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Worship on Mt Shasta

Someone gave this sweet lady a 5mm semicircle wing as a gift, and she was so blessed by it! It’s a style that is near and dear to my heart because of my own scarf story with it.

These pics and videos are from a trip to Mt Shasta where she was worshiping with her wing (and a second plain white one they made so she could have a pair) and Allissa with her swing flags. (And more of Allissa with the swing flags is coming later) 😉 Continue reading Worship on Mt Shasta

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PFT Worship

Can I start by saying I love my church? This is a clip from a typical evening of worship on Shabbat (Sabbath) at Passion for Truth Fellowship (which streams live every Saturday at 5pm CST).

We are so blessed to have a group of people who truly love to press in during worship – so in this clip you will see men, women and children dancing, using flags, and moving as one with the billow. Continue reading PFT Worship

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Fresh Green Pasture with our Shepherd

This is the story of a woman who received a 35×84 Jehovah Rohi silk as a gift from someone at her church (see video of her worshiping with it in a corporate setting).

On March 20, 2011, I headed to church knowing I would be taking care of the little ones for the day. I ended up having only one child to watch, and she was the pastor’s granddaughter. She loves to worship too, so I took her and we went to the sanctuary to worship! Continue reading Fresh Green Pasture with our Shepherd

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Dyed4you Silk in Corporate Worship

I loved finding this video of 3 Dyed4you silks in action in a corporate worship service – two different swing flags and a 35×84 scarf. All of these items are great for use in corporate settings because the possibilities for injuries are basically non-existent, which is ALWAYS good 😉 Continue reading Dyed4you Silk in Corporate Worship

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Powerful Spiritual Weapon

You may remember my post of the Covenant vision come to life, well this is a story of what happened once the recipient actually had the silk in her hands.  Here she tells her story:

I am the one with the Covenant veil. I am sending you this picture as a personal testimony of using the Covenant veil during our worship service. This image has not been altered by any means. It was taken from my digital camera during our worship service by my husband. It was a special night to me, since it was the first time I used the veil to dance in church with it. Continue reading Powerful Spiritual Weapon

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Covenant Vision Come to Life

I got a request to make a custom sized (55×55″) silk with rainbows. The woman requesting it had been given a vision with the silk in it and we spent time bantering back and forth so I could fully grasp what the Lord had showed her.  He gave me wisdom on how to create it and so I did. Continue reading Covenant Vision Come to Life

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Amanda E’s 1st “in public” Dance

Amanda E was asked to dance at her parent’s church’s Christmas Eve service.  Her folks blessed her by buying her an 8mm semicircle wing (altered size because of the size of the area she had to dance) to dance with.  They left me to create as the Lord led and I created a slightly altered version of Anointed Feet. After her dance, people kept asking how she’d gotten a wing to match the sanctuary! Continue reading Amanda E’s 1st “in public” Dance

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Thriving Little Dancer

A fun story from today!

Your scarf for my daughter was a perfect match for her! God’s so awesome!

First, I saw a picture of it [as in a vision] while praying a couple of days before I decided to even order her a scarf – and I didn’t know what or who the picture went with…I guess now I know! Continue reading Thriving Little Dancer