For those of you who love the idea of dancing with silk but aren’t quite sure what to do with them, Dancing for Him Ministries just put out a new video tutorial that you will not want to miss! Most of the silks in the video are about the size of our 35×84 silks (in case you decide you want to try it and aren’t sure what size to get). Continue reading Dancing for Him with Veils/Scarves
Tag: dance
For His Glory
I am finally posting a blog after over a MONTH of not posting one! That was a new record for me and I apologize. So I’m rejoining the blogging world with some silk ministry – this is a 35×84 called For His Glory. Continue reading For His Glory
Hanukkah Dance
I shared some video of Allissa using a pair of 3 yd streamers during our Hanukkah conference, and I also wanted to share the dance some of our ladies did that featured three of our 3 yd streamers: Deep Worship (Royal/Turquoise/Purple), Amazed (Fuchsia/Pink/Black/White) and Faith for the Impossible (Purple/White/Cobalt). Continue reading Hanukkah Dance
Wrapped in Love
These pictures and video are from a beautiful dance Julia did with a pair of XL quills called the Promise and the Price at the Wrapped in Love 2012 event at the Potters House COG in Columbus, OH. This annual event is where the women’s ministry ministers to several hundred local woman – such a blessing! Continue reading Wrapped in Love
Huge Confirmation
Six plus years and I never grow tired of hearing the testimonies! This is a 35×84 silk that was birthed just recently and was some timely confirmation…
Continue reading Huge Confirmation
Breakthrough in Worship among Youth
You all may remember seeing AJ before with his swing flags (1st video, 2nd video), which also make a brief appearance in this video… but mostly this video is His pair of 35×84 voi called Prophetic Glory. He also takes the silk off and uses it as a wing as well as dancing with it – all beautiful! Continue reading Breakthrough in Worship among Youth
Last Dance from Feast of Trumpets Conference
This is last of the dances from Feast of Trumpets conference. You’ve seen the youth dance and (for lack of a better description) the grown up’s dance, now you get to see the PFT Angels (ie the kids) dance! You’ll see several streamers (two 4 yard ones which you’ve seen before and one special order 160″ one you’ve seen before also) as well as a special order 6 yard billow and a couple M quill flags – all that Dyed4you goodness mixed with some serious preciousness make this an enjoyable watch 😉 Continue reading Last Dance from Feast of Trumpets Conference
Feast of Trumpets Dance
What a difference a year makes! This is another video from my church’s Feast of Trumpet’s conference and in it you will see Allissa with the very first swing flags she got from Dyed4you just a little over a year ago. 🙂 Continue reading Feast of Trumpets Dance
Worship Symposium
Our friend Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners (who quills our quill flags) went to a Worship Symposium (in Pasadena, CA) last month and brought some Dyed4you quills with her – you can spot several in the group video of the balcony! She said there was a POWERFUL presence of the Lord on the night the video below was shot. Continue reading Worship Symposium
Music in the Park
Great picture of some students with a couple pairs of Dyed4you M (35″ Petite) quills and a pair of streamers that were not from Dyed4you. You heard the teacher’s testimony of her Bold Passion quills, now you get to hear about them in use with the kids 🙂 Continue reading Music in the Park
Restoring Her Heart & Dance
Lovely testimony on a single swing flag in the Preparing for the Bridegroom design. You saw a pair of these before.
One of the things I love about this testimony is that it touches on a principle I’ve mentioned before, which is that the silk letters are a jumping off point – they’re the beginning of a conversation with the Father, not a conversation in its entirety 🙂 Continue reading Restoring Her Heart & Dance
Quill from Dream Manifested
This is a beautiful story about a pair of 35″ (L) quills, a 30×30 silk and a bottle of Restoration oil from the Scent of Heaven. What’s fun about this story is that when she ordered I didn’t know they all were for her – she also ordered another silk and oil as a gift, and so I thought BOTH silk/oil combos were gifts! When I went to package the order to ship it and finally noticed that the quills were named Flourishing Hope and the 30×30 silk was named Hope I thought to myself, “I can’t send her two things with the name so similar!!!” In the end, I sent what Father had told me to (of course) 😉 Continue reading Quill from Dream Manifested
Romancing and Building Up
You’ve heard fun scarf stories from this precious woman before, and this is another awesome example of how the Father ministered to her through Dyed4you silk… this time two pairs of 35″ petite quills, which you saw me demo a few weeks back. 🙂 Continue reading Romancing and Building Up
Homemade Swing Flags
This is a fun video – it has no Dyed4you silk in it, but the swing flags on the stage area were created based on our how-to make swing flags post! Since I was blessed by the anointing on this dance, I thought you would be too 🙂 Continue reading Homemade Swing Flags
Dancing with D4Y Silks
This is some video from a worship song during a church service, the ladies are dancing with three 35×84 silks. From left to right they are: Abiding in the Vine, Holy Fire, and Altogether Lovely. So beautiful to see these silks in action! Continue reading Dancing with D4Y Silks
Testimony & Dance
Jessica won these simple flags (made from a 35×84 with 2 flag seams added) as a Dyed4you Blog Giveaway. What was kind of fun is that she actually received the flags the night she heard the song Garments of Praise for the first time in a long time – it’s the song the Father had her dance to in this video after she shares her testimony. I think you’ll be blessed by both her story and her worship – enjoy!!! Continue reading Testimony & Dance
Blessing & Breakthrough at Church
You’ve seen the Unabashed Praise swing flags before, but I made some again when Father put it on my heart for this lady to have one when she ordered a single swing flag. And He totally blessed her through it 🙂 Continue reading Blessing & Breakthrough at Church
Here Comes the Bride
As I was making a silk last night for a bride and groom getting married this coming Friday, I couldn’t help but remember another couple whose story and picture I hadn’t shared yet.
This bride and groom received matching silks on their wedding day called Whole Heart. Only the Father could orchestrate such a perfect match! You can’t see the groom’s too well in this picture, but it was tucked in the breast pocket of his jacket. They looked wonderful! Continue reading Here Comes the Bride
3 Semicircles
This is a quick video with 3 different 5mm semicircles: Dwelling in His Beauty, Transformed, and Ascend.
Sorry, it had gotten kinda dark by the time I shot it, but they have to ship tomorrow! Continue reading 3 Semicircles
Amanda E with Trained Hands
The Father has a sense of humor. I chuckled to myself when He told me to give this pair of quill flags to Amanda because the blue/red theme seems to be her standard, her colors (you just heard her wing/voi story) – not by choice mind you, but by His design. Continue reading Amanda E with Trained Hands