A beautiful story of a dance given at a celebration of life service featuring a variety of Dyed4you silks, including Revelation of the Hidden Things, I Stand in Awe (a mismatched pair consisting of Majesty of Heaven and Treasures of the Deep), The Beginning, Deep Worship, and Relentless Pursuit. Continue reading Celebration of Life Dance
Tag: spinners
Amazing Worship

These beautiful shots are from a ministry time during a Christmas Eve service at a church in San Diego, CA. One of the viewers described it as “Amazing!” These large spin wings (8mm) came from our Etsy store and are called Restoration.
Continue reading Amazing WorshipNewbie (Guy) Flagger Stepping Out Boldly
Fun testimony from a newbie flagger! It’s always neat to see a guy be bold and step out unashamed in worship. When the woman over the flag ministry at his church (Tabernaculo De Dios Tampa) contacted me about getting spin wings for him, I knew I was supposed to gift him a set from my collection as well. So he received not only the mismatched pair Elohim Yakol (God Most Able) – which consists of We Will Overcome and Increase – that you see in this video but Eyes Wide Open: A Message in Silk as well. To say he was blessed is an understatement! Continue reading Newbie (Guy) Flagger Stepping Out Boldly
Flagging and the Butterfly Effect
This glorious pair of regular wings called Crown of Glory were painted by one of our Dyed4you Team members. They shipped to Singapore, and their recipient shared her 5-star Etsy review followed by a lovely silk story. Continue reading Flagging and the Butterfly Effect
Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (Updated)
Quick comparison of three types of wings (spin, bendie, and swing) in our three sizes (regular, large, and XL). I try to hit pros/cons, storage, use tips, etc. and quick facts on each size are listed below. Continue reading Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (Updated)
Margie with Dyed4you Wings
We love our friend Margie Puckett of Unhindered and Unashamed. We often exchange silks and it’s fun to see her enjoying the fruits of our labors (Margie with Sealed Wings). In these videos she’s using (or sharing) flags we’ve blessed her with. Continue reading Margie with Dyed4you Wings
Glorious Worship
Mary (who you heard about a little in Mighty Confirmation) was kind enough to share several moments of worship with us. The glorious view just adds to the magnificence of the moment. Take a few minutes to bask in His sweet presence with her. Continue reading Glorious Worship
Worship at gateway:61
I upload lots of clips of worship during services at our church (gateway:61) but they don’t always make it into the blog here, so I wanted to share a few because I know they’ll be a blessing. All these videos are from a couple weeks in March 2018 (and one from a worship night in January 2018 at the top). (More pics on my personal site.) Continue reading Worship at gateway:61
An Army of Banners
During a week of 7 nights of prayer at gateway:61, there were many beautiful moments involving Dyed4you silk (which seems to happen a lot there in general), but we wanted to share a few because it’s always lovely to see banners woven in so beautifully to prayer and worship. In this first one they are a glorious prophetic declaration. Continue reading An Army of Banners
Blessing Each Other
As I (Meghan) was perusing Facebook, I saw a testimony Margie from Unhindered and Unashamed had shared as part of a giveaway she was doing. This was the testimony from Janet she had posted: Continue reading Blessing Each Other
Worship in the Storm
Some beautiful dance ministry using a pair of large Spin Wings called Radical Warfare. To see more of her worship ministry, visit her Heaven Dancer YouTube channel – we know you will be blessed! Continue reading Worship in the Storm
Called to Flag
This past week in church I had the opportunity to minister with an extraordinary young lady. She has SUCH a call to flag on her life (and when we ministered together she was using a pair of flags from our friends at Called to Flag who I shared about in our Anointed vs Counterfeit post) – everyone at our church (and those who later saw the video online) were so blessed by her worship. Continue reading Called to Flag
Eyes Wide Open: A Message in Silk
I’m still more than a little bit in shock because this morning (technically yesterday since it’s after midnight) my pastor’s message was so tied to the silks I had it could not have been clearer there is one Spirit. I’ll back up first and say that right now I’m very into unmatched pairs. In part simply because God recently began birthing multi-silk letters where the combination of two (or more) silks births an additional word. Continue reading Eyes Wide Open: A Message in Silk
Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (OLD)
NOTE: There’s a newer version of this post: Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (Updated)
Quick comparison of three types of wings (spin, bendie, and swing) in our three sizes (regular, large, and XL). I try to hit pros/cons, storage, use tips, etc. and quick facts on each size are listed below. Continue reading Comparing Wings: Spin, Bendie, & Swing (OLD)
Spirit Breaking Out at Church
Amazing service this morning at church! Total break out of the Spirit. A beautiful time of healing and ministry. Our pastor (John Kramer) started handing out flags to get everyone engaged and things really started flowing. Beautiful! More Dyed4you silk here than I could begin to cover but to name a few: Created for His Glory large bendie flag, Ascend and Consider It Joy 4yd streamers, Prophetic Flow banner flag, Steady Progress XL long quill, the long green dowel flag is one I made about a decade ago (I can’t remember the name), Righteous Warfare XL bendie flags, Passion Fire and Hearing Heart regular spin wings, Enthroned One spin wing (custom size), and more! Continue reading Spirit Breaking Out at Church
How-to Make a Capped Rod
Since folks seem to be falling in love with our spinners just as much as we have, we wanted to share the love and tell you about how the rod is constructed. As a note if you end up using our design and being blessed by it and want to do something for us to say thank you, we LOVE getting flags from other people/ministries! No pressure, but just putting it out there 😉 Continue reading How-to Make a Capped Rod
How-to Use Spin Wings
This is a quick tutorial on using our spin wings. The quick version is: these babies are easy and fun to use, no need to stick with figure eights anymore, have fun! As one friend used to say, she’d always fall over from spinning – that was from trying to not tangle “regular” flags – LOL 🙂 She loves the spin wings! Hopefully you will too 🙂 Continue reading How-to Use Spin Wings
How-to Store Spinners
This is just a quick video to show you the best way to store your spin wings. If for some reason you didn’t get a silk sleeve (sometimes they’ll get posted on Dyed4you Readymade without one), you can purchase one after the fact but it won’t be a match – just a white sleeve or one dyed in another color style. 🙂 Continue reading How-to Store Spinners
Bendies, Quills, and Spinners Oh My!
FYI we created a newer comparison video comparing Bendies/Swing Wings/Spinners.
With the introduction of two new flag options that have rods, we know some of you are likely scratching your heads wondering what the differences are between bendies, quills, and spinners. Let me start by saying I personal own and use ALL of these products. I go through seasons where I will prefer one type of tool over another, but they all are wonderful and each have their own feel. The question becomes which is right for YOU? 🙂 Continue reading Bendies, Quills, and Spinners Oh My!
Introducing Spin Wings
So excited to be introducing our spinner line! I am in LOVE with spin wings! The video below gives an overview on how they work, what makes them special, etc. As always, if you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Continue reading Introducing Spin Wings