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Dowel Wing Change

As we’ve started using our new dowel line more, we realized we could make a small change to the dowel wing design that would make them easier to create, while maintaining the integrity of the piece. Instead of doing a combination of serging and hemming, we’re now serging the whole thing just like we’ve always done with our medium and large quill wings. ๐Ÿ™‚  Continue reading Dowel Wing Change

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Nature-Inspired Wing

A while back someone was talking to the “mama of Dyed4you” about a silk idea inspired by a bird she loved. At some point the suggestion was passed along to us and Mantle of Favor was born. Years later I discovered an interesting connection to the woman who had the original idea, and so I gifted her a large dowel wing in the Mantle of Favor style. She said she was “blessed tremendously by this beautiful silk” ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading Nature-Inspired Wing

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How-to Make Bendies

This post was originally about all sorts of dowels including our bendies, but we quickly realized no one thought getting flags without a rod in them was as cool or convenient as we did. ๐Ÿ™‚

So we started simply including our bendies with all our bendie wings and flags, and using what we call “reinforced” bendies (which are another rod inserted in the hollow center of our bendies to reinforce them). We use the reinforced bendies on our larger heavier weight flags and wings (like our XL flag and large wing). Continue reading How-to Make Bendies

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Comparing Quill to Dowel in LWH

ComparingDowel2QuillLWHWe’ve posted a demo comparing dowel wings to quill wings in the XL size (5mm weight), and today we’re doing the same for the large wing size in the 8mm (i.e. LWH) – though this is a standard size for our quills, the dowel LWH is a special order item.ย  Both these wings have the serged edges rather than the hand-rolled, hand-sewn. This is a great size wing whether in dowel or quill! Continue reading Comparing Quill to Dowel in LWH

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Quill vs. Dowel Wing Comparison

WingComparisonWe get emails asking about the difference between quill wingsย  and dowel wings (which are semicircles with a wing seam added), and how they flow different from each otherย so we thought it might be time to put up a quick blog about it that will hopefully help answer some of those questions. Also if you are not sure about which quill is for you, than you can click here and see more comparison ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading Quill vs. Dowel Wing Comparison

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MR Quill Giveaway Winner

TeresaPurdieWinnerCongratulations to Teresa Purdie our MR Quill Flag Giveaway! A big thank you to ALL of you who entered – excited to share more of the beautiful videos you guys submitted when you entered!!! Below you’ll find the video Teresa submitted that won – hopefully she’ll submit a video with her NEW quill flags ones she gets them ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading MR Quill Giveaway Winner

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Whole Heart LWH (Dowel)

WholeHeartDowelLWThis is a special order large dowel wing (8mm weight) in the Whole Heart style which you’ve seen before in swing flags. This was the first time I’d created a LW in the dowel variety (usually they’re quills). I’m using a 36″ dowel, which is shorter than the length the quill typically is, but it worked great and looks beautiful!

Continue reading Whole Heart LWH (Dowel)

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Breakthrough in Worship among Youth

You all may remember seeing AJ before with his swing flags (1st video, 2nd video), which also make a brief appearance in this video… but mostly this video is His pair of 35×84 voi called Prophetic Glory. He also takes the silk off and uses it as a wing as well as dancing with it – all beautiful! Continue reading Breakthrough in Worship among Youth

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Dowel vs Quill Wing Comparision

This is a portion of an older video that had some dated info in it (Flag Comparison page is the replacement for it), but this portion comparing dowel and quill wings is very helpful.

Please note the MW quill is about the same size as the altered wing I mention and the XLW quill is the same size as the “full size” wing. Continue reading Dowel vs Quill Wing Comparision

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How-To Pick Which Flag is Best for You

I’ve been wanting to create a Flag Comparison page for a long while to make it easier for you to know which flag is right for YOU ๐Ÿ™‚ย  This video compares 8 flagging products (listed below). Continue reading How-To Pick Which Flag is Best for You

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Soaring in His Righteousness Wing/Voi Pair

This pair of 5mm semicircles with wing seams and voi weights was created from a vision the Father gave one of our customers. Their name is Soaring in His Righteousness. The first video is Amanda worshiping with them as wings to Bethel’s Come to Me. The second is me demoing the voi to Bethany’s Chasing After You.ย  Continue reading Soaring in His Righteousness Wing/Voi Pair

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Surprise Gift

This is a long one, but a fun one ๐Ÿ™‚ This actually happened this time last year. Amanda came for a visit in October with a couple friends. For months she’d been talking about wanting a 5mm semicircle wing/voi pair and about a month before her parents had contacted me about wanting to get her something Dyed4you as a gift. So I filled them in on what she’d been longing for and planted an idea the Father dropped in my heart – have Amanda dye her own gift without knowing it was for her. ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading Surprise Gift

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Worship on Mt Shasta

Someone gave this sweet lady a 5mm semicircle wing as a gift, and she was so blessed by it! It’s a style that is near and dear to my heart because of my own scarf story with it.

These pics and videos are from a trip to Mt Shasta where she was worshiping with her wing (and a second plain white one they made so she could have a pair) and Allissa with her swing flags. (And more of Allissa with the swing flags is coming later) ๐Ÿ˜‰ Continue reading Worship on Mt Shasta

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Mismatched Wing Pair

Since y’all know we all have “hit the wall with the stick” moments, I decided to give you this video unedited from beginning to end ๐Ÿ™‚

Here we have two 8mm semicircle wings – one in the Warrior style and one in Deep Worship. Since they have a couple colors in common, they look beautiful together! Continue reading Mismatched Wing Pair