Beautiful testimony from a customer who ordered some prophetically dyed regular handled bendie wings (5mm aka βlightβ weight silk).
Continue reading Ecstatic About Her WingsBeautiful testimony from a customer who ordered some prophetically dyed regular handled bendie wings (5mm aka βlightβ weight silk).
Continue reading Ecstatic About Her WingsA lovely testimony about Praying it Forward: Gift Silks. This is a wonderful reminder of what a blessing it can be to share a timely word with someone! Continue reading A “Right On Point” Gift Silk
Even after over ten years of doing this, I still struggle with those moments of hesitation when I’m sending something out, and this pair of flags was one of those largely because these flags are SO bright and vibrant, the pattern isn’t exactly my “signature look”, and so I worried when I shipped them whether they’d be welcomed or not. I love how God took the time to remind me to trust Him and that I hear Him through this beautiful testimony which was a kiss from heaven for me. π Continue reading Spot On Word
It’s always fun when someone receives Dyed4you silk as a gift! Especially when it’s someone’s first Dyed4you silk. π
This crinkle silk (named Heartbeat of Heaven) was a gift and the recipient shared how incredibly blessed she was by it and that it was her favorite colors! She said it was perfect for her. God is so good. π
This Dyed4you Readymade customer said she found her 4 yd streamer “inspiring” and that she “loved the colors of the streamer.” Its name is Righteous Living, and she shared a short video with her streamer (below) and I shared my demo video with it as well. Continue reading Inspiring Streamer
This beautiful, warm Dyed4you throw blanket was an unexpected, impromptu gift (that divinely ended up being the colors that was special to their relationship). This Special Order throw was crafted a little differently than our How-To Make a D4Y Throw instructs, instead being essentially inlaid in the design of the throw itself. It turned out possibly the crispest and most professional-looking of all the throws I’ve created! I’ll definitely be doing more in this style in the future. Continue reading An Unexpected Gift
This testimony comes from a custom order crinkle silk through our Dyed4you Readymade store that was given as a gift. Always fun to see how these gifts minister, especially when they’re going to someone who isn’t familiar with what we do and is getting to experience it for the first time. Below is her response to the woman who blessed her with the silk. Continue reading Anointed, Confirming Gift
Recently, I had someone order a scarf for someone who is Russian and speaks no English. I have a Facebook friend who is Russian – someone I had never met before, but was acquainted with through mutual friends because she is part of our online church family – and so I contacted her and asked if she would translate for me, which she was happy to do. As a thank you, Father instructed me to send her a silk of her own π
Some of you may remember about 15 months ago the Father had me get rid of my canopy. At the time He let me replace it with a beautiful Dyed4you Art River of Life display including the matching silk. Continue reading Dyed4you Canopy
This is a quick testimony about a 22×72 silk a woman received and was blessed by π
I am still astounded that the prayer scarf has my favorite colors and exactly what I wanted! Continue reading Favorite Color & Verse