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Passion Fire Wing/Voi Combo (pair)

The Lord showed me this style in a dream, so seeing them come to fruition was beautiful for me! This is the same style as the Passion Fire streamer.

In this video you see me using the pair first as wings (and I am not as good with 2 as Amanda E, so if you want to see some beautiful movements with a pair of big wings, view this), then as a pair of voi, then as a single wing and finally a single voi.  Love these! Continue reading Passion Fire Wing/Voi Combo (pair)

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Amanda E’s 1st “in public” Dance

Amanda E was asked to dance at her parent’s church’s Christmas Eve service.  Her folks blessed her by buying her an 8mm semicircle wing (altered size because of the size of the area she had to dance) to dance with.  They left me to create as the Lord led and I created a slightly altered version of Anointed Feet. After her dance, people kept asking how she’d gotten a wing to match the sanctuary! Continue reading Amanda E’s 1st “in public” Dance

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He is our Shepherd

You’ve seen Tami’s Jehovah Rohi altered wing in action twice before – once when Amanda E demo’d it after it was made and once by Tami’s granddaughter. But now you get to see Tami using it (YouTube edited out the audio – sorry!) and she even uses both her wings (Jehovah Rohi and Steadfast Faith) at the end!  Plus you get to hear her story 🙂 Continue reading He is our Shepherd

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His and Her Wing

Another beautiful confirmation for Tami and she shares a video of her using her wing 🙂

I just received my semicircle scarf today, the name of it is Steadfast Faith, it truly is the most beautiful scarf I have ever seen. I was telling my best friend that I could just put this one and rest in him, trust in him.God really knows my heart and knows where I am right now in my walk. Continue reading His and Her Wing