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Confirmation of Dream

Reflecting His Face crinkle silkA woman received a crinkle silk called Reflecting His Face as a gift, and when she read the word it was a total confirmation for her and she was so blessed by it. You see a day or two earlier she’d had a dream about being in the fire – and there were details Father shared with her – and the letter that came with her silk was about His refining fire and brought confirmation and encouragement during this trying time for her. God is so awesome!  Continue reading Confirmation of Dream

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Quill from Dream Manifested

This is a beautiful story about a pair of 35″ (L) quills, a 30×30 silk and a bottle of Restoration oil from the Scent of Heaven.  What’s fun about this story is that when she ordered I didn’t know they all were for her – she also ordered another silk and oil as a gift, and so I thought BOTH silk/oil combos were gifts!  When I went to package the order to ship it and finally noticed that the quills were named Flourishing Hope and the 30×30 silk was named Hope I thought to myself, “I can’t send her two things with the name so similar!!!”  In the end, I sent what Father had told me to (of course) 😉 Continue reading Quill from Dream Manifested

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Resurrection Celebration

This is a fun story because there’s lots to share! It starts with a dance team in VT (Living Hope Christian Church) ordering 14×72 scarves to use as sashes and special order 8mm 45×108 silks that were divided in half with 2 flag seams added to make a pair. You saw video I made of one pair of the flags before I sent them out.

Even just from seeing my demo video the team gave an awesome response:
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Blue Royalty Oil

This is too fun not to share!

So a few days ago I’d asked Carol from the Scent of Heaven to prayerfully consider a “Royalty” anointing oil.  I’ve had silks more than once that I’d wished I’d had something in that vein to anoint them with.  As I described to her what I was thinking I said “think purple” – I didn’t mean literal color, just purple as in royalty. Continue reading Blue Royalty Oil