Oh my but this is a visual feast! He’s using (in the order of appearance) a special order pair of XLRH quills called We Will Overcome, regular swing flags called Glory, LW quill called Under His Wings, and LWH quill called Waves of Increase. Enjoy! Continue reading Prophetic Worship
Tag: quill flags
Favored Fellowship L Quills
These bright and beautiful L quill flags are called Favored Fellowship. You’ve seen this style before (in a different pattern) in some swing flags (see them here). Enjoy the tag flying off a few second in – LOL 😉 Continue reading Favored Fellowship L Quills
MR Quill Flag Giveaway!
Guess what?! Prophetic Worship Banners and Dyed4you are teaming up to do a MR (medium round) quill flag giveaway! You get to enter by creating your own worship video!!! All the details are below 🙂 Continue reading MR Quill Flag Giveaway!
Melek Kabowd (King of Glory) XLH Quills
This is a pair of special order XLH quill flags called Melek Kabowd (which is Hebrew for King of Glory). You’ve seen video of these before – since they belong to my hubby and it’s him using them you’re likely to see them again too 😉 Continue reading Melek Kabowd (King of Glory) XLH Quills
New Life Dawning S Quills
A beautiful pair of S quill flags called New Life Dawning. You’ve seen this style before in swing flags (see the demo or see them in action by someone in the Dyed4you Community). The music is by Jesus Culture 🙂 Continue reading New Life Dawning S Quills
LFH Quills & Streamers
I did a double take when I saw this video because with the lighting I almost didn’t recognize the pair of special order LFH Righteous Warfare quill flags! You’ve seen this style several times before (Flames in Worship, A Child Enjoying LFH Quills, LFH at Bethel, and Righteous Warfare). There’s also a pair of streamers (not from Dyed4you) as well. Beautiful! Continue reading LFH Quills & Streamers
Revelation from the Throne M Quills
This is a pair of Revelation from the Throne M quill flags. You’ve seen this style before, most recently in the post showing a pair of MW quills on the Sea of Galilee. The fiery red edge on these make them so beautiful in motion!
Fragrant Offering L Quills
A pair of L quill flags called Fragrant Offering. You’ve seen this style before in a pair of MW quills only the pattern was going the other directions (lightest at the quill moving out to darkest). Sometimes He has us switch things up. In this case both are lovely 🙂 Continue reading Fragrant Offering L Quills
Zealous/Kingdom Layered Quills
This video is Nickol’s (our friend from Prophetic Worship Banners) daughter Kaitlyn during worship. She said, “The worship was especially powerful and went on an extra half hour. It was wonderful! Hope you enjoy it! The flags are XL Quills in Purple (Kingdom) and D4Y M Quills in Zealous for God. The Combination makes Zealous for God’s Kingdom!” Continue reading Zealous/Kingdom Layered Quills
Giveaway Quills
This week when someone in the D4Y Community placed an order, they purchased a pair of MR quill flags (named Every Captive Free) and asked me to use them as a giveaway! Father had me have this individual numerically pick one of the existing comments to choose who should get them. A comment back in 2012 was the winner (it happens to be one of Dyed4you’s prayer team members, Linette) and the flags are shipping today – so excited to hear the rest of this testimony as it unfolds!
Spirit & Truth Mismatched Flags
It is very rare that I create mismatched flag pairs (here’s a set I shared a while back), but this pair called Spirit & Truth (Spirit is the lighter blue and Truth the darker). They came out beautifully and with a powerful word! Here you’ll see it in the S, M and XL quill sizes. 🙂
Transformed XLR
You’ve seen Joshua with these flags before – they are a pair of XLR quills called Transformed. This style is a favorite and so beautiful in this setting where the flags really look like wings against the beautiful sky 🙂 Continue reading Transformed XLR
LFH at Bethel
This is a pair of the special order LFH (large flame-edge in the 8mm weight) Righteous Warfare quill flags. You’ve seen similar ones before (a child using one and also during worship). They look so powerful in worship! This pair is being used during worship at Bethel in Redding, CA.
Zealous for God Mini Pennants
A pair of special order mini pennant quill flags called Zealous for God. This little gems are precious and perfect for little hands… ones that would get frustrated by having silk wrapped around them (which tend to happen with some kids). Continue reading Zealous for God Mini Pennants
My 10 yr old Friend with my XLRH
This is the same pair of special order quills called Waves of Increase as were in the previous post, but this time it’s my 10 yr old friend (who you’ve seen before) using them at church – she’s so anointed and beautiful to watch! Enjoy 🙂
Waves of Increase XLRH
A beautiful pair of special order quills called Waves of Increase. These are XL quills in the heavier 8mm weight that I gave a rounded edge to (so they’re serged like the MR and MW/LW). I love the way these move and the sound they make! Continue reading Waves of Increase XLRH
PFT Shavuot (Pentecost) Conference
A couple days after our time at Beit Tikkun (which you saw the clip from), we had a conference at my home church honoring the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost). These are a couple clips from our services – what’s especially fun for me is a couple of the people in one of the videos are visitor from out of town – one in particular is an avid follower (and commenter) on this blog! In the videos you’ll see quills and swing flags and more.
Melek Kabowd on Shavuot
A quick snippet during a Shavuot (Pentecost) service at our friend’s church, Beit Tikkun (House of Healing). You’ve seen my hubby with these special order pair of 8mm weight 45″ quill flags called Melek Kabowd (Hebrew for King of Glory) before. Loved this glimpse into the awesome 3D worship we were engaged in!
Corporate Worship
A precious glimpse of corporate worship during a service at Passion for Truth. In the still I’ve captured you”ll see 4 different pairs of Dyed4you flags (2 M quills, S quills, and the mismatched swing flags that match yesterday’s post). In the video you’ll also see a pair of XL quills from Prophetic Worship Banners as well as some others.
Mismatched M Quills
A pair of mismatched M quills called Tearing Down Walls (the darker one) and Reconciliation (the lighter one). A beautiful and powerful pair of flags for intercession!