What a fun testimony on a pair of regular bendie wings (5mm aka “light” weight silk) called “Great and Mighty.” Continue reading Rainbow Confirmation
What a fun testimony on a pair of regular bendie wings (5mm aka “light” weight silk) called “Great and Mighty.” Continue reading Rainbow Confirmation
Beautiful testimony from a customer who ordered some prophetically dyed regular handled bendie wings (5mm aka “light” weight silk).
Continue reading Ecstatic About Her WingsThis stunning painted beaded regular tallit was given as a gift to one of our guest contributors on our Dyed4you Ministries blog. Below she shares her story.
Continue reading Transforming ConfirmationAnother sweet testimony about a tallit – this one is from a 5-star review we received in our Etsy store.
Continue reading Reverently MadeThese gorgeous painted bendie wings were birthed as a collaborative effort between several of our Dyed4you team members and the recipient. God had given her a vision for these throne room glory flags that included painted features and hebrew lettering. To say they came out stunning is an understatement because they truly are a work of art! This is what she shared in her 5-star review on Etsy:
This is the most beautiful anointed flag set ever! The flag set is named ‘Glory of the Throne Room’. A delight to have collaborated with Dyed4you in its’ creation. Many have asked where and how it came into being…always a joy to share. Thank you Meghan and company for your amazing talents and prophetic gifting.
In addition, Papa had us created a coordinating Prophetic “Portrait” for her called Throne Room Glory. She shares her response in the message below.
Continue reading Weighty Awe (Painted Glory Wings)This medium scarf (14×72) was purchased as a gift for someone in ministry as a thank you for a word that had been a profound blessing. The minister happened to receive it on Feast of Tabernacles and she put it on the podium during the service at Miracle City Global. Here’s more of what she shared with the woman who sent her the gift (and there’s a brief video of her with it during the livestream from the service below):
Continue reading Speak Life SilkBeautiful testimony from the recipient of an oversized tassel tallit called Your Name and several Dyed4you Art pieces (a printcard of Forever Bloom, mini printcard of Anointed for War: Rallied Warriors, and magnet of Emboldened by the Sustaining Source). Continue reading Beautiful Tallit and Confirming Art
We never grow tired of testimonies – especially when there’s so much confirmation in them! This awesome scarf story is about a custom charmeuse tallit called Avinu (Our Father). The word expands on the Lord’s prayer in a beautiful way. Continue reading Receiving a New Mantle (and passing an old)
Definitely the season for warm, snuggly blankets and nothing is quite so delightful as a Dyed4you silk throw as this lovely lady discovered when she was blessed with one as a gift. 🙂 Continue reading Perfect, Snuggly Throw
We’d no sooner added the XL Crinkle Silks to our Dyed4you Readymade offerings than this order came through, and what an encouragement to get to hear how perfect the size was! Continue reading New Favorite Size
What I love most about the story of this oversized tallit (aside from the simple fact that she was blessed by her silk, which of course we love knowing), is about how it demonstrates how we receive in layers. She felt like she’d received it and was blessed at one level, then God spoke to her through Larisa’s live broadcast on the Dyed4you Facebook page, and then she received it at a new level. Continue reading Exactly What She Needed
A beautiful video of our friend Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings wearing her custom oversized tallit. This silk is one of our new “multi-silks” which are words where two or more silks have been combined creating an extended word. In this case, the Cloud by Day silk (the tallit) had a satin strip of a Fire by Night silk added to it creating a multi-silk called “His Abiding Presence” (you may have seen video of me with my double layer spin wings in the same multi-silk style). Continue reading Multi-Silk Oversized Tallit
Testimonies are always encouraging, but this one comes from a friend I hadn’t seen in a while and out of the blue Papa God told me to gift her a crinkle silk (technically two – one was for her to gift so I don’t know the testimony on that yet). This blessed me greatly and I hope it will you too – such a good reminder to hear and obey! And that gifting silk is a fun thing to do 😉 Continue reading Spot On Word
A gorgeous pair of large quill flags called I AM in action (and the demo video is below). The customer wrote to us, “I recently ordered 2 sets of quills from you, and I absolutely love them!” It always blesses us to know the silks you’re receiving are touching your hearts as well as seeing them in all their glory in action! Continue reading Absolutely Loves
As you all know from my many posts, I love cross pollination between ministries! This silk story shared my friend Christina (from Wings of Mercy Arising) with the regular swing wings I gave her as well as me with the silk I got from her called Father’s Heart. What was fun about the ones I made her is that she unknowingly named them! On our Dyed4you Ministries FB page, we frequently post things in progress and let people share what God gives them and sometimes those things make it into the word. That was what happened with Full Bloom. Continue reading Cross Pollination & Blooming
Even after over ten years of doing this, I still struggle with those moments of hesitation when I’m sending something out, and this pair of flags was one of those largely because these flags are SO bright and vibrant, the pattern isn’t exactly my “signature look”, and so I worried when I shipped them whether they’d be welcomed or not. I love how God took the time to remind me to trust Him and that I hear Him through this beautiful testimony which was a kiss from heaven for me. 🙂 Continue reading Spot On Word
It is always fun when a new person find our ministry. We get to go through the awe and excitement all over again as they receive their first silks and are moved by how God speaks to them through it. I don’t think we will EVER get tired of it! And this instance is no exception – her joy and exuberance is contagious 🙂 She is a retiring art teacher – so she is being blessed by the craftsmanship from that perspective as well. Continue reading Rich in Heart Meanings
It’s always fun when someone receives Dyed4you silk as a gift! Especially when it’s someone’s first Dyed4you silk. 🙂
This crinkle silk (named Heartbeat of Heaven) was a gift and the recipient shared how incredibly blessed she was by it and that it was her favorite colors! She said it was perfect for her. God is so good. 🙂
In a previous career, I taught college. And as I was walking the package from a Dyed4you Readymade Etsy store purchase to the mailbox, I looked down and realized the name on the label was a former student of mine! Turns out his mother knows Donna (the woman I refer to as the “mother of Dyed4you“) – what a small world! Continue reading Fun Connection and a Divinely Coordinated Gift
This is a beautiful Silk Story from a pair of XLRQ (extra large rounded quill flags) called Honored One (we shared the word for these on my personal blog, Silk: Honored One). It’s always both exciting and humbling to hear feedback like this, but we love to share because to God be all the glory! Continue reading Blessed by the Sheer Power the Words