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Anointed Feet

Three friends ordered scarves together and each’s story shows how God uniquely touches each of us (as we’ve seen in past scarf stories). This story is pieced together from a number of Facebook interactions 🙂  I know you’ll get to hear at least 1 of the other friend’s stories too. Continue reading Anointed Feet

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Amanda with Two Wings

Given the lack of space (not to mention sweet Amanda trying not to break anything in my house), Amanda did an AMAZING job wielding these two semicircle wings.  One has the altered wing seam (the smaller one) and one just a wing seam (the larger). Both are gorgeous and together… WOW!  I keep crying it moves me so much, trusting you’ll be blessed too 🙂 Continue reading Amanda with Two Wings

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Freedom, Confirmation & His Presence

This scarf had such a profound impact that it took the recipient several days to even process what God was sharing through it. I’ve broken it out piece by piece and what an amazing story it is!

Here was the first note I got from her:

I received a semicircle scarf from Meghan a couple of days ago. The moment it was handed to me I felt God’s anointing come over me. Continue reading Freedom, Confirmation & His Presence

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A Class of Scarves

This is a long scarf story that happened over a period of about 5 months (January to May – sorry it took me so long to post!).  It is so beautiful and I love and am amazed at how God moves.  Let me start at the beginning… it all started when Reyna (a teacher at a Christian school) contacted me wanting to get scarves for all the students in her praise dance class (as well as one for herself and her teacher’s assistant). Continue reading A Class of Scarves

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Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves

Per request, this is a 5-part series on the basics of dancing with scarves.  Each clip compares 2 scarves for a total of 10 scarves in 4 different fabrics (5mm and 8mm China Silk, Crepe, and Chiffon) and 9 different sizes (21×21, 11×60, 11×60 fringed, 44″ triangle fringed, 22×72, 22×90, 35×84, 55×108, and the 45×108 semicircle). Continue reading Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves

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He sees me as “Flawless”

I’m excited to share my own scarf story with you 🙂 Let me start by saying God has been talking to me about how He sees me (as He does with many of us). I’ve been going through deep inner healing for months now and it’s been a brutal, raw season. God’s written an amazing testimony in my life, but even though my poor choices have been redeemed for His glory they left plenty of scars on my heart and still very much influenced how I saw myself and felt God viewed me.
Continue reading He sees me as “Flawless”

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Multi-Use Wing

A gift from God to me – a “Healing Flow” wing (semicircle with a wing seam added).  I can dance with it alone, use it with a stick as a wing, and I can also use it as voi (veiled poi)! Oh – and I can (and do) wear it!  In this video, I show a couple of uses. This is the 5mm weight semicircle — I just love the way this weight moves! Continue reading Multi-Use Wing

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Restoring Her Dance & Singing Over Her

A beautiful story of God restoring and encouraging!

I decided to get a scarf that I could wear just for prayer times or whenever. When I got my scarf in I was so excited.  My scarf is called Love Song and it was anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Come Dance with Me. Continue reading Restoring Her Dance & Singing Over Her

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Released to Dance

A few weeks back, I felt led to send a scarf to a woman I met through the Dyed4you Facebook page. I received this story from her just yesterday 🙂

I just wanted to share this with you because I KNEW you’d love it. For starters, I’ve been wearing my scarf everywhere, which cracks up my pastor’s wife, because I’ve never been much of a scarf person. But I wear mine as a shawl, in my hair, around my neck, and a belt. I like being able to pull it off and worship with it when I’m in prayer settings 🙂 Continue reading Released to Dance

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Testimonial Archive

Just to have everything in one place, I wanted to bring over the testimonials – instead of doing a separate entry for each though, I did the archive in one big post 🙂

These (and the ones included on this site) are just a fraction of the ones I hear.  God truly never ceases to amaze me at what He’ll do through a simple piece of silk 🙂

I pray they bless you!

Continue reading Testimonial Archive