My church was doing a White Elephant gift exchange on New Years Eve. I felt prompted by the Father to include a Dyed4you silk called Joyful Praise in the mix. I sensed He knew EXACTLY where He wanted it to go and that it would end up with the person He intended it for. I love seeing Him work in apparent chaos! Continue reading White Elephant Gift
Tag: PFT
Word on Receiving
This is a video clip from the live streaming at my church, Passion for Truth. You’ll see a number of D4Y silks in this, most notably on Cheryl (my pastor’s wife) one of our worship leaders. In this clip (about 2:22 in), she shares a good word on receiving – I thought you’d be blessed by – I know I was! Continue reading Word on Receiving
Feast of Trumpets
Y’all may remember the recent video post I shared with my new rainbow flag, I thought I would let you see it in action at our church’s Feast of Trumpets celebration this past week. My hubby is playing Abraham/Moses 😉 Continue reading Feast of Trumpets
PFT Worship
Can I start by saying I love my church? This is a clip from a typical evening of worship on Shabbat (Sabbath) at Passion for Truth Fellowship (which streams live every Saturday at 5pm CST).
We are so blessed to have a group of people who truly love to press in during worship – so in this clip you will see men, women and children dancing, using flags, and moving as one with the billow. Continue reading PFT Worship
Passion Fire flag
This is my hubby using my Passion Fire flag during worship at our church (Passion for Truth – for those who may remember we used to be somewhere else, here’s a little more about that change if you’re interested). I have a longer clip coming soon from our worship – I admit, I’m loving all the Dyed4you silk 😉 Continue reading Passion Fire flag
Wind & Fire Flag
This is a flag the Lord had been showing me for a few weeks to make and use in intercession during worship at church. Several commented it was “right on” which was wonderful confirmation. Continue reading Wind & Fire Flag