A beautiful testimonial from one of our Dyed4you Readymade customers (Dyed4you Art too). We’re always so blessed to hear when the words resonate with their recipients! We love the confirmations 🙂 Yay God! Continue reading Exceeding Expectations
Tag: perfect
Beautiful to Worship With
It’s always wonderful to get positive feedback from you all in the Dyed4you Community, and it’s great to hear you understanding and embracing both venues you can get silk through: our custom order site (this one – Dyed4you) and our new Etsy store (Dyed4you Readymade). Both bring you beautiful silks as this customer below shares about her pair of RSW (regular swing wings): Continue reading Beautiful to Worship With
Confirming Mantle
It’s always lovely when we receive confirmations. This silk story is about a customer who contacted us about getting a silk to align with a word he’s gotten that he was a prophet. God had given several specifics. So our first confirmation was simply the timing of his request because when he asked, the prophetic team was actually working on a new silk and guess what it was called… you got it, Prophet Mantle! And the specifics he’d been given were already in the word. God is so good! Continue reading Confirming Mantle
Glory flags testimony
Here’s an amazing testimony of how our awesome God works!!! A woman in the Dyed4you community has ordered different flags for all her children and each testimony is mind blowing to me because they’re right on on EVERY little detail, but the Medium quills in the Glory style she got for her younger daughter have a particularly amazing testimony. These scarf stories are why I keep telling everyone how much this ministry ministers to us just as much, if not more, like it does to the one’s who receive them 🙂 Continue reading Glory flags testimony
Shroud… a beautiful testimony!
It has been long overdue for a blog and there couldn’t be a better way to start of the new year then with a beautiful testimony by one of my very favorite people!!!! She has received a Talitt in the style Shroud. I love how Abba speaks to us in every circumstance… Enjoy it as she shares 🙂 Continue reading Shroud… a beautiful testimony!
Portal to the Throne Room Banner Flag
It is not every day I get to have the Dyed4you Community at large minister to me, but that’s just what you all did and I am completely blessed! I have to start by saying I didn’t know what Father was up to when this started, but it is not unusual for Him to get sneaky and give me a birthday gift (some of you may remember the one He birthed in a dream that got finished literally on my birthday). Continue reading Portal to the Throne Room Banner Flag
Righteous Warfare L Swing Flags
This is a large pair of swing flags called Righteous Warfare. You’ve seen this style before, but the pattern in these was unique so we wanted to share them again along with the testimony that just arrived from the recipient! Continue reading Righteous Warfare L Swing Flags
Special Order Tallit
Here we have a special order 35×84 8mm tassel tallit in the Divine Authority style. This was created at the request of a customer after the Father showed it to her in a dream. She LOVED the final product! Her response is below: Continue reading Special Order Tallit
Believing God Loves…
I had the opportunity to do a trade with miss Kayla (of Blue Sheep Treasures). You may remember I shared an amazing Tree of Life necklace she created for me (see below) on Facebook – it was totally prophetic! And so we negotiated to do a trade for more. This silk (the first piece she got in trade) is a 14×72 called Love Song (which is the silk used in the Dyed4you Art piece Speak Tenderly). Continue reading Believing God Loves…
All About Hearts
This is a pair of regular swing flags called Whole Heart (which you’ve seen before being worn by a bride). Below you’ll find 2 clips of the recipient with her flags (her first time using swing flags) as well as my demo video, but first hear how they blessed her!
Quills, Streamers, Swing Flags, & Voi… Oh My!
This is a long but very deep time of worship with 4 different types of worship elements (XL quills, 4yd streamer, regular swing flags, and 35×84 voi). You’ve seen these styles (or ones like them) before in Mantle of Elijah, Righteous Warfare, Prophetic Glory and You are My Hallelujah. Continue reading Quills, Streamers, Swing Flags, & Voi… Oh My!
Mom and her Kids with a pair of MW quills
Here we have a pair of MW quills called Revelation from the Throne (see the demo of these). Beautiful worship from mom (who is the recipient of these quills) as well as some video of her kids enjoying them 🙂 Continue reading Mom and her Kids with a pair of MW quills
Huge Confirmation
Six plus years and I never grow tired of hearing the testimonies! This is a 35×84 silk that was birthed just recently and was some timely confirmation…
Continue reading Huge Confirmation
Wall Builder
This was a gift purchased by a ministry leader for one of the ministries intercessors… the first intercessor. She got a 22×72 tassel tallit complete with Hebrew lettering as well as a copy of a yet-unreleased piece of Dyed4you Art called Frontline Warriors (which you’ve heard mentioned before and can see below). Continue reading Wall Builder
Song Confirming Word
The worship leader at my church had ordered herself a new silk, which I brought to her last night. It’s name is Walking in the Promises and part of the scarf letter included the lyrics to Chris Tomlin’s Our God. As she read the letter (which she was DEEPLY touched by) she asked me if I’d seen the set list she’d put together for this week. I told her I hadn’t and she informed me that Our God was the first song we were doing! Talk about confirmation 🙂 Continue reading Song Confirming Word
God Answering Her Questions
Recently, I had someone order a scarf for someone who is Russian and speaks no English. I have a Facebook friend who is Russian – someone I had never met before, but was acquainted with through mutual friends because she is part of our online church family – and so I contacted her and asked if she would translate for me, which she was happy to do. As a thank you, Father instructed me to send her a silk of her own 🙂
Gifting a Spot on Word
This is testimonial about a woman who received a 35×84 Lord of All the Earth silk – this is the same silk you recently saw on my new canopy and on my furry mink fleece throw 😉 Continue reading Gifting a Spot on Word
Restoring Her Heart & Dance
Lovely testimony on a single swing flag in the Preparing for the Bridegroom design. You saw a pair of these before.
One of the things I love about this testimony is that it touches on a principle I’ve mentioned before, which is that the silk letters are a jumping off point – they’re the beginning of a conversation with the Father, not a conversation in its entirety 🙂 Continue reading Restoring Her Heart & Dance
Quill from Dream Manifested
This is a beautiful story about a pair of 35″ (L) quills, a 30×30 silk and a bottle of Restoration oil from the Scent of Heaven. What’s fun about this story is that when she ordered I didn’t know they all were for her – she also ordered another silk and oil as a gift, and so I thought BOTH silk/oil combos were gifts! When I went to package the order to ship it and finally noticed that the quills were named Flourishing Hope and the 30×30 silk was named Hope I thought to myself, “I can’t send her two things with the name so similar!!!” In the end, I sent what Father had told me to (of course) 😉 Continue reading Quill from Dream Manifested
Dyed4you Canopy
Some of you may remember about 15 months ago the Father had me get rid of my canopy. At the time He let me replace it with a beautiful Dyed4you Art River of Life display including the matching silk. Continue reading Dyed4you Canopy