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Wall Builder

This was a gift purchased by a ministry leader for one of the ministries intercessors… the first intercessor.ย  She got a 22×72 tassel tallit complete with Hebrew lettering as well as a copy of a yet-unreleased piece of Dyed4you Art called Frontline Warriors (which you’ve heard mentioned before and can see below). Continue reading Wall Builder

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Restoring Her Heart & Dance

Lovely testimony on a single swing flag in the Preparing for the Bridegroom design. You saw a pair of these before.

One of the things I love about this testimony is that it touches on a principle I’ve mentioned before, which is that the silk letters are a jumping off point – they’re the beginning of a conversation with the Father, not a conversation in its entirety ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading Restoring Her Heart & Dance

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Dyed4you Canopy

Some of you may remember about 15 months ago the Father had me get rid of my canopy. At the time He let me replace it with a beautiful Dyed4you Art River of Life display including the matching silk. Continue reading Dyed4you Canopy

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Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

You’ve seen the Unabashed Praise swing flags before, but I made some again when Father put it on my heart for this lady to have one when she ordered a single swing flag. And He totally blessed her through it ๐Ÿ™‚ Continue reading Blessing & Breakthrough at Church

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Fresh Green Pasture with our Shepherd

This is the story of a woman who received a 35×84 Jehovah Rohi silk as a gift from someone at her church (see video of her worshiping with it in a corporate setting).

On March 20, 2011, I headed to church knowing I would be taking care of the little ones for the day. I ended up having only one child to watch, and she was the pastor’s granddaughter. She loves to worship too, so I took her and we went to the sanctuary to worship! Continue reading Fresh Green Pasture with our Shepherd

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Peace Against Warfare

This silk was an interesting one because as it was being birthed a song came forth too! So I recorded it and uploaded a video of it with the camera facing the silk. When we looked at the video, a face was apparent in the silk – it was especially funny because several people who DON’T normally see things in the silk saw it because it was so clear.
Continue reading Peace Against Warfare

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Surprise Pillowcases

I love to get to be part of blessing someone – so when I got an email from Amanda E that she felt God prompted her to get a pair of pillowcases for a mutual friend, I was thrilled! Here’s her initial response:

The pillowcases are beautiful and the word with with them is so spot on and precious to me. I love the anointing oil one heart because it is literally what god has done in my marriage with my husband and it is truly been a miracle and now God is healing my family and bringing us closer than ever. Continue reading Surprise Pillowcases

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Confirmations & Symbolic Sword

God amazes me with each story He writes using these silks ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Before I share Kim’s story, I have to tell you my part of her story!

Kim shared the few pieces of the puzzle God had given her about her scarf when she ordered and immediately God told me which style to make – a modified version of The Violent Take it By Force. Continue reading Confirmations & Symbolic Sword

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“I Thirst”

One day the Lord put it on my heart to send a scarf to a woman I’d never met or even spoken to on the phone. We were connected through a mutual friend. It took me a couple weeks before I had a chance to dye the scarf and a few more days before I wrote the letter and sent it off. The letter the Lord gave me was this: Continue reading “I Thirst”