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Called to Flag

This past week in church I had the opportunity to minister with an extraordinary young lady. She has SUCH a call to flag on her life (and when we ministered together she was using a pair of flags from our friends at Called to Flag who I shared about in our Anointed vs Counterfeit post) – everyone at our church (and those who later saw the video online) were so blessed by her worship. Continue reading Called to Flag

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Wrapped in Father’s Arms

It’s always so encouraging to hear how Papa moves through our silks! We really appreciate when you all in the Dyed4you Community take the time to share YOUR stories with us. This is one such story. She’s not the first one to be blessed by a silk that didn’t look the way she would’ve picked. Fun to see how God moves! Continue reading Wrapped in Father’s Arms

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Custom Beaded Tallit (And Why One Might Use One)

FYI we have an update post on why someone might use a tallit

Papa blessed me (Meghan) with a new custom beaded tallit. It is called Relentless Faith and is 44×72″ in a 10mm china silk; and I made the tallits longer than normal (because I couldn’t seem to stop myself when I was creating them LOL!). I thought I’d share not just some pictures, but also a quick video explaining why one might use a tallit (And based on how much I loved mine, I added the oversized tallit option in our Dyed4you Readymade store).  Continue reading Custom Beaded Tallit (And Why One Might Use One)

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Confirming Mantle

prophetmantleIt’s always lovely when we receive confirmations. This silk story is about a customer who contacted us about getting a silk to align with a word he’s gotten that he was a prophet. God had given several specifics. So our first confirmation was simply the timing of his request because when he asked, the prophetic team was actually working on a new silk and guess what it was called… you got it, Prophet Mantle! And the specifics he’d been given were already in the word. God is so good!  Continue reading Confirming Mantle

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Vacation with Jesus

A group of friends took a vacation with Jesus to celebrate one of their birthdays.  The birthday girl brought her XL quills (45″) – which were a gift to her earlier this year – and day and night, everywhere they went – they had constant spontaneous worship. At one point they were driving and suddenly “Spirit was so strong in the car…We had to stop for a praise break!!!” Continue reading Vacation with Jesus

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Staking Their City

This is a fun story about a prayer journey a group of kids went on equipped with a single M (35″ petite) quill for each of them!  We hear the story shared by one of the parents (and a quick not from her son) and the gift giver (and youth leader).  Lots of pictures to enjoy – you can feel the Father smiling at His children! Continue reading Staking Their City

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Worship Symposium

Our friend Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners (who quills our quill flags) went to a Worship Symposium (in Pasadena, CA) last month and brought some Dyed4you quills with her – you can spot several in the group video of the balcony! She said there was a POWERFUL presence of the Lord on the night the video below was shot. Continue reading Worship Symposium

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Silk Displays

It’s fun to see what people do with their silks – even when they aren’t in use! Seeing a 6×24 tied to a purse has become a common use, or around a stuffed animal, or 35×84s hanging on the wall, or even flags hanging on the wall – the ones you see below are swing flags with Hebrew lettering added.

Continue reading Silk Displays

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Holy Coverings

This is a quick testimonial from someone who has gotten several pairs of swing flags (which she also loves – when she used them at church someone came over to ask where she got her “pretty flags”), but in this order also got a beaded veil and a beaded tallit. Here’s what she shared about them after she received them: Continue reading Holy Coverings

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Preparing for the Bridegroom Giveaway

It’s always fun for me to hear scarf stories on the scarves that are Dyed4you Blog Giveaways!  I love knowing the Father is NOT random. He knows exactly who it’s going to go to even when we don’t! Continue reading Preparing for the Bridegroom Giveaway

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Peace & God’s Presence

You may not realize this, but I (Meghan) don’t write all the words that come with the silks. The Lord has taught me well this ministry is NOT about me, and so He reminds me by birthing words through Dyed4you intercessors and others the Lord has connected to D4Y. Continue reading Peace & God’s Presence

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Perfect Gift for Mom

A sweet testimony about a gift a daughter got for her mom – it was a Dyed4you Art printcard of Wait Upon the Lord, a coordinating 14×72 scarf complete with gift bag, and the Scent of Heaven Wait Upon the Lord oil.

Today my mom unwrapped her anointed scarf!! Since we got it early in the mail – it has been a major temptation for us not to look at it, but we resisted and waited for her to open it today. What a dynamic word for her and for our family as a whole. Continue reading Perfect Gift for Mom

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Speaking to the Depths of her Being

A beautiful scarf story from our teacher-friend who had the amazing Class of Scarves story last year.  I covet your prayers for my friend as well – I’m sure the Lord will direct them as you read her beautiful story below: Continue reading Speaking to the Depths of her Being

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New to Voi Worshiper

You saw me demo Shannon’s voi, and now she’s shared video of herself with them. Let me preface this by saying she had spent no more than an hour with voi ever in her entire life – so that alone is astounding to me. Beautiful to watch someone anointed and gifted to move in worship! Continue reading New to Voi Worshiper