These gorgeous silks were hand-painted by Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed. You’ve heard me talk before about why it matters who makes your flags (and if you missed it I suggest giving it a peek!), let me tell you – Margie is the real deal! I actually got to meet her because, like Dyed4you, Unhindered and Unashamed works with our friend Nickol at Prophetic Worship Banners to have her silks quilled 🙂 Continue reading Under His Loving Wings L Quills
Tag: Meghan
Introducing Larisa
You guys may not realize this but Dyed4you has a new staff member… Larisa! It’s a cool story as to how she came on board and what the Father is doing here at Dyed4you. We realized it was time to officially introduce her to the Dyed4you Community 🙂 Continue reading Introducing Larisa
Sukkot Flag Class
For the last 2 years, I’ve gotten the privilege of doing a class on flags during our time at Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). This year I managed to sneak a little video of folks using the flags after I’d demo’d them and talked about them and another friend got some pictures as well. Thought you all would enjoy! Continue reading Sukkot Flag Class
Who Will You Worship
I want to touch briefly on the topic of worship and praise. Because this is the heart behind D4Y and you are all a part of D4Y I feel like it is VITAL that we are mindful of where we are giving our praise. This is a repost from my personal blog. I hope it blesses you. If you want to see more from the personal blog, I post on Dyed4you Ministries FB page when I post new ones – so feel free to like the page and set it to show in your news feed 🙂 Continue reading Who Will You Worship
Dyed4you Canopy
Some of you may remember about 15 months ago the Father had me get rid of my canopy. At the time He let me replace it with a beautiful Dyed4you Art River of Life display including the matching silk. Continue reading Dyed4you Canopy
Gift from Father & a Word for me
This is a fun testimony from a woman who got two leaders in her life a beaded ladies tallit as well as herself. All three were incredibly blessed 🙂
She shares her testimony below as well as a word for me! Continue reading Gift from Father & a Word for me
Leaven, Cleansing, & Sabbaths
It’s been a busy week getting caught up on orders, but also because I’ve had some extra stuff going on too! This evening is Passover followed by the feast of Unleavened Bread, which has meant it’s been time to get the leaven out of our house 🙂 Continue reading Leaven, Cleansing, & Sabbaths
Restoration Ministry
In this silk ministry I’m using a pair of Isaiah 54 swing flags. The focus of the intercession is to battle hopelessness, depression, and woundings from the enemy; bringing restoration, healing, hope, joy and to usher in the fulfillment of God’s promises (exactly the focus of the call Father confirmed through this style silk to another woman in the D4Y Community). Continue reading Restoration Ministry
History of Dyed4you
Some of you heard my hubby’s thoughts on the beginning of Dyed4you back in July. Regularly, I get asked how I got into this and it’s a story I love to tell, so I finally made a video so you all can hear the story! Continue reading History of Dyed4you
I have to begin by confessing that I am still far more prone to being like Martha than like Mary. I’m very happy “doing” and listening to Him as I do.
Even after the long season I spent in Destiny Church’s Prayer Room being a Mary, I find my Martha tendencies raring to go and hovering just below the surface. I know I’m not alone in this. Now I don’t know about you, but He’s been showing me one place He wants me to get better: the Sabbath. Continue reading Sabbath
Cleaning Gems
You’ve seen Dwelling in His Beauty swing flags before (and a wing), but this isn’t a demo because this is MY pair along with my scarf story 🙂
First of all, my sister was the first one to receive a Dwelling in His Beauty silk, so it held personal meaning from the start (see my sister in her’s). The problem with my job is I fall in love with silks ALL the time and at the end of the day I can’t wear them all at once, so I am very careful to only make one when I feel the Lord leading me to. Continue reading Cleaning Gems
Beginning of Dyed4you
A note from my hubby about Dyed4you 🙂
Meghan, I remember when you first came to me about dying scarves. I thought it was totally crazy and quite silly. However, I did not want to go against Holy Spirit, since He always seems knows more than me… 🙂 Continue reading Beginning of Dyed4you
Releasing Control
Since I’m on the topic of dyeing, I thought I’d share another aspect. The Lord has used the dyeing process to teach me many things, but one of the main ones was releasing control. This lesson is repeated and has ministered to those who have dyed with me. Continue reading Releasing Control
Periodically, I will get asked to do a dyeing workshop or having someone asking me to teach them how to dye (or asking technical dyeing-related questions via email or the blog), so I thought it would be good for me to explain how and when I teach people to dye and why.
Continue reading Dyeing
Blue Royalty Oil
So a few days ago I’d asked Carol from the Scent of Heaven to prayerfully consider a “Royalty” anointing oil. I’ve had silks more than once that I’d wished I’d had something in that vein to anoint them with. As I described to her what I was thinking I said “think purple” – I didn’t mean literal color, just purple as in royalty. Continue reading Blue Royalty Oil
Beauty (Prophetic Portrait) Testimony
If you didn’t see the post about the BEAUTIFUL prophetic portrait Alison Louise made me entitled Beauty, you will want to check that out first, because this is my testimony about how the Lord spoke to me through this beautiful piece of prophetic art.
It was so fun to have someone create a piece of personal prophetic art for me like I get to do for all of you! In this video I also share a little on prophetic art in general. I hope it blesses you 🙂 Continue reading Beauty (Prophetic Portrait) Testimony
D4Y Prophetic Portrait
I confess this was TOTALLY cool for me! Though I create personal prophetic art via both the silk and the digital artwork, I don’t often get to be on the receiving end. So the Lord TOTALLY blessed me through Alison’s prophetic portrait entitled Beauty, which was created for me 🙂 Continue reading D4Y Prophetic Portrait
Wait Upon the Lord (Scarf Story x2)
During Amanda E’s visit this past October, I felt the Lord prompt me that He wanted me (Meghan) to get a word. So I slipped one into the pre-dye planning with no instructions and left it for Amanda to birth. Continue reading Wait Upon the Lord (Scarf Story x2)
How-To Receive a Prophetic Word
I had an email last night from someone who had been very wounded and confused by experiences in a church that moved in the prophetic. This is not the first time someone has shared a story like this with me, nor will it likely be the last.
Regrettably, experiences like these are often what have chased people away from from all things prophetic – which is a bit like throwing out the baby with the bath water. What really needs to happen is that we need to learn how to properly receive a prophetic word – and often this isn’t something we’re taught, but rather something we learn over time (and through hurts). Hopefully, what I’ve shared below will help, even if they simply serve as a reminder for people who already function in these principles. 🙂
Color Meanings
I got an email today from someone who was a bit confused because she’d been to a number of color sites (including Dyed4you’s color chart) and found differences in meanings. It’s understandable how that could seem confusing! And since searches for “biblical colors meaning” and “prophetic color meanings” are some of the top searches that bring people to Dyed4you, I thought it was a good topic to address 🙂 Continue reading Color Meanings