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Breath of God blessing

Feedback from a recent order that was a gift for someone’s friend:

Meghan, that scarf was perfect!!!

I love the scripture that goes with it! God bless you for the scarf and the extra prayer you and your intercessor friend put over it! One thing I know is that those prayers go up to God and he acts on his Word and the Spirit led prayer of His saints! Glory to God! Continue reading Breath of God blessing

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Majestic Praise

A friend from church wanted a scarf and her young daughter wanted to buy it as a gift for her. So I made one with her in mind. She wasn’t able to purchase it at the time and so I prayed about whether I should just give it to her, but didn’t feel released to do so at that time. A year later, the scarf was still sitting in my prayer closet (aka living room) and I wondered to God why He hadn’t released me to give it to her yet. Continue reading Majestic Praise

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Free Indeed

This is a story shared from someone who received a scarf as a gift from a long-time customer (and friend) of Dyed4you 🙂

Anyone who knows me knows that I do NOT like the color blue! So when I initially saw the pouch for “Free Indeed”; I was a little put off at first. I looked at it and thought …..”BLUE!? Blue, Lord!? Is this woman Meghan REALLY hearing from You?!!” I remember saying to The Lord in my head…..”I don’t think so, Lord! You know how much I LOVE (sarcasm) blue!” Continue reading Free Indeed