I shared some video of Allissa using a pair of 3 yd streamers during our Hanukkah conference, and I also wanted to share the dance some of our ladies did that featured three of our 3 yd streamers: Deep Worship (Royal/Turquoise/Purple), Amazed (Fuchsia/Pink/Black/White) and Faith for the Impossible (Purple/White/Cobalt). Continue reading Hanukkah Dance
Tag: PFT
Allissa with a Pair of Streamers
A sweet moment from worship this past Friday during our Hanukkah conference! Allissa was using a mis-matched pair of 3 yard streamers – one called Every Captive Free and the other Bondage Breaker. Awesome moment I couldn’t resist sharing! Continue reading Allissa with a Pair of Streamers
Sukkot Flag Class
For the last 2 years, I’ve gotten the privilege of doing a class on flags during our time at Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). This year I managed to sneak a little video of folks using the flags after I’d demo’d them and talked about them and another friend got some pictures as well. Thought you all would enjoy! Continue reading Sukkot Flag Class
Last Dance from Feast of Trumpets Conference
This is last of the dances from Feast of Trumpets conference. You’ve seen the youth dance and (for lack of a better description) the grown up’s dance, now you get to see the PFT Angels (ie the kids) dance! You’ll see several streamers (two 4 yard ones which you’ve seen before and one special order 160″ one you’ve seen before also) as well as a special order 6 yard billow and a couple M quill flags – all that Dyed4you goodness mixed with some serious preciousness make this an enjoyable watch 😉 Continue reading Last Dance from Feast of Trumpets Conference
Feast of Trumpets Dance
What a difference a year makes! This is another video from my church’s Feast of Trumpet’s conference and in it you will see Allissa with the very first swing flags she got from Dyed4you just a little over a year ago. 🙂 Continue reading Feast of Trumpets Dance
Youth Dance at Feast of Trumpets
This is a dance our youth put together for the Feast of Trumpets Conference this past weekend (you may remember I mentioned it). They did an AMAZING job and we were all SO proud – it was so powerful 🙂
They used a bunch of MR quills called The Blood and my hubby (the youth director) used his special order 8mm XL quills called Judgment. A great reminder the judgment of the Lord is perfect and brings freedom with the blood of the Lamb! Continue reading Youth Dance at Feast of Trumpets
Song Confirming Word
The worship leader at my church had ordered herself a new silk, which I brought to her last night. It’s name is Walking in the Promises and part of the scarf letter included the lyrics to Chris Tomlin’s Our God. As she read the letter (which she was DEEPLY touched by) she asked me if I’d seen the set list she’d put together for this week. I told her I hadn’t and she informed me that Our God was the first song we were doing! Talk about confirmation 🙂 Continue reading Song Confirming Word
2 yr old with S Quills
This is a compilation of several clips of my little 2 yr old friend with a pair of small (S) quill flags. This is the video I mentioned in the announcement about the new S quill size. The 2 short clips at the beginning are actually the 2nd time she’d ever used them, the last clip was the first time she’d ever used them and I believe the first time she had used a flag like that! You can tell she’s been watching her older sisters 😉 Continue reading 2 yr old with S Quills
Streamer at PFT
This is the River of Heaven streamer you saw on Friday, which I realized is 160″ not 144″ (oops!), which explains why it feels loooooooong 🙂
I have realized I love streamers and plan to make more and am prayerfully considering carrying a 108″ (3 yard) and 144″ (4 yard) version on the site. And if I do I will likely start carrying the rods for them simply for convenience. You already can add a streamer seam to any scarf (the 14×72 and the special order 8×72 are the more popular sizes to do that to). Continue reading Streamer at PFT
God Answering Her Questions
Recently, I had someone order a scarf for someone who is Russian and speaks no English. I have a Facebook friend who is Russian – someone I had never met before, but was acquainted with through mutual friends because she is part of our online church family – and so I contacted her and asked if she would translate for me, which she was happy to do. As a thank you, Father instructed me to send her a silk of her own 🙂
His Heart in Battle during Worship
This is a beautiful pair of 45″ (XL) quills called His Heart in Battle. You’ve seen this style before in swing flags a couple times. The top clip is from church this evening (PFT) and the bottom is a demo so you can see the colors well. 🙂 Continue reading His Heart in Battle during Worship
Judgment Quills
These are a pair of special order 8mm weight 45″ quill flags called Judgment. Behind them you can also see a pair of 35″ Petite quills in use and you’ll see a variety of Dyed4you flags (and others) march by on the left too 🙂 Continue reading Judgment Quills
Shavuot Services at PFT
In honor of Shavuot (Pentecost), my church (Passion for Truth) had a Shabbat meal and worship service on Friday followed by our normal weekly service Saturday that was focused on celebrating the last spring feast. I confess it made my heart smile to see how many Dyed4you silks were being WORN in addition to be used in worship! Continue reading Shavuot Services at PFT
PFT Ministry Moment
This was a precious moment when some folks at my church (Passion for Truth) were receiving ministry at the altar and one of the kids was brought into the dance circle to minister with my Fragrant Offering altered quill wing. This was literally the first time she’s ever used a quill wing and I put it in her hand about 30 second before she got pulled into the middle bless her heart! She did wonderfully!!! She has such a sweet anointing as she dances with silk 🙂 Continue reading PFT Ministry Moment
Testimony & Dance
Jessica won these simple flags (made from a 35×84 with 2 flag seams added) as a Dyed4you Blog Giveaway. What was kind of fun is that she actually received the flags the night she heard the song Garments of Praise for the first time in a long time – it’s the song the Father had her dance to in this video after she shares her testimony. I think you’ll be blessed by both her story and her worship – enjoy!!! Continue reading Testimony & Dance
Young Ladies with 35″ Petite Quill Flags
Both these videos are young ladies (about 9 and 11) worshiping with a 35″ Petite Quill Flags called Joyful Praise (Yes I bring these flags every week that’s why they’ve showed up before). I’ve found that 5 year olds on up like this size and they are precious as can be worshiping with them! I know you’ll be blessed by both of these 🙂 Continue reading Young Ladies with 35″ Petite Quill Flags
The Blood flags in Corporate Ministry
In this video my hubby was ministering with a pair of 45″ Round Quill Flags called The Blood. This was during some corporate ministry time at my church (Passion for Truth) with Jimmie Black leading worship. It was a powerful weekend of worship! Continue reading The Blood flags in Corporate Ministry
Joyful Praise Quills at PFT
This is a pair of 35″ Petite Quill Flags called Joyful Praise in use by my hubby at our church (Passion for Truth) during weekend worship. Continue reading Joyful Praise Quills at PFT
8 yr-old’s Encounter During Worship
You all have heard about the Anointed Feet silk before – when Amanda E danced with her Anointed Feet wing and when Kim was blessed with her scarf. Well this story is about the original Anointed Feet silk 🙂
Sage and her husband ordered silk gifts for their whole family – 18 people in all! One of her daughters, Faith, received one the Father had told Sage to have called Anointed Feet. Thus this silk was birthed. Continue reading 8 yr-old’s Encounter During Worship
45″ Quills
Introducing a new (and bigger) size of quill flags! Here my hubby is showing you how the larger sized quills work. See the same pair both in my prayer closet being demoed and in action during church. These beautiful silks are so easy to use and look amazing! Continue reading 45″ Quills