with a flag seam added) people usually have me cut a 35×84 in half with two flag seams added (like these). But with this one, I just did one seam on the end which allows it to be used both as a flag and still be worn/danced with as a 35×84. I had the idea to use it on a 48″ dowel instead of 36″ and it made all the difference!
Reminder of His Care
Some ministry with a pair of large and light swing flags called In the Charge of Angels. This flag ministry is done to a song called I Will Trust, which is from Destiny Church’s album called Forever Worthy (it’s a great album and very anointed! It’s available on iTunes). I’ve actually used this song in another silk ministry video about not fearing. What I’m understanding in this video is Father is reminding us that He has us covered. Continue reading Reminder of His Care
Dancing at the King’s Feet
You all may remember the last time we were blessed to see this silk recipient dance (if you missed it, you can see it here) – so lovely to watch! I love how each of us is anointed to worship in a unique way. This time she is ministering with a 35×84 silk named Sealed (which is the same style – though in a different pattern – as the one used in Swept Away), but first here’s her testimony: Continue reading Dancing at the King’s Feet
Mom and her Kids with a pair of MW quills
Here we have a pair of MW quills called Revelation from the Throne (see the demo of these). Beautiful worship from mom (who is the recipient of these quills) as well as some video of her kids enjoying them 🙂 Continue reading Mom and her Kids with a pair of MW quills