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Powerful Spiritual Weapon

You may remember my post of the Covenant vision come to life, well this is a story of what happened once the recipient actually had the silk in her hands.  Here she tells her story:

I am the one with the Covenant veil. I am sending you this picture as a personal testimony of using the Covenant veil during our worship service. This image has not been altered by any means. It was taken from my digital camera during our worship service by my husband. It was a special night to me, since it was the first time I used the veil to dance in church with it. Continue reading Powerful Spiritual Weapon

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Surprise Pillowcases

I love to get to be part of blessing someone – so when I got an email from Amanda E that she felt God prompted her to get a pair of pillowcases for a mutual friend, I was thrilled! Here’s her initial response:

The pillowcases are beautiful and the word with with them is so spot on and precious to me. I love the anointing oil one heart because it is literally what god has done in my marriage with my husband and it is truly been a miracle and now God is healing my family and bringing us closer than ever. Continue reading Surprise Pillowcases

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Holy Ghost Party

Amanda E called me after leaving this holiday party that the Holy Spirit commandeered – I was SO blessed to hear this story and am thrilled she’s taken the time to write it down to share with you all (with the permission of those who were present of course!). God is AMAZING! Continue reading Holy Ghost Party

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Friend(s) of God

One of my dear friends, Sheila (who happens to be a prophetic intercessor and one of the future contributors to this blog), came to me and said, “I think Kent needs a scarf.”

Kent Henry has been doing worship for almost as long as I’ve been alive.  He’s led worship on six of Integrity Music’s Hosanna! recordings as well as 22 of his own.  He and his wife Carla are friends of ours, elders at our church, and their daughter happens to be married to our lead pastor 🙂 Continue reading Friend(s) of God

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Church Releasing the Promises of God

I must confess, I thoroughly enjoy hearing multiple stories over the same piece(s) of silk. I love knowing it’s not just a cool moment when it’s received, but that it continues to be a blessing and a tool.

Back in May I shared another moment that this Voi veil was used as a billow.  Well, it happened again – this time the WHOLE church (and a large congregation at that) participated – she share’s the story here: Continue reading Church Releasing the Promises of God

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Getting the Hell out of my House

Thank you, Meghan for inviting me to share what the LORD has placed on my heart with you and the Dyed4You community. This is NOT the posting I thought I would launch with, but trust the LORD’s timing. This seems like a very intense introduction and I am humbled to share this post, as it feels like it just “broke through” my agenda and ordered plan to share. May these posts serve to encourage and build one another up in love (1 Thes 5:11).  Continue reading Getting the Hell out of my House

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Abiding Joy

Another Dyed4you Blog giveaway scarf story 🙂

So my story starts here. I got on facebook and was just looking through my news feed and decided to comment on a dyed4you posting. I then got offline. I was sitting on my couch looking at my bible and the book I had in my hand when I heard God tell me it was ok to read a chapter and then come spend time with him. Continue reading Abiding Joy

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Feeling God’s Embrace

This young lady received her scarf as a gift.  She said she loved the scarf and she said that it couldn’t have come at a better time. She’s been having a rough couple of weeks. When she wrapped the scarf around her she felt God’s embrace around her the entire time. She couldn’t stop touching the scarf.

Continue reading Feeling God’s Embrace

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God Ministering Through a Scarf Story

I love how God works – this scarf story is how God ministered through reading a scarf story!  This was Reyna’s comment on the Hedged In story:

Amazing. This ministered to me so much. As I read and played the music I felt so strongly to pull out my very first scarf 🙂 rivers of refreshing. Continue reading God Ministering Through a Scarf Story

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Freedom, Confirmation & His Presence

This scarf had such a profound impact that it took the recipient several days to even process what God was sharing through it. I’ve broken it out piece by piece and what an amazing story it is!

Here was the first note I got from her:

I received a semicircle scarf from Meghan a couple of days ago. The moment it was handed to me I felt God’s anointing come over me. Continue reading Freedom, Confirmation & His Presence

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Aligned with Truth Banner

A beautiful testimony and video of a customer (actually 2) using their special order 55×108 banners.

Okay so i will keep this as short as I can. A few years back I moved back to my hometown in KS. As soon was we moved home, a lot happened which began to feel like blow after blow. I kept on serving the Lord until it the trials began to feel like defeat. Continue reading Aligned with Truth Banner

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Testimonial Archive

Just to have everything in one place, I wanted to bring over the testimonials – instead of doing a separate entry for each though, I did the archive in one big post 🙂

These (and the ones included on this site) are just a fraction of the ones I hear.  God truly never ceases to amaze me at what He’ll do through a simple piece of silk 🙂

I pray they bless you!

Continue reading Testimonial Archive

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Free Indeed

This is a story shared from someone who received a scarf as a gift from a long-time customer (and friend) of Dyed4you 🙂

Anyone who knows me knows that I do NOT like the color blue! So when I initially saw the pouch for “Free Indeed”; I was a little put off at first. I looked at it and thought …..”BLUE!? Blue, Lord!? Is this woman Meghan REALLY hearing from You?!!” I remember saying to The Lord in my head…..”I don’t think so, Lord! You know how much I LOVE (sarcasm) blue!” Continue reading Free Indeed

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Covered by His Feathers

One day I got an email from our contact page from a former YWAM (Youth with a mission) missionary:

The Lord led me to your website yesterday in quite an amazing way. He has led me to begin dancing before Him with scarves in the privacy of my home during my intimate times with Him. Continue reading Covered by His Feathers

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Royal Glory

The Lord drew a fellow worshiper to the site and her first order was a number of the popular style scarves. They arrived just before she attended a worship conference – her comment when she got back was “I could feel the anointing on the worship scarves and as I danced before the Lord with them the anointing increased… I absolutely love them and will treasure them as a gift from the Lord.” Continue reading Royal Glory

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Wind & Fire

Below is a portion of a three-part story. The three scarves mentioned all have stories – Fresh Oil, Overcomer, and Wind & Fire (this story). The stories are told using a combination of feedback from Faye (the woman who ordered them), feedback from the intercessors they were for, and I (Meghan) have filled in some details as well. Continue reading Wind & Fire