This is an awesome and powerful word that was shared with someone in the Dyed4you Community and I believe holds true for ALL of us who flag! So read, receive, and be blessed. 🙂 Continue reading Flagging as a Prophetic Act
Tag: quill wing
wings created with a non-removable flexible “quill”
Dyed4you Flags at Aglow
You may remember Amber, who shared a neat video of her quill wings being used on the Sea of Galilee several years ago. Today, she shared some shots from an Aglow International meeting in the midwest. She shared just a little to set the scene – we always love these glimpses into how you use your silks! Continue reading Dyed4you Flags at Aglow
How-to Store Your Quills & Bendies
We’ve showed how we wrap our quills for storage in other videos, but never in one short video as a quick reference so I whipped one out for you. All quills can be stored this way, and as I mention in the video, if you have a pair, you can wrap them together to keep them from getting separated. When the quills are wrapped like this they fit nicely in a tote or large purse (depending on the size quill and size purse) for traveling. Swing flags are obviously the easiest flag to travel with, but the quills light weight, ability to stack fairly easily, and reasonable size when wrapped makes them good travelers as well. Continue reading How-to Store Your Quills & Bendies
How-to Hold Your Quills
Some people have been unsure how to hold their quills (both flags and wings), and unfortunately some folks have damaged their silk by holding the quills incorrectly, so we wanted to made a quick video to help clarify. The basic premise is simple: hold gently on the ribbon between a couple fingers using the other fingers for leverage. Continue reading How-to Hold Your Quills
LQW & MQW Under His Wing
One of my very first Quill wings to be blessed with is one of these beauties called Under His wing from our popular styles. It was a bit over 2 years ago when Meghan felt that The Father wanted to bless me with it. It was simply once again confirming that He has me Under His Wing and I need NOT worry!!! Of course we can dye this style in any of our other flags, from Swing Flags to Streamers and Streamer veils. Here you can also see another blog entry from a few years back with Meghan worshiping with some beautiful Quill flags in this style 🙂 Continue reading LQW & MQW Under His Wing
Margie with Sealed Wings
I shared a pair of my Dyed4you quill wings called Sealed with my friend Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed and she shared these stunning pictures! Continue reading Margie with Sealed Wings
A beautiful Testimony
I received this amazing email a few weeks ago and simply can’t keep it for myself any longer as I feel how much it will touch and encourage others to have Faith and trust in HIS perfect timing!!!! She had some swing flags, MW quills in Trained Hands, a L veil in Mantle of Favor and many more to list of now but those are the ones  that were in this package. I’m including pictures of what she received 🙂
Waves of Increase LWH quill
This is one of the first quill wings I had the pleasure of flagging with when I became part of Dyed4you. It has been quite an experience ever since. You might have seen AJ in a video earlier this year flagging with one of these beauties and other styles during a worship performance dance. I personally love the feel of the wing as it flows around your face and almost kisses you lightly as you worship with it. It wraps around ever so gently as you dance for the Father with it 🙂 Continue reading Waves of Increase LWH quill
Constancy L Quills
This is a pair of L (large) quill flags called Constancy. You’ve seen this style before as swing flags (the demo included a blooper where I smack myself in the face I believe – LOL). Nothing quite so exciting in this video, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it all the same 😉 Continue reading Constancy L Quills
Comparing Quill to Dowel in LWH
We’ve posted a demo comparing dowel wings to quill wings in the XL size (5mm weight), and today we’re doing the same for the large wing size in the 8mm (i.e. LWH) – though this is a standard size for our quills, the dowel LWH is a special order item. Both these wings have the serged edges rather than the hand-rolled, hand-sewn. This is a great size wing whether in dowel or quill! Continue reading Comparing Quill to Dowel in LWH
AJ with L Quill Wings
You all with enjoy these anointed videos someone nabbed with their phone of our friend AJ during worship! He’s using a LW quill called Under His Wings and a LWH quill called Waves of Increase. If you haven’t gotten to enjoy any of AJ’s worship before here he is with swing flags and here he is with a variety of worship tools. Also you won’t want to miss his scarf story about breakthrough among the youth! Continue reading AJ with L Quill Wings
Meghan’s Flag Bag
As promised to my friends on our Facebook page, here is a video where I show you what I have in my portable arsenal – aka my flag bag! Swing flags in all three sizes, streamers, streamer veils, and quills gallore – most from Dyed4you, but also a couple from sister ministries Prophetic Worship Banners and Unhindered & Unashamed. I’m hoping some of YOU will reciprocate and show us what is in YOUR flag bag too! Continue reading Meghan’s Flag Bag
Quill vs. Dowel Wing Comparison
We get emails asking about the difference between quill wings and dowel wings (which are semicircles with a wing seam added), and how they flow different from each other so we thought it might be time to put up a quick blog about it that will hopefully help answer some of those questions. Also if you are not sure about which quill is for you, than you can click here and see more comparison 🙂 Continue reading Quill vs. Dowel Wing Comparison
Under His Wings LW Quill
In these videos, you’ll see me using my LW (large wing) quill called Under His Wings (which is one of our popular styles) and my very favorite flag! We’ve seen this style before – Meghan has it in a dowel wing, we’ve seen it as an 8mm semicircle voi, and it even appeared as one of the demo silks in our Basic Moves for Dancing with Scarves. The videos below were taken during a live service at Passion for Truth (PFT). You will also see some Dyed4you swing flags in the background as well a Prophetic Worship Banner quill and streamers from both ministries 🙂 Continue reading Under His Wings LW Quill
First-Time Flagger
My friend April said it best, “This little blue haired awesome girl of God has just picked up her first pair of flags. (She is)…from Greater Works. She is on their worship team and she sure is a powerhouse for Jesus.” Amen! This pair of MW quills called Sealed looks AMAZING in her hands! Continue reading First-Time Flagger
Prophetic Worship
Oh my but this is a visual feast! He’s using (in the order of appearance) a special order pair of XLRH quills called We Will Overcome, regular swing flags called Glory, LW quill called Under His Wings, and LWH quill called Waves of Increase. Enjoy! Continue reading Prophetic Worship
On the Sea of Galilee
A couple weeks ago, Amber shared an awesome story about her trip to Israel including some video of her flagging on the Sea of Galilee. In the story we got to see some pictures of this friend using the MW (medium wing) quills called Revelation from the Throne, but today we get to see video! Continue reading On the Sea of Galilee
MW Quills on the Sea of Galilee
You got to see this mom using her MW (medium wing) quills called Revelation from the Throne before she left for Israel, but now you get to see them in use in Israel on the Sea of Galilee – she shares her story below (and video below that) 🙂
Zealous for God LWH
A beautiful pair of LWH quills (large wings in the 8mm weight) called Zealous for God. You saw a pair of mini pennants in this style a couple weeks ago. Love the sound these 8mm wings make! They move so powerfully 🙂 Continue reading Zealous for God LWH
Deep Worship MW
A beautiful pair of MW (medium wing) quills called Deep Worship. You’ve seen this style many times before: as a 3yd streamer, a 22×72 scarf, as a 21×21 scarf on a future D4Y customer, and as a 22×92 scarf… just to show a few 🙂 Continue reading Deep Worship MW